

In the initial days after the new projects commenced, everyone who wasn't crucial to their core duties was enlisted to help with Avice's ventures. Though most people had essential roles, those who didn't were sent to assist Threo with the papermaking process as per their agreement.

There was still much to be done, but that would have to wait. The pace of change was overwhelming, leaving Ella feeling dizzy.

"Bella, please bring me something to drink," Ella requested, sitting by the window and gazing at the small garden separating their home from the street.

"Are you feeling unwell again, Miss Ella? I'll get some tea for you." Bella, a servant just a year older than Ella, returned shortly with tea and biscuits, placing them beside her.

"Thank you, Bella."


Bella noticed Ella's distress and, seeing no one else around, pulled up a chair to sit beside her. "Tell me what's troubling you. I hate to see you like this."

Ella and Bella had always been close, like friends or even sisters. Ella was told that Bella had been taken in by the family as a personal servant after her mother, a former slave, had passed away. They had been inseparable since their early years.

"It's just... I... My husband, the man I loved, is now alone. He may be forced to work for that despicable man," Ella said, struggling to hold back tears. I must stop crying. I'm not a child anymore. We've lost so much... I've lost so much.

"Ella, be strong! He wasn't left behind but forced to stay. Don't let it distress you. He's your man, and from what I've seen, I'm sure he'll survive and you'll be reunited."

"Thank you. You always know how to cheer me up. You're so strong." Both enjoyed each other company.

Outside, the cold breeze reminded everyone that winter was approaching. Preserving grains, storing food, and stockpiling dry wood were now priorities to survive the harsh weather.

"And you, is there anything you'd like to talk about?" Ella asked, noticing Bella's discomfort.

Bella hesitated, then shook her head. "It's nothing. Don't worry about me."

"I hope you're right." Ella nodded and they continued their small talk while eating and drinking. Their conversation was interrupted by a group of well-dressed men arriving at the entrance of their home.

"Who are they?" Ella asked, noticing their finer attire.

"I don't know, but they're likely here with a message," Bella guessed correctly.

Half an hour later, Ella was in her mother's room.

"Ella, please sit. We received a message a short while ago. A man came to deliver it and..." Avice's unusual demeanor made Ella apprehensive.

"Mother, what did the message say?" Ella asked, her anxiety growing.

*sigh* "Count Cuthred's son, Icarus, has arrived in the capital and demands to see his wife." Avice quickly tried to reassure her daughter when she saw Ella's fearful expression.

"Don't worry, my love. He can't do anything, and I'll make sure of it." Avice embraced Ella, feeling her daughter tremble.


Prince Pepin was nearly ecstatic. His informant had not only explained how the crossbow and papermaking worked but also revealed two new inventions.

Oh my God! I can't believe it! This is exactly what I needed to regain the spotlight! He walked with a light step through the hallways and stairs.

Ha... Hahah... Hahahahaha

How could I not think of something so simple? It's almost unbelievable. When I reveal these inventions...

As he approached the large double doors of the throne room, he adjusted his clothes and instructed the guards to open them.

It's time to put my little brother back in his place. He saw the king, the queen, generals, and advisors all focused on someone—a young man he recognized. With the door opening, everyone turned to look at him.

"Prince Pepin, it's good to see you. Come quickly. Your brother was discussing new inventions that could change everything," General Wallhart said.

What! Pepin almost shouted but managed to contain himself. He walked towards the group, feeling a surge of anxiety.

No... No, this... It can't be the same. It must be something else. Yes, it must be. He tried to convince himself otherwise.

"Prince Threo, could you start again so your brother can hear and be amazed as well?" One of the advisors suggested.

Threo smiled and nodded. "Of course. Just days ago, I came across two incredible inventions, one of which brings us closer to victory." He spoke confidently, his gaze sweeping over everyone.

"Today, I, Prince Threo, am proud to present new and amazing ideas that will transform our kingdom forever." He glanced at his brother, who was now sweating profusely.

"The first invention is... The printing press!"

"Ugh!" Pepin's reaction was almost audible.

"Son, are you alright?" the queen asked, noticing Pepin's distress.

"I'm fine." Pepin adjusted his perfectly arranged clothes, though his unease was palpable.

No... No, no, no, this can't be! How does he know about this? I should be the only one with this information!

"The printing press is quite straightforward. Metalworkers create letters of our alphabet that can be arranged on a frame. We then apply ink and press it onto paper or other surfaces."

"That's very clever. As Henry mentioned, something so simple can achieve so much. I can already envision its applications," an old advisor commented to his colleague.

"So you understand the impact this will have on our cities, correct?" Threo received enthusiastic nods from the audience before continuing.

"The lost Roman secret of liquid stone. Well, it's no longer a secret, hahaha..." Threo's light-hearted laughter was joined by others, except Pepin, who remained tense.

As Threo explained the new invention, Pepin's frustration mounted. This bastard must have someone inside the church too! But how? I thought I had all of them on my side! Should I expose him? That would be suspicious. Perhaps blackmail... No, this is too sudden!

"The masons used this knowledge to build this castle. Look at this marvelous, impenetrable structure," the king said, admiring the architecture.

"Now imagine applying this to our walls, barracks, churches, and more." Threo painted a vivid picture of future improvements.

"We could also use it to create smoother roads, larger bridges, and even simple houses," the queen added, receiving approving nods from almost everyone.

Noooo! Why, God?! This isn't fair! Pepin's frustration grew as he slumped, feeling defeated. His head hung low as he tried to process the situation.

"And the final invention is a metallic device that can purify liquids..." Threo continued.

Pepin's shoulders slumped as he sank into despair. It's over.

"Purify liquids? I don't understand the need for that and its purpose," one of the generals asked.

"But most importantly, where did you learn all this? Why wasn't I informed about these amazing ideas? Are you all conspiring against me?" the king demanded, his frustration evident. His mental decline had been worsening, affecting his decision-making.

"Calm down, Robert. No one is plotting against you," Queen Lucia reassured him. Despite her own age, she was in better health than the king.

"Robert, calm down. You're safe here," one of the advisors said, but avoided being struck by the king's hand.

"Lucius, I trusted you! Why betray me now just because I'm old?" The king's face was a mix of hurt and anger.

"Servants! Take the king to his chamber and call the healers," Threo instructed, stepping in to cut short another episode of the king's confusion.

"It seems his condition is worsening," Lucia said sadly, witnessing another episode of her husband's decline.

"The king's condition is dire. During peacetime, this wouldn't be such an issue, but with two neighboring kingdoms attacking us, it's a serious problem. We had to alter our strategies, which has been detrimental. We recently received a request from Fritsburg for soldiers to protect the city. We tried to explain the small numbers we sent, but it was in vain."

"In the end, we managed to convince the king, but the amount of support we could send was minimal," General Wallhart added, highlighting the grim situation.

Despite the grim atmosphere, Prince Pepin had other concerns. "You didn't answer Father's question. Where did you learn all this?" Pepin's gaze fixed on his brother, drawing everyone's attention.

Everyone was amazed by the new inventions. They never imagined paper, once so costly, could be mass-produced, or that they could build such strong and impressive structures with Roman cement.

What if there were more innovations to come?

Threo, smiling, was ready to answer.


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