
chapter 2

Darrkness, bubbles flowing of liquid

Ethan could see nothing

the only feeling he had was being in some type of fluid at first he thought that he was in his mother's stomach but then he noticed a mask on his face for breathing

confused as he remembered that babys didn't have any other tube other than umbilical cord

as he was pondering this a loud metal screeching sound came ..screeee...

light flashed in the room he was in he started panicking flailing around his Arms to no avail and then he noticed that he was in a translucent plastic ball hung on to the ceiling with tubes going down to some jars his arms attached with pipes

A horrible promotion flashed in his mind he looked around finding that there were other such bags most of them were filled with black substance and some that were had boys inside them like he was with pipes on there body

his horrible thought entered his mind

A pain flashed in his mind so bad that it was like when you had a hangover from previous night party

information flooded his mind memories that were not his own came parents and other memories

his first thought's were not ' where am I '

but 'fuck you God you told me to be reborn but

fucking transmigrated me "

light flooded the room a man with mohawk style hair and a diamond shaped mark on his chin he was accompanied by a white hair person with black spectacles with orange glasses he had a cigarette in his mouth

" Experiment 11-b this specimens has a large chakra reserve and blood group AB positive he has shown great statics and is one of the child which is likely to survive " huffed the spectacled guy

"Amado you told the same thing for the last boy now let us see what he brings " spoke the mohawk guy he came near the pot had submerged his hand inside the pot the fluid instantly turned black and started flowing upwards the black fluid then infected his ball blurring his vision

A pain greater than before harrowing his bones his body started convulsions slowly the pain crawled upward upon his chest

his body racked with the pain he screamed but to no avail

the mohawk person started laughing

" fuck you jigen fuck you isshiki fuck you God for transmigrating me instead of reincarnation

fuck,fuck,fuck,fuuuuuuk " he yelled in his mind

slowly his conscious faded

ten minutes later

"Lord jigen he survived " Amado spoke in soft voice

" hmm bring him down " jigen murmured

Amado flicked his finger two robots slowly plucked out the ball and slowly bring it down

as the ball opened the fluid inside came out the body of a three old boy floated out

Amado crouched down his face frowned when he looked at is hand

" lord jigen the karma is white " Amado murmured which was loud enough for jigen to hear

jigen frowned and then turned around " there is still Kawaki left I have great hopes for him..." jigen turned around to face the last bag

" you won't disappointed me will you, Kawaki "

"what about this one then lord jigen " Amado asked

" Bring him he might become a inner member like Delta if nurtured properly "

Amado nodded then proceed to check his vitals

" Another one of the humans who can withstand the power of otsutsuki clan

May be this worthless world has some worth "

thought Jigen

Amado ordered the robots to pick up the boy and send him to a room

jigen the went to the last mud container and proceeding to submerge his arm in the container


In a dim lighted room a three year boy was seen lying on a metal bed a small angular face with baby fat still on it black spiky hair his eyes fluttered and slowly opened revealing glowing green eyes which glowed in the dim lighted room his face would have been more handsome if he was not malnutritioned

standing up he looked around the room

the room was simple white coloured with a single bed a desk and a sink with mirror there were two doors one made of metal with roman numerical ten on it and other a wooden door most likely a wash room

sighing Ethan or rather his new name Indra thought

" I should move on but now that I am in kara I will have to suffer more this will be hell but if I live through this I will become very powerfull"

looking at his right hand " hun..so this is the new karma which Delta had I only know this that with this isshiki cannot possess me and I can become a otsutsuki if I eat a chakra fruit

I will not hold against God as he had already given me appropriate compensation "

slowly folding his legs hunder him he entered a meditative stage in the recess of his mind

he found the skill creation he found out that he can make anything but he needed the chemical formula ( structure) and design of the item to make and fat as he had not unlocked second stage

"fuck you God " yelled Indra towards the ceiling


# somewhere else#


silhouette threw out a mouthful of tea because of the untimely sneeze

" you too my boy" he replied angrily


bang bang " shut up kid before I come Inside and beat you up " someone angrily yelled

quiting down he sat down and slowly started remembering elements of past

Iron, radium , uranium , carbon , magnesium ,lithium and other elements he had studied the whole periodic table to answer in exams now trying to remember them is not hard

A small iron ball appeared on his hand the ball was shiny making the ball made him remember that he was Hungry and slowly leaned back groaning

he pulled himself together and stood up

he crouched down and performed a push up

a single sit up and some punches in air

as he could not do anything more

lying down on the bed he slowly let his mind wander inside after half an hour he found his chakra as in previous life he had nothing like this

slowly controlling the energy he let flow the energy in one burst flowed out spreading in every nook and cranny refreshing him and faded away

his conscious slowly dimmed his body felt like wrapped in warm embrace with a smile he slept away

Next chapter