
Chapter 4 A helping hand

Morning came and Issei slowly woke up, but the problem was, he couldn't move. Opening his eyes, he saw his mate on his left hugging his arm, and Ophis on the right doing the same.

Issei didn't even know how to react to this, after everything that happened to him, he isn't that much of a pervert because people kept using that side of him to manipulate. They had just to show a pair of oppai, and he'd do anything, at least it worked, that is until now...

He tried to get free from his morning prison, not that he wasn't enjoying this, but because he had to go to the bathroom really badly. Besides that, he was really hungry, after all, he didn't eat anything for a long time.

But his plan failed...

Valerica woke up and saw Issei trying to get out carefully.

"Good morning Issei" Greeted Valerica with a sleepy voice as she looked at him.

Issei flinched, because he failed to escape.

"G-g-good morning Val" Stuttered Issei.

"Where are you going?" Asked Valerica.

"Bathroom?" Replied Issei.

"First I want to talk to you about yesterday...." Said Valerica.

Issei didn't want to talk about what happened yesterday, but the glare that Valerica gave him, it gave him mad chills.

'Women are scary'..... thought Issei.

"Alright, what do you want to know?" Asked issei.

"First, why is Ophis keep hugging you?" Asked curious and amused Valerica because of the dragon god's actions.

"Well, we are friends now, I told her that friends give hugs, she didn't know what hugs were, so I hugged her, but she likes it a lot now and can't stop it"

Valerica was shocked, Ophis likes something else besides her silence and wants hugs...

"Anything else you want to know?" Asked Issei.

"What were you talking about with Ophis that made you cry?"Asked concerned Valerica.

"Well..... I found out that I was being used all along.... from the very start..... Replied Issei.

"What do you mean?" Asked Valerica.

"What I mean is that my death was planned all along .... Rias taught that if I get killed by a fallen, she could just swoop in, and revive me to get my eternal loyalty, power, and a new piece....." Replied Issei holding his rage.

...[DIVIDE DIVIDE DIVIDE!] Roared Ddraig.

"If she would've just asked me and explained about the supernatural, I would've gladly joined her peerage....." Said issei.

"Plus, she knew I was a pervert..... so she just used that side of me, so I would do anything she wanted..."Said Issei with a blank look.

"But now that will change... I'm no pervert anymore, and no one will use me ever again...." Said Issei firmly.

"Awww, but I liked that side of yours, it's amusing" pouted Valerica trying to lighten the mood.

"I'll be a pervert for you whenever you want empress~" Teased Issei.

Valerica blushed a bit, but stood up from the bed, and went to the door.

"I'll make some breakfast for us, so go take a shower and come downstairs" Said Valerica before leaving.

After a shower, Issei went downstairs. There he met Valerica and the others were already awake, eating breakfast or just drinking coffee.

"Good morning Issei" Greeted everyone.

"Morning everyone" Issei greeted back.

"Just on time Issei, sit down I made you breakfast and coffee" Said Valerica with a bright smile.

"Alright, what's on the menu?" Asked Issei.

"Eggs, bacon, and pancakes" Replied Valerica cheerfully.

"Sounds great" Said Issei as he sat down.

Issei ate a whole lot like a hungry dragon that he was.

All of the present people were shocked by the appetite issei had.

They were enjoying their breakfast until issei decided to ask a question.

"So, you are still in the chaos brigade?" Asked issei.

"Actually we were planning to leave the brigade as we have no use for it anymore and we feel like there are a lot of things hidden from us" Explained Valerica.

"Really? So you're gonna join the alliance?" Asked Issei.

"Well that is better than hiding but we are still dangerous criminals in the faction's eyes even if we leave the brigade" Said Arthur.

"I see, why don't you just stay in the brigade?" Asked issei.

"What do you mean? didn't you hear me? I explained why" Said Valerica again.

"What I mean is that you can be spies and the factions will take you as allies and not enemies so you won't have to hide or run" Explained Issei.

"Hmm.. that's not a bad idea" Said Valerica.

"Well that's just my thought" Said Issei as she considered the idea.

After breakfast Issei decided to train with 'Ascalon'. He knew exactly who to ask for some lessons.

Just on time, he saw the person walking towards the training grounds.

"Hey Arthur, I have a favour to ask of you" Said Issei as he caught up to him.

"Yeah? what is it Issei?" Replied Arthur politely.

"Can you train me to use 'Ascalon'? I'm not the best with swords, so it's a waste having 'Ascalon' and not knowing how to use it" Said Issei.

After a moment of thinking, Arthur replied.

"Sure, I have no problems with that, I was going to train anyways, so why not?" Said Arthur.

"Sweet, thanks Arthur" Thanked Issei.

"Sure, no problem" Said Arthur.

"Maybe you want to spar with me too Issei? Said Bikou mockingly as he walked with Le fay past them.

"When I'll need a punching bag I'll call you" Replied Issei.

Le Fay giggled at this while Bikou grumbled like an old man.


Issei was covered in sweat with his gauntlet activated holding 'Ascalon'. His arms legs and torso were bruised up and bleeding a little bit.

Not from Arthur's blade, his skin was too strong for simple blades like that.

He cut himself as he was sloppy with the sword and now because he was a dragon, Ascalon did some damage just from touching Issei's body with its sharp edges.

On the other hand, Arthur was standing with the Excalibur ruler in his hand and in a lot better condition.

"Dam Arthur, you sure know how to use that thing" Said exhausted Issei.

"You are not so bad yourself, but you need a lot of practice" Said Arthur.

"Yeah, and you'll help me with that right?" Said Issei.

"Sure thing, but don't expect it to be easy, I'll make it hell for you, but at least it will help you a lot" Replied Arthur.

Issei paled a little at his words. With that, they finished and went to clean up.

After cleaning up he wanted to ask White Empress team why they decided to join the chaos brigade. He decided to ask that later, right now he wanted to relax and maybe take a nap.


Issei was standing behind Kuroka's bedroom and with a knock he heard a 'Come in Nya~.

He opened the door and walked in.

"Oh Issei, what do you want? Did you come here to give me kittens? nya~" Asked Kuroka playfully

" No..... I just wanted to talk to you about something...." said Issei.

"Okay, what about? Nya~" Asked Kuroka.

"Well, why did you join the chaos brigade?" Asked Issei.

Kuroka hesitated to answer but saw no reason to hide it.

"I did it because when I was a stray, people haunted me and I had no place to stay, but one day Valerica saved me from devil hunters and offered me to join her, so I would be safe and would have a place to stay" Answered Kuroka seriously.

"Oh, that explains that, but..... why did you kill your master?" Asked Issei.

Kuroka flinched at the mention of her master, and Issei noticed her reaction.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" Said Issei.

"No no, it's alright, I'll tell you" Said Kuroka.

"You see, when I was in his peerage, he did a lot of experiments on us to make us super devils. After he was done with me, he decided to do it to my sister Shirone... But I didn't want that, I wanted to protect her, that's why I killed our master" Replied Kuroka sobbing.

Issei hurriedly hugged Kuroka to calm her down.

After ten minutes of crying and hugging, Kuroka calmed down.

"Kuroka I...I'll help you to get your sister back, I'll convince her that you're innocent, I'll do anything to reunite you with your sister..." Said Issei with determination.

"Really! you'll do it?!..... but I thought you hated her after what she did to you..." Said Kuroka.

"I do...but I don't hate you, and I want to help you" Said Issei.

"I have a book that my master used to write down his experiments..... here take it" Said Kuroka after she took an old-looking book from a pocket dimension.

Issei opened the book and after a couple of minutes of reading, he paled and had a face full of horror.

He couldn't believe that Kuroka went through all that horrific experience.

Issei was now filled with rage.

"THAT SICK BASTARD!" Shouted Issei but Ddraig reduced his rage.

.....[DIVIDE].....[DIVIDE]..... Roared Ddraig throughout the room.

"I'll help you with your sister, don't worry Kuroka" Said Issei while smiling reassuringly.

"Thank you!" Said Kuroka and hugged him.

Later that day he helped Le Fay with preparing dinner.

"Le Fay, I have a question" Said Issei.

"Yeah Issei, what is it?" Asked Le Fay.

"Why did you and Arthur join the chaos brigade?" Asked Issei.

"Well... My brother was the next heir of the Pendragon family, he was engaged to another noblewoman, and he was quite fond of her until he fell in love with a maid in his mansion. Her name is Elaine. As time went on both of them built strong feelings for each other.

And to avoid any problems he informed his fiance that he is in love with Elaine and wanted the engagement broken because he didn't love her. His fiance agreed because she understood him. However, she told our father about that and our father pressured my brother to marry his fiance or the maid will be executed.

He didn't want to marry her nor did he want Elaine executed.

He decided to steal the Excalibur ruler and Caliburn and run away, saying if they do anything to Elaine he will give the swords to the church. I really love my brother and I like Elaine, I even call her sister, so I ran away with Arthur and Valerica found us one day in a small cave where we lived for a couple of days.

She offered us to join her for safety, home, and food. We agreed to join her, and here we are"

Said saddened Le Fay.

Issei was quite shocked that Arthur went through something like that.

"Le Fay, what if I told you that I would go and raid that mansion to rescue Elaine?" Said Issei calmly while chopping the ingredients.

Le Fay froze as she couldn't believe that Issei would do something like this for her and her brother.

"You really would do it??!" Le Fay questioned Issei with excitement.

"Sure, why not, he is a good friend and you are like a little sister to me, so I would love to help you in any way I can" Said Issei with determination.

Le Fay immediately hugged Issei and started to sob while repeating 'thank you over and over again.

After a couple of minutes, Le fay returned to her task.

"It's no problem, just don't tell anyone about this, I want to surprise Arthur, alright?" Said Issei with a smile

"Okay!" replied excited Le Fay.

"By the way, later I'll need you to tell me the location of that mansion, I plan to raid it tomorrow early in the morning or later at night" Said Issei.

"Alright" Replied Le Fay.

After that, they finished making dinner and prepared the table.

As they finished their dinner, they all went to sleep. But unknown to Issei, someone snuck into his room while he slept.....

Next chapter