
Dead weight

I woke up at the usual time 05:30 and got ready. I headed downstairs to make some breakfast and saw Nelly and two elves in the dining room. I expected this so I was already carrying all the necessary kit. Xiphos, Spear, Sheild and my backpack. Nelly looked like she just rolled out of bed, the elves however were the embodiment of elegance. "Moring." I greeted them and made breakfast and lunch sandwiches for myself. I used leftovers for both as I couldn't bring out the golden eggs in front of them. I sat down to eat. "Where's our breakfast?" Nelly asked the elves wore a mask of indifference. I sipped my coffee and kept eating. "It's rude to ignore people talking to you." Nelly spoke up again. I just kept eating. The elves weren't too bothered they were enjoying the sight. Nelly was all flustered. I finished up the breakfast and sipped on my coffee in silence. That was when Nelly crossed a line, she reached for the coffee pot. I gave her a look. She flinched, and took her hand back. Finished with breakfast, I cleaned up and left.

"Hey! Wait up!" Nelly yelled behind me. She caught up to me a bit out of breath. The elves simply power-walked over. "Do you need something Nelly?" I asked. "You! You didn't make us any breakfast and then you just walk away like nothing happened, what's wrong with you!" She berated me. "I don't see how that's my problem, you were there before me and you took no initiative to feed yourselves. I'm not wasting my time with people who can't even feed themselves when a functioning kitchen and fully stocked pantry are right in front of them." I told her off. 'The audacity of this bitch.' The elves were pretty surprised at my response. Nelly looked like a little child being scolded. I turned around and walked to the dungeon, I have a schedule to maintain.


Two hours of the others simply watching me massacring monsters. I intentionally wounded a few monster so they would call out for help. The evaluation committee, I will now call them, were shocked at the ruthless brutality I was displaying. I simply kept powering through. I was on the fourth floor hunting monsters. I crippled a dungeon lizard and stabbed it's side. It cried out in pain, I looked around, and there were no sounds of approaching monsters. I put it out of its misery and started collecting the drops and cores. 'Assholes! I have to turn off Auto-Loot because of you!'

Done collecting, I turned to the 'evaluation committee.' "Are you done here, or do I need to keep killing shit here? I need to train in fighting with my sword and shield." The elves, Thane Hire and Suicia said in unison "we're good." Turned around and fucked right off. Nelly looked like shit, she was covered in blood and guts. 'Who told you to get so close?' Bitch was walking in the splash zone in the beginning. Later I just redirected the splatter her way.

The other adventurers were all higher ranked than me, but were still squeamish when I impaled and held aloft a kobold on my spear. I didn't understand why. It's the most efficient way without shooting up the place. The cries of the kobold attracted more monsters to my location, which meant I didn't have to run around too much.

Nelly just nodded and ran to catch up with the elves.

Now that I was alone, I could do what I came here to do. Train my sword and shield skills and tactics. The spear was wonderful letting me stab and slash wantonly. I wasn't at that level with my Xiphos though. I figured out it had enchantments and effects but I wasn't able to find out what they were. 'Let's bathe it in blood and see what happens.'


I was getting better and more efficient with the Xiphos. I ditched the shield and took out my MP7. The suppressed and unsuppressed methods were very efficient. Suppressed for shooting the Jack Birds. Unsuppressed for fucking up a hoard of monsters. I found a pantry on the fourth floor, only had 50-70 monsters around it. I let loose a short burst with the MP7 and killed a few of them. The others charged me. The plan worked. I unloaded the clip on the ones in the front, reloaded and charged them. The Xiphos made short work of the monsters. I didn't have any feedback as I cut into monsters. The MP7 was a darling. it took care of the Drop Lizards and packs of kobolds beautifully. Wiping out the monsters in the area, I collected the Cores and Drops, and went to take a break before delving deeper into the dungeon.


I ate lunch and caught up with the others. I asked for pointers and gave a bit of advice based on my experience. I don't think the others take me seriously based on how I look. I mean, I wouldn't take advice on how to run an op from a fifteen year old either. But the exchange of information was beneficial all 'round.

Genryusai gave some very enlightening advice. How to move with each strike and close or open the distance between the opponent or group of opponents. He said he'd share a stream of his memories with the group. 'Wait we can do that?' I streamed my massacre of the monster pantry.

The others picked apart what I did right and what could've been done better and improved. Master Roshi, Silver Fist, and Zeno were very critical of the unnecessary movements I made going from one monster to another. Madara just told me to stream when I fight a larger group. '...' Whitebeard something along the lines of focusing on one skill at a time, which I agree with. Makarov and Odin simply said they'd be happy help with my magical studies if I wanted to add another method to fight off monsters. I was more than happy to take them up on their offer. Genryusai said he'd gift us all a book of spells the soul society uses, maybe we can gather inspiration from that. More gifts and favours were exchanged. I offered up information I could buy from the shop, the others were very surprised when I brought up the fact that I had access to information about their worlds. With that out of the way I ended my lunch break and went to get a golden egg before sticking to the fourth floor to improve and practice.

I'll ask for magical advice on Sunday.


I stuck to the fourth floor and tried to practice what the others taught me. Genryusai was a big help. He took everyone's advice and showed me a few training routines and gave me a demonstration of how to use a sword one handed. Boy, was that a wake up call!

I called it a day and decided to keep practicing with the cold weapons for a majority of the days. I still need to keep my proficiency in firearms otherwise I'm complete dead weight to the group. So I planned to practice my cold weapons on the fourth floor for now and go deeper with the firearms.


Coming back home and cleaning myself up I studied Runes for a bit. I tried creating a wind spell/effect. It worked, just not how I wanted it to. I wanted a strong wind to push back enemies with, all I got was a gentle breeze. I could also feel a slight mental drain. A step in the right direction, but needs more work.


I woke up and stuck to the routine. There was no-one in the dining room, so I made the five golden eggs I had, ate, washed up, then left.

The dungeon was more of the same. I got another golden egg, went down to the fifth floor and started shooting all the monsters. The Frog Shooters were easily dispatched. Using my MAP and HUD, I could detect them and kill them before they could do anything. The M1911 and MP7 were both very efficient against the monsters on the upper floors. I mean I expected the Killer Ants and War Shadows to take a few rounds to put down but they went down quick. I checked the type of ammo I was shooting. The M1911 was shooting standard FMJ rounds. The MP7 was shooting AP rounds. The .45 ACP on the M1911 had the stopping power to put down the monsters. the MP7 just penetrated the target. Head and centre mass shots took care of everything. I got all the way down to the seventh floor leaving a trail of blood and guts.

I took a break around 13:00 in the stairwell at the end of the seventh floor. I then proceeded to move up the floors only with my shield and spear. There was another pantry on the seventh floor. I just chucked a grenade into the swarm of monsters. The war shadows were a bit tricky to handle u close but there weren't too many of them so I was manageable. The frog shooters were annoying. the tongue was powerful, fast and sticky. So basically blocking would simply get my shield arm yanked out of the way opening up my defenses. Then I would get dragged to the frog shooter. This was a bit of an advantage as frog shooters would be in the back lines.

The first time it happened was jarring. I looked to cut off the tongue but I felt myself being dragged towards the frog shooter. I impaled a war shadow on the way and then stabbed the eye of the toad. I was in a less crowded and less slippery area. So I decided to use the toads to my advantage.

Making my way up to the fourth floor, I put away the spear and shield. I practiced with the Xiphos. I also tried dual wielding with the machete in my other hand, but the results left a lot to be desired. I still kept the machete out however. It's a great tool for getting out of a tight situation. I practiced until 20:00 and then made my way up to the exit.


I tried using the Runemaster skill and tried creating the wind effect again. The result was the same. I changed the runes and rune-circles but the effect was the same. I tried pushing a bit more and the results improved. I realised that it was using my Mind energy. So I went back to the initial rune design. I tried again, putting more Mind into it. It had the desired effect, but left me feeling dizzy. I see' I need to work on my magic as well from now on.

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