
Chapter CXXVI - Great Expectations

Merac cursed under his breath at the notification, "Grimbald! You useless son of a b****!" He looked up as the smoke dispersed, revealing Artox standing resolute, returning a glare back at him.

He gritted his teeth in frustration, watching as the Paladin crouched down and his sword began glowing. Merac spun his two swords repeatedly as the blades started burning red, steam floating off the tips of the blades.

Artox crouched further down, his sword horizontal with his shield, pointing towards Merac. He squinted his eyes, glaring as his foe prepared a counter. He immediately launched himself forward, flying along the ground.

Merac crossed both of his swords before him, blocking the attack, but the force knocked him back a few meters, his feet skidding against the destroyed cobblestone. He roared loudly, puffing his chest out as he threw both of his arms out, his swords pointing towards the sky.

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