
Back to the city

Cameron received the news from Jake that Ava was returning to the city. His heart raced with a mix of hope and anxiety. However, Jake's advice was clear: he needed to be patient and cautious in his approach.

"Listen, Cameron," Jake said firmly. "You can't just rush to meet her as soon as she arrives. She's been through a lot, and her feelings towards you have changed. She feels betrayed and hurt. You need to give her space and time."

Cameron nodded, though the thought of waiting even longer to see Ava pained him. "I understand, Jake. But how do I prove that she is only in my heart?"

Jake sighed, sensing his brother's turmoil. "Start by respecting her boundaries. Let her settle in and get comfortable. Approach her carefully, show her through your actions that you've changed, that you're there for her. It's going to take time for her to trust you again."

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