
Indomitable Human Spirit

I looked straight ahead at all four of them and saw the leader of the Radahn Knight point his Knight's Longsword to the knights to his right who held Greatswords,Partisans, a Redmane shield and seeing the red Greatbow on his back I grinned.



The area around us started to change rather than the red sand we saw before Massive walls started to rise along with a giant castle that slowly rose and the red sky started to change into that of a powerful thunderstorm.




The red sand beneath our feet turned into a cobblestone yard with red and blue banners posted on the walls of the giant castle with shadows watching from afar with varying sizes but most were Radahn Soldiers and a surprising amount of knights in the hundreds with their swords on their back arms crossed.

Yet the one in the middle of the castle at the very top I could see clearly, and I'd be blind if I dont know who he is.

Jerren the guest commander invited by Radahn himself and one who swore an honorable death to one another. Standing tall with the eccentric set and the Flamberge infront of him looking at our duel from above sure is something.


Looking at the Knight standing behind Jerren is something puzzling as I don't recall any type of Redmane Knight having 2 knights Greatswords or gold husks adorning both his helmet and Knights Armor having gold embroidery.


But the most eyecatching part about the knight is it's missing right arm that has blood dripping along with black & red mist in his torn off right arm.

Taking this to memory I focused on the aproaching Redmane Knights and tried remembering some of their movesets.

The Knights came forward and raised their shields with their knights Greatsword on their right hand and the Redmane shield on their left hand holding it tightly not showing weakness.

???: "Before we start, I would like to know the name of the warrior we will be fighting for..."

Yggdrasil: "My name is Yggdrasil and the one who will become the elden Lord in The Lands Between"

???: You are an ambitious person Tarnished, but I'll be the one who will test you if you want to become the Elden Lord like previous lord's who went through hardships.

???: "My name is Zeldroth, Captain of the 35th Knights Squadron under the command of General Radahn! Although it is currently only us 4 here we will be representing our squadron so give us a worthy challenge tarnished!"


I smiled a bit thinking over about what he said but didn't have enough time before the blades of the knights to become flammable with flames having been coated onto the blades instantly.

I slowly started walking towards them before looking at the knight to my left and going after him first having swung the dismounter horizontally hitting the knights shield and stepping back avoiding a horizontal swing of the knight flaming sword.

I swiftly moved to the left and thrusted the blade of my uchigatana to it's exposed body that hit the armor but didn't do much damage.

I swung horizontally in a wide arc hitting both shield of the knights before swinging my Uchigatana towards both at their exposed right side that had raised their swords upwards ready to strike me.

I swung the dismounter towards their raised up swords giving me a bit more time before kicking the one on the right backwards.

I started slashing my Uchigatana hitting the knights body but the knight had suddenly released a wave of fire that threw me backwards.

I started rolling backwards and looking at the burning knights who had raging flames surrounding them I grinned.

I was confused at this development because I never remembered them have this power able to blow players away with a blast of fire.

I pulled up the system before going to my status window where I allocated more points into strength and grit my teeth as my body felt like it was being stabbed by iron nails making me stagger for a few seconds and rolling to the side avoiding a left swing.

During this time I went on the defensive rolling to the sides avoiding the fire projectiles that shot out from their swords whilst dealing with the searing pain throughout my body.

While I kept rolling I slowly started to get used to their attack patterns and soon the stabbing sensation stopped and I looked at the charging knights before walking forwards slowly.

Feeling my battered body heat up I took a deep breath before exhaling hot breaths as I tilted my head to the right dodging an arrow aiming straight for my head.

Holding the Dismounter with a firm grip I charged forwards and targeting to left most knight with his partisan raised before it threw a spectral lance at me, catching me off guard about their new move sets.

I raised both my weapons in an X-shaped stance and felt both the impact of the lance and it's slight draining effect on stamina.

I grimaced somewhat before I sidestepped as a great arrow flew past my head and I rolled forward as a knights partisan was thrusted forward.

As I rolled and the knight left himself opened to attacks I swiftly thrusted my Uchigatana underneath the knights helmet and hearing a roar of pain I grinned but it didnt last for long before I was blown away in a fiery burst.

Coughing I slowly got up and saw the Redmane knight hunched as he pulled out the Uchigatana out from underneath his helm and throw it away.

He slowly stood up as flames gathered around his body in a rush as the knight threw his shield away and gathered the flames onto his partisan as he swiftly started charging towards me with red eyes now visible from withon his helm.

Once again surprised of the current situation, I snapped out of it and charged forwards with both hands on the Dismounter.

As we neared one another we gripped our weapons in a tight grip as I swung downward aiming at his head and the knight thrusted his flaming partisan at my chest.

As we almost clashed I widened my eyes when I saw a small fireball be shot out from the tip of his partisan and blast my whole stomach through my armor.



In shock I couldn't respond quickly to his grab on my neck as he thruster his flaming partisan through my stomach making me grit my teeth in sheer fucking pain.




Yggdrassil: "Argh!"

Seeing him gathering flames on his hand and feeling the heat moving closer to my neck, I took a deep breath with the flames still burning my flesh before I yelled out my current feelings.

Yggdrasil: "THE FUCKING PAIN!!!"

I pushed forwards as more blood fell down onto the ground and I swiftly headbutted the Redmane Knight and with my other hand stabbed my uchigatana into his left shoulder through his armor.

Feeling like I was being lifted slowly I grimaced before being thrown once more but I pulled out my uchigatana from his shoulder as he fell on one knee.

Rolling across the stone carved floor I took a deep breath before I rolled to the left dodging a great arrow that hit my previous spot.

I saw the kneeling Redmane Knight and charged forward with blood spilling out my guts and armor. With the more I ran the more I felt my vision turn blurry yet I didn't stop.




Once again facing the Knight who had stood up more quickly than I thought he would but he can't move his left shoulder.

Yggdrasil: "Guess I need to finish it and take a flask of crimson tears..."

I charged forwards and saw the other two knights move towards me planning to protect their injured comrade.

Holding nothing back, I started running like my life depended on it, before I held both my weapons and seeing the right and left knights thrust his partisan and the other horizontal slash I prayed my legs would still work.

I jumped over their attacks and first swung my dismounted to the left of the injured knight's partisan thrust pushing it aside.

Taking no chances I turned my wrist with the uchigatana being on the flatside before thrusting my uchigatana into his helms slit as blood splattered and using his body as a cushion I landed ontop of his body before rolling backwards avoiding the partisans flame thrust.

Getting up, I took out a flask of crimson tears and drank it quickly as I felt my body pulse strongly as I felt my vision stop being blurry and the hole in my stomach slowly fixing itself with the red flasks healing properties.

Although it lessened the burden of my body, I still feel the pain but who gives a damn about that when you are fighting to the death just to get recognized.

I rolled forwards as a flaming partisan flew past me and with the dismounter I stepped into a low stance and braced myself as I delivered an upward strike that had the intended effect of knocking the partisan wielding knight up into the air.



???: "Gah!"

Of course, not even half a second later I was shot backwards with a gravity infused arrow with the force of the impact breaking my ribs and chest caving in as I coughed out a vast amount of blood.

The knight that was flung in the air slowly got up as a part of their armor has a dent in it and he spit out blood. Still, I needed to focus on surviving my current situation and get Zeldroths to stop firing Great Arrows at me.

I swiftly rolled towards one of the knights and the arrows seemed to have stopped momentarily but it was enough for me to know they can't attack one another.

Seeing one of the redmane knights put his shield on his back and switch to two-handing his knights greatsword I knew shit was about to get serious.

The Redmane knight moved his greatswords flatside near his face and whispered something as a type of white aura or energy had enveloped his entire body.

With a wide grin on my face I did not focus on my danger sense blaring as the other knight had a faint red hue in his helmets horizontal slits as he too held the flatside of his greatsword and a white aura covered his body.

Swiftly jumping backwards to avoid both of their combined attacks of a sword thrusts and a forceful stomp on the ground intending to knock me off balance and hit me with an downward strike.



And if that wasn't enough, I felt my entire body be flung backwards with the great arrow from Zeldroths Greatbow hitting me square in the solar plexus.

Still reeling from that heavy blow I focused on the red eyes from the charging knight before I charged forward and with a timed thrust from the Uchigatana that stopped the knights momentum.

Swiftly moving forwards I raised the dismounter and swung it down onto his helmet and thrust the Uchigatana to the second knights chest pushing him back slightly but enough time to let me thrust the Uchigatana into the stunned knight's slitted helmet.


Hearing him scream in pain I pulled back the Uchigatana that also seemed to have pulled out an eye and my insides started rumbling suddenly, ready to vomit but I forcefully held it in to focus on the incoming arrows.



I dodged to the right avoiding the arrows and thrust the Uchigatana's blade through the Knights neck and with what strength was still in my body, I started to slowly cut through his tough flesh and with a roar, I pushed my uchigatana through his entire neck and his head flew upwards with blood spraying everywhere.

I took a deep breath before suddenly rolling to the left avoiding the roaring Knights wild sword strikes and taking advantage of their vengeful state I started to swing the Dismounter and mainly hit his arm shoulders but after a few hits a lucky arrow would hit my left arm completely tearing it off.






Yggdrassil: "ARGHHH!"

I immediately fell down to my knees holding the ripped part of my arm with it spraying blood everywhere.

???: "Die!"



Yggdrasil: "Guess this is the end of me… Why am I such a stupid motherfucker for risking my life…"





As I held these thoughts in my mind I felt the Redmane Knight's sword pierce through my lungs and I looked at the knight as I coughed up blood and felt my vision turn foggy and my breaths becoming shallow every breath I took.

Until I stopped breathing and closed my eyes once I felt the knights sword be pulled back, And so I laid there with blood pouring out my body and looking at Zeldroths face full of pity and regret…

…something burned inside me, filling me with unwillingness to let it end like this and so I closed my eyes and let my consciousness fade away….


Within Yggdrassil Mindscape

An eternal darkness covered the entire realm with the body of a young man laying down with scars covering his entire body.

???: "Is this how you truly want this measely fight to end? Wouldn't you rather die fighting against an honorable warrior like yourself who can give you joy in fighting to the death…?"

Yggdrassil: "W-what are you on about? Am I hallucinating…?"

???: "Tell me, will you simply want to end things here when you haven't even reached your full potential? Or are you willing to stand up and fight once more with everything you got?"

Hearing speak more on my battle I couldn't help but remember how I gave it my all. Sometimes you can't win games made by Miyazaki who is a sadist in making every level, boss, and enemies difficult, yet for that reason alone is why I love the challenge of beating a game many others complain in and have no skill in playing.

But then again, no one has ever fought medieval knights and monsters and broken bones with torn off limbs like myself…

Wherever I am, I simply placed my arm over my head or where I think it is and started thinking on how I even got here and adapted to all of this bullshit!

Yggdrassil: "Hahaha…how did I get chosen to do this…? What the fuck is going on in my body and mind to shrug off attacks that can kill…?"

In silence I think deply of what the hell is wrong with me but thinking back on my childhood, something was always wrong with me….

Yggdrassil: "What am I…?"

???: "I don't know the answer, what are you? What makes you human? Why are you simply giving up? Didn't you want to meet these characters and fight them? Or is your conviction that low?"

Yggdrassil: "What? I never wanted to fight them I just- I-… wanted to.."

Having been hit by a realization I clenched my fist and took a deep breath and slowly got up and tried looking around but there was only an infinite darkness with a voice I hear.

???: "Have you come to realization? Do you remember now? You wished for it to happen and so it did along with your own desire to fix things that you believe are wrong"

Yggdrassil: "Hmm, is that so? Guess I got lost a little bit with my newfound power and wish to fight strong opponents…"

???: "Your close now! Remember your conviction and make it a reality and continue moving forwards…"

Hearing the voice speak of my conviction I slowly try to remember what was my conviction after spending hours reading every items descriptions, talking with the NPC's, and going back every time to see what changed or wanted to help in some way.

Yggdrassil: "But in the Lands Between, there exists no mercy for those weak willed only those who have a strong will to survive with their ideals…"

???: "Then what is your conviction Young tarnished?"

Yggdrassil: "My conviction is to save all those who have lost themselves in their journey and help them achieve their dreams in this god forsakened world full of death and suffering!"

???: "Wonderful! Then make sure your Conviction is stronger than those who oppose your conviction!"

In a world where Gods dictate what we do and Outer Gods wanting to control this world by creating chaos, I don't want to be part of it but I instinctively know I will have to.

Yet in my own mind I know I wish to defeat them all and save all those whose fate were cut short because it was programmed.

Yggdrassil: "I will make sure to hold onto my conviction to save them and change their twisted fate from the claws of death"




???: "Ah, it seems you have placed that conviction within your heart and so I wish you good luck in your journey…Show them your indomitable human spirit…"

Slowly I looked around saw rays of the sun coming through the cracks of the infinite darkness that started spreading and not long after pieces started falling and soon the entire dark landscape turned to that of colorful paradise.





With a blue sky and white flowerfield I looked around and took a deep breath before I closed my eyes as everything faded to black and I felt my painful senses come back to me at full force making me grit my teeth and look at the knights back, walking away from my corpse.

At the same time I could hear voices wanting me to take the Frenzied Flames power to take revenge along with a voice wanting me to subjugate my enemy and bring them under the Greater Will's influence.

Yggdrassil: "I don't need your help…keep your powers for others but I walk alone with no influence from Gods or Outer Gods…"

Not long after, I felt myself weaken immensely with the two Outer Gods powers diminishing every second.

But that did not deter me from my new goal, rather it further strengthened my conviction and as such, I will thrive with just my will and Spirit alone...

At the same time I saw the knight turn around and instantly his eyes turned red as he charged at me again and thrust his blade at me to which I parried with the dismounter and swiftly hit the back of his knee and he kneeled down.

Yggdrassil: "I will gain all of your approvals and lead you to a world that you can be at peace with the cycle of destined death be broken…"

Yggdrassil: "So I ask of you and many others who will join me in the future to put your trust in me and show you all my conviction…"

As I spoke the knight had stopped all movement before he moved his head down, not resisting at all and so I summoned the Dismounter and with one downward swing chopped his head off.

Yggdrassil: "Thank you for putting your trust in me Knight…all thats left is to convince you Knight Captain Zeldroth…"


Zeldroths POV

Looking at the body of the young tarnished, I felt pity for such a brilliant warrior perishing in such a battle.

As I was looking at the returning figure of the remaining Knight, I witnessed an unforgettable scene that will stick with me for a long time.

I saw the Tarnished slowly get up with what appears to be golden light circling around him along with sparks of yellow flames appearing near the bloody stump on his body.

But that wasn't the most striking thing about the tarnished…it were his bright yellow eyes...

His eyes held indescribable power within them with golden flames swirling around his pupils but he took a deep breath and whispered something before both the golden light and yellow flames dissapeared from his eyes and body surprising me.

Zeldroth: "Why did you not accept the gift of power…?"

Although I asked silently, it seems the warrior known as Yggdrassil heard me and looked at me with a fire lit in his eyes that seemed to find a conviction to fight and something within me made me put away my Greatbow and pull out my Knights Greatsword and start to walk towards the young Tarnished.

As I saw my last Knight kneel down before having his head chopped off with the Tarnished Dismounter. I knew his conviction had been heard.

Hearing him speaking of his own ideal that resonated with me, as the Knight Captain I will test his conviction and see for myself your very own conviction….

Yggdrassil: "Thank you for putting your trust in me Knight…all thats left is to convince you Knight Captain Zeldroth…"

He looked at me and I smiled before I gripped my Knights Greatsword and continued to walk towards the Tarnished with my Greatsword lighting up in our Redmanes Flame Art.

Zeldroth: "Then let us end this fight with you proving your conviction to me and showing the Lords whom you are!"


Yggdrassil POV

With the Dismounter held tightly in my right arm, I smiled and charged forward with the dismounter hanging downward.

Once we neared one another we both swung our swords and sparks flew as our blades crashed against one another.




Although I tried to stand my ground in our clash, I was still weak and I only had one last Crimson Tears flask remaining, which I would save for extreme situations.


Slowly I was pushed back before I backed off and ducked a horizontal swing and swung once again hitting Zeldroth's armor and rolled backwards as be thrust his sword forwards.


I swiftly turned sideways avoiding an overhead swing before hitting Zeldroths helmet and taking the opportunity for a hit, I shoulder tackled him in his chest before stabbing Dismounter into his chest but his plated armor stopped it and only bounced off his armor.


Zeldroth: "Try again… young Tarnished.."


With a sudden kick to my solar plexus I coughed before his knights greatsword stabbed through my flesh and I grit my teeth before using my FP or mana in simpler terms, and coated it onto the Dismounter before thrusting it into his waist and this time it didn't bounce off but stabbed through his armor.



Zeldroth: "Arghh! Hah! What a *cough* surprise"

I grinned before I headbutted him and giving it my best shot, I kicked him off and we both kneeled back holding our wounds that were profusely bleeding and it seems my body was in a severe situation with Zeldroth getting up first.

As he picked up his sword I slowly started to get up and seeing him walk into my range with his knights sword raised, I focused and switched the Dismounter to the Uchigatana before infusing the blade with mana and thrusting through his chest and he coughed up blood and kneeled on one leg whilst clutching his chest.



I looked at him with a grin which he returned with his own and suddenly he was set ablaze in the Redmanes Flames and reeled back his fist before he punched me in my face and I felt the heavy flaming fist.



Yggdrassil: "Hah!"

As I was launched from the impact of his punch I let go of my Uchigatana and rolled on the floor for a few seconds before I groggily got up only to be met with an flaming overhead strike trying to decapitate me.


I grinned before rolling to the right but Zeldroth waved his hand and flames sparked towards me burning my face and gave him enough time to stab his greatsword into my chest once more.



Yggdrassil: "Well fuck… *cough*…Blargh!"

As I coughed up blood once more I looked at the Redmane Knight Captain whom had his entire right arm set ablaze and ready to kill me in one strike.

Zeldroth: "It seems your end is now… *cough* it was truly a great battle…"

As I looked at the man whom I had clashed against, I simply smiled before I used the remaining mana I had to knock him backwards.




As he crashed into the castles walls, I quickly grabbed my remaining crimson flask and chugged it down and felt my entire body be reinvigorated with strength but I knew I wasn't back to full health yet.

I grinned before rushing forwards and with the Dismounter in hand I sprinted forwards until Zeldroth got up and rushed towards me with red blood pooling out of his injured body.







As we met in the very middle of the castle's courtyard, we clashed swords with every swing pushing us back but we clash once more.




I lean back as he swung horizontally and swung back to his ribs hitting him but not doing much with the blade bouncing back from his armor.

Trying to maneuver around him I decided to just parry his trikes and counterattack with the Uchigatana.

I pressed forwards blocking his heavy blows before finding an opportunity to parry his strike as I tilted the Dismounter enough for Zeldroths knight sword to hit the ground.




With my left arm missing the only place I could wield a weapon was with my mouth and I wasted no time in headbutting Zeldroth pushing him back.

It gave me enough time to summon my Uchigatana's handle into my mouth and I turned my head sideways before trying to stab the blade into his neck but he had raised his empty palm to block the stab.




Zeldroth: "Ah, quite the sharp pain…do better…"

Not long after my strike was stopped I let go of the Uchigatana's handle with my teeth but it was too late.




His knight greatsword stabbed through my hardened leather armor making me groan in pain but giving it my all I raised my dismounter and stabbed through the opening in his lower armpit as blood pooled down and he groaned in agony.

Yggdrassil: "ARGHH!"

Zeldroth: "…Cough…Hah! Incredible perception as always…"

As we both stood there with both our weapons stabbed into each others bodies we looked into each others eyes.

Staring defiantly at Zeldroth I was gonna speak but he spoke first and asked me to end it all in an honorable duel with our fists.

Zeldroth: "So, do you wish to…cough…?"

Yggdrassil: "Sure thing….but if you drop down first you enter into my service…cough!"

Zeldroth nodded and we both lifted our remaining arms and shook hands before we backed away abit before we slowly started taking out our opponents swords out of our injured bodies.



Both: "Argh!"

2 minutes later

Yggdrassil: "So, you ready to go?"

Zeldroth: "Ready as ill ever be young tarnished…"

Within seconds we rushed towards one another and with our right fists reeled back we punched forwards and our fists clashed.




Still, it seemed I forgot that the Redmane knights are always fighting nonstop so his fist pushed mine back as it hit my face knocking out two of my teeth.


I leaned to the right as another punch aimed for my head but I dodged and I punched his elbow joint and leaned to the right as another of his fists tried hitting my head.



I hit the same spot as before and instead of leaning to dodge his fist I pushed forwards and lowered my body and reeled back my fist before sending out a fist into his chin.





When my fist connected I managed to take off his helmet and he reeled his head back but his fist burst into flames and connected as it hit my head hard.



With his fist hitting my head, it had made my head to end up in the ground and my vision became blurry but that didn't stop me from getting up quickly and roaring before I started pummeling him in punches.





As I kept pummeling him, he had crossed his arm over his head. I kept attacking his face but he headbutted me and punched me in my face once again.



With my head feeling like it was almost ripped off I steeled myself as I roared out all my agony before reeling back my fist and moved my head to the right as Zeldroths heavy fist passed my face.



I performed an uppercut that made him reel back in pain and sent quick jabs to his face which out of the three jabs only one managed to hit him again.

4 minutes later

Narrator POV

With both men breathing heavy, it appears that the ending is drawing near with how exhausted both are with their injuries.

On one side was Yggdrassil with his armor battered and torn with blood and scorched marks in it. Blood kept coming out his critically wounded body yet he stood strong with a passionate flame within his eyes.

On the other side was Zeldroth who had his armor dented from earlier clashes along with some fist like dents.

Although Zeldroth was capable of continuing the fight, he couldn't due to Yggdrassil's continuous assault towards his ribs that hit his liver multiple times.

Zeldroth: "Hah…cough… to think you could immobilize me this quickly

Yggdrassil: "Hah, if you fight tough opponents, repeatedly hit their weak spots otherwise you will die in a ditch…."

With whatever strength I had left I rushed forwards and avoided his flaming punches that seemed to lose a lot of their momentum with his elbow being broken.



I smiled as I dodged his fists and with a final hit from my punch, his head to the side from my fists impacts but at the same time he fell down onto the ground.

Zeldroth: "Hah, how wonderful…but this is the end…"

Yggdrassil: "Indeed, so ill just guess I need to fully kill you for this to end in my win…?"

He simply nodded and I slowly moved my broken body with a steady steps and once I neared his body I pulled out my uchigatana before I pointed it at his throat.

Zeldroth: "You might be the most powerful tarnished ive seen with a conviction like yours…cough!"

Yggdrassil: "Well I do need to follow through and ensure I can fullfill my conviction…"

Zeldroth: "Very well then, I Zeldroth, Captain of the 35th Redmane Knight Squadron pledge my allegiance to the tarnished named Yggdrassil to be our new Lord!"

I looked at him before trying to chuckle but it ended up in me coughing up blood. I just nodded and just when I was about to stab my Uchigatana through his neck he spoke solemly.

Zeldroth: "One last thing…I speak for all of the Redmane Knights, Servants, and Commander Jerren…Deliver our lord his long needed rest…"

Yggdrassil: "Thats what I intended to do long before we fought…I hope we come to be good friends in the time we meet"

Zeldroth was surprised, but showed a genuine smile before he nodded at me and I stabbed my blade through his neck and slowly cut off his head and the announcer, Jerren spoke aloud for all to hear.




ALL Redmane Knights: "AYE!!! LIBERATE OUR LORD!!!"

Seeing all of the Redmane Knights shout loudly at once made me think about how cool it would be to have a large army to command and follow orders but at the same time other thoughts appeared mainly about how I would hide them with how big their numbers might become.

But seeing them all waiting for a response from me, I took a deep breath before shouting back loudly.


After Saying that the ground started shaking and the entire sky started turning black and all I could hear before I returned to the lush forest was Jerrens words.

Jerren: "I will hold it to you for helping my dear friend finally rest at last…."

[Duel ended, returning to world]

As I opened my eyes I looked at the surroundings I lifted my arms and looked at my now returned left arms and clenched my fists.

Yggdrassil: "Damn, guess I have everything back…"

[Indeed! But would you like to summon all your new subordinates or wait?"

Yggdrassil: "Ill summon them now and guess ill travel around since the suns still up"

[Understood! Summoning Redmane Knight Squadron!]

Within moments The entire Redmane Knights I faced before appeared before me in motes of light, Zeldroth and another Redmane Knight were on their horses with the other 3 staying on guard.

Zeldroth: "We answer our Lords call, it is nice to see you again Lord…"

I simply smiled and told them to move out with me to see where we were at the moment. And so we walked through the forests until we heard the sounds of fightning going on and shouting surpring me.

???: "Damnit! Theres too many Briar Weasels!"

???: "Damnit, leave the level 30's back as meatshields!"

???: "W-why you!"

???: "Tohya, theres 4 more briar weasels heading your way!"

As the trees started clearing out somewhat, I saw a group of three young people be surrounded by what seemed to be a large group of red tailed weasels.

At the same time I saw the other adult men run away and leave the three kids back to defend themselves. I made sure to memorize their armor, hair, and face.

Yggdrassil: "Hey, lets save these three and ask them what happened!"

Zeldroth nodded and took out his Greatbow and pulled back an arrow and aimed it at the weasel that lunged towards the girl with a white and red kimono.



As it pierced through the weasels flesh it penetrated through another two weasels impaling them into a tree.

???: "Wh-"



Once the weasels were focused on us the other knights lit their greatswords ablaze and charged forwards with their shields ready.









As the weasels focused their attacks on the four front line knights, Zeldroth kept shooting arrows at the small creatues with accuracy and I prioritized saving the three kids first.





As I rushed multiple weasels tried lunging at me but were met with a swift strike to the neck by Uchigatana or punched away only to be met with an arrow from Zeldroth.

I neared them and slashed through any of the weasels near the kids and once I killed the weasels nearby I took a quick look at all three to see if their injured.

Yggdrassil: "Hey you three kids good?"

???: "Uh, y-es"

???: "Thanks for coming to our help mister!"

Tohya: "Um, we need to head back towards our captain so if you-"

Yggdrassil: "To the people who left you behind?"

Tohya: "Well we can't do anything about it…"

Hearing him say that my brows furrowed as I thought of something dark all of a sudden making me clench my fist.

Yggdrassil: "Are the three of you being forced by those people…?"

Minori: "Y-yes! But we cant do anything about it because of their guild!"

Yggdrassil: "Then ill protect you three from those bad people!"

Tohya: "But mister, they are a large group that can call hundreds of players!"

I simply smiled and told them not to worry and as I stared at the direction the previous 4 people left.

Not long after all four knights finished killing the rest of the weasels I saw the former 4 people return with two extra members.

???: "Hey you there! Give us back our guildmates if you don't want to get into trouble!"

Looking at each of them more closely I noticed all of their dark attires and masks before sighing and I pointed at the one that looks like the captain.




An arrow flew past my head and tore through the mans neck and impaled him into a nearby tree instantly turning him into a pile of gold coins and loot dropping from his body.

Yggdrassil: "Interesting…but peace was never an option! All three of you turn around and close your eyes!"

I charged forward and with an overhead swing struck the nearest fighter who blocked it but I kicked his lower body and as he backed off I grabbed him by his hair and threw him to my right.




???: "ARGHH! You bit-"

In that moment he was stabbed from behind by a flaming partisan and his body lit up in flames as he screamed for help.

???: "ARGH!!! SOME- ARGHH!!! HELP ME!!!-"

I focused on the assasin rushing towards me as I lowered my body and rushed forwards clashing with the cloaked womans poisoned daggers.

With my other hand I summoned the Dismounter and slashed to my left as another assasin tried striking me but Zeldroths arrow tore through their armor and pinned them into a tree.

Zeldroth POV




I fired another arrow to the mans skull ending its life as coins and valuables dropped on the ground.



???: "How can he have aimb-!"

As I kept firing arrows at the targets that werent agile I felt my instincts flare and in an instant I reigned my horses leash as I got out just in time before a large fire ball blew up the previous location I was in.

But now that im here, Its time to assist my new lord. I quickly changed my weapon to my greatsword and shield as I headed to our lord and slashed my weapon at the assasin who had to back off the lord.


As the assassin threw dagger at me I blocked with my shield and rushed towards the mage who was throwing fireballs at another knight.


???: "Damnit! How the fuck are these-"


???: "NPC's so hard to deal with!"

???: "Lightning bolt!"

I rushed and jumped from my horse as a bolt of lightning was launched at me from the tree line.

I quickly moved towards the mage who startled tried activating spells but it was enough distance for me to infuse flames the flames in my greatsword and threw them at the unexpecting mage .



???: "ARGHH!!! IT BURNS!!!"

I quickly stabbed my greatsword through his body and launched it towards what I could only say was a druid healing his teammates.

???: "Wah- OOF!"

I ran forwards and stabbed through the druids body and gripped his head before encasing it into fire not caring for his pleas of Agony for they have been forsaken by the Lord.

Seeing the last one remaining be the female Assasin fighting the lord, I swiftly changed my weapon back to my Greatbow and prepared an arrow until the young Lord raised his palm and I stopped momentarily.

Soon he started swinging his blade against the assasin who deflected his strikes or threw poison darts.





???: "Damnit! You guys really want to be hunted huh!?"

Yggdrassil: "Shut it….I don't have time for kidnappers like you"

He swung and finally encased his blade with mana before striking again but this time there wasn't any deflecting blow but her dagger broke in half and his blade struck through her stomach.

???: "Wh- cough! Tch, you better watch your back you-"

Not hesitating the lord had cut off her head cleanly off as her body turned into coins and valuables which still surprise me.

I whistled and my loyal mount came around again and I got on before I directed it towards the young lord.

Zeldroth: "What do tou wish for us to do lord?"

Yggdrassil: "For now take everything they had dropped and then we help bring these three to their guardians"

Yggdrassil POV

Yggdrassil: "Well, it's time for you three to follow us and try to get rid of your old guild"

Minori: "Ah? Thank tou very much mister!"

Yggdrassil: "No worries! But lets head towards your guardians!"

Not long after we departed after gathering the loot which I gave to the three kids who didn't want to accept but I simply told them to take it.

Not long after I told Zeldroth and the other Redmane Knight if they could step off their horses and let the three kids ontop of them.

Zeldroth: "Understood Lord!"

???: "As the Lord Wishes!"

Both soon stepped down from their horses and lifted the three kids up and placed them onto the horses.

Tohya: "W-Why are these horses so tall!"

Minori: "Haha, this is how adults see the world right Mizuki?"

Mizuki: "Uh yes? But taking a closer look, these guys are very tall!"

All three kids simultaneously looked at the tall Redmane Knights before looking back at me which made me chuckle already knowing what they will say.

Tohya: "Not to be rude, but how did you manage to get them under your command if you dont mind me asking?"

Yggdrassil: "Right, well I beat them all with tooth and nail and gained their respect which led to this!"

Minori: "Ah? But they look from a different world with how their armor looks!"

Yggdrassil: "Indeed, but I just happened to come across them"

Mizuki: "Hmm, there are still the other kids and players stuck inside the guild base!"

Yggdrassil: "Is that so? Then I might need your friends help in helping the others be free"

Minori: "Yes! Shiroe can help us with freeing the others but they will be on high alert with more guards in the guild base stopping us from leaving the Hamelin Guild…"

I nodded and we headed towards their city taking the route the Hamelin people took and slowly looking at the abandoned and mossy buildings in the side of the roads.

30 minutes later

As we arrived into the apocalyptic state of the city, I grimaced not knowing how or why this happened along with the gaming terms the other people had shouted.

But as I was in deep thought I failed to notice the figures of four people who were waiting ahead with surprised and amazed looks on their faces.

Minori: "Shiroe! Were finally back!"

Tohya: "Hey its Shiroe Mizuki!"

Minori had gotten off the tall horse carefully before running towards Shiroe alongside the other two kids and I smiled filled with satisfaction of doing a good deed.

Once we neared fully, I saw a man with a white robe and a wooden staff look at me seriously before sighing and walking forwards after he had hugged both kids.

Shiroe: "Nice to meet the saviour of my two friends mr…?"

Yggdrassil: "Yggdrassil, Its nice to meet you Mr Shiroe"

Shiroe: "Likewise, but if you dont mind me asking, are the five Knights behind you NPC's"

Yggdrassil: "Well, their my subordinates I managed to win over to my side but if you don't mind me asking about who the Hamelin Guild is?"

Shiroe focused and nodded but told me to head somewhere private where we could talk more discretely especially with the tall western knights.

Yggdrassil: "Indeed, then I will follow you so we could speak privately"

Shiroe: "Of course"

And so we left the place and headed towards the Guild Base where we would start talking more in depth.





To he continued

Next chapter