
His happiness

" Ava...wait...please...." he pleaded.

" Ava..." he repeated softly. Ava turned around and looked into his eyes. He was not sure whether to talk with her about his weakness. And he was not ready to stay away from him. He was not ready to lose her.

" Are you okay with my conditions? If you are okay with it then I will continue in my job because I don't want to mark my name with a playboy. It is in your hand to either resign from the job or change yourself" she said in a stern tone.

After knowing his past from Kevin, she was so determined to make him change for good. She would do anything to change him into a true gentleman. He looked at her sceptically.

" If it is so difficult to change yourself for the better then think how I felt when I came to know about the articles about us without my mistake...." she questioned. He looked into her eyes and noticed hidden tears in them. He knew that she was right.

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