
For God's sake!! IV

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Chapter 101: For God's sake!! IV


His power made him broken, but it also set a lot of limits on him, studying how to break those limits was the most fun he ever had since arriving in this world, and his research was already seeing results.

Within the lab, Ian stood before two colossal glass tanks. It was made of special glass that can keep what's within them inside.

Ian spread his hands, each palm touching a different glass tank. He turned the switch on and let his life force flow into the tanks.

He was not only working on increasing the energies within the tanks, but he was also working on his control of his life force, making it flow in different precise ways.

That went on for a few hours before his attention turned to something else, his staff which was floating silently in the void of his dimension.

He lifted his left hand, and caught the manifested staff's handle with perfect accuracy, his eyes landing directly on its crown, specifically the vessels within.

His life force was already flowing into the staff. In fact, he made sure to never stop giving his life force away, either to his dimension rings, angel wings, or the staff itself.

"Let's continue..." Ian murmured before taking a seat on a couch on the far side of the room. He was in a meditating position with the staff held sideways.

His eyes were focused on the Kryptonian Vessel. However, there is something strange about the staff, specifically its vessels. It previously only had energies in the first vessel, the Kryptonian energies.

Now, it has something new. In the second vessel, one can faintly notice an odd cluster of energy. Its oddness comes from its constantly changing color, between yellow and red.

In contrast to the first vessel however, the energy in the second vessel was tiny, barely detectable. The energy seemed to be in constant war with itself.

The Kryptonian energies on the other hand were peaceful. They are two different energies after all while this particular energy was one, trying to find its true identity.

Sometimes it does find itself. If by chance little of Ian's life force slip into the second vessel, just for a second that energy becomes vastly different, becoming dark-ish orange but just as ferocious, moving about in the vessel.

Most of his life force though was pumped into the first vessel, leading a peculiarity to happen within.

A part of the red and green energies converged together at the edge of the vessel, seemingly fusing into something else.

Alas, he tried for more than an hour to no avail, but he knew that the success rate was low from the start.

The speed force and Kryptonite energies are entirely different from each other, so while he found the former to be easy to fuse, the latter was extremely difficult.

Still, he never gave up because he wasn't only relying on that small possibility of success, he was also enhancing his control of the staff and its vessels.

Ian let out a long breath after a while, his eyes eyeing the staff closely, appreciating every colorless line on its form, 'It shouldn't be long, right? I can feel my control over it reaching a critical state... I'm very much looking forward to what's going to happen.'

The peculiarity of his life force was still a mystery to him, so he hopes to get some answers when he take full control of something.

Even his dimension was getting contaminated by his life force, colorless lines could be seen swimming within all the time.

What's even crazier is that even Lucifer's wings were getting contaminated by it. He first thought that he could focus on transferring his life force to the two metallic slits in his back, but controlling the wings was obviously a better option.

'For now, all I know is that it works based on some sort of give and take process. I give them my life force, and they give me... No, I take away their absolute ownership.'

He had to stop his musing at some point, or it will never end. He put out the staff and went ahead and picked up a certain tool in the lab, an ear-piercing gun.

He used the device exactly for what it was made for and brought out a small black box from his dimension.

"You two aren't done just yet, but I might as well put you on." He opened the box, giving a view of two ring-like objects, looking quite similar to the black Rose rings.

They were actually just that. They are the black Rose dimension rings though he modified them to function as earrings. He now has only three rings on his fingers, but two new earrings.

Ian went to his closet room and changed his clothes, this time his clothing was simpler than before. He put on a set of white pants, a long-sleeved shirt, grey shoes, and a grey robe as the upper garment.

He left the manor and made his way toward the most recognizable structure in the city, the palace of Rama Kushna, the guardian of the city.

It was a magnificent building, befitting the word palace. The ancient Chinese style only went on to make its significance more prominent.

Ian wasn't really interested in touring the place, nor was he interested in meeting the guardian. His destination was the roof of the palace, a place he was allowed to go to.

At the forefront of the roof, there was a small wooden platform branching out from the top, giving a view of the entirety of the city, a marvelous scenery but equally as dangerous of a situation because the height at which he stood reached nearly four hundred meters.

Still undisturbed by the danger, Ian went ahead and took a comfortable seat on the very edge of the platform, his staff appearing in his hand again.

He gently closed his eyes, feeling the clear breeze brush his skin and hair, somehow helping him reach a state of pure focus.

It was icy and snowy outside, but not within. The place seemed perfectly made to bring peace and focus to all of its inhabitants.

Ian made use of that to clear his head, and get control over his emotions which he once thought to be dead, or numb might be a better word to describe his situation.

He always liked to come here at dawn, and he stays for quite a while, all in peace.

His undying nature made him odd among his peers, isolated from the normality of his previous world. He was certainly still an odd existence even in this world, but he was much less so.

It has only been a month since he arrived here, yet his current appearance, the air around him. It all told a story of tranquility.

Now, take that otherworldly scene, and move the clock for a while until a full year pass, and you'll find out that a lot has changed.

Even after a year, he still followed the same schedule. It all became a habit to him, so it wasn't strange to find him at the same time a year later in the same place.

His clothes didn't look that much different, but what did was his hair. He allowed it to grow, doing very little trimming to it, and the result was long silky hair falling down to his waist like a waterfall.

He didn't seem to be interested in growing a beard though? Hmm, quite odd. Ralf would surely be disappointed at this heresy.

He didn't look much different, yet a lot has changed. The proof of such a thing was what was hovering before him.

A staff of supreme beauty, having a somewhat dark aura due to its grey-ish color but also possessing the luster of diamonds due to the colorless lines racing through it.

His eyes were closed, and he was still, not flinching for even a moment, yet the staff was floating before him, slowly rotating on itself. Not just that, the staff itself looked much different. It...

"Distinguished guest." A soft voice disturbed his peace, but he wasn't annoyed, he just listened.

"Are you expecting visitors? Two individuals are waiting for you at the gate." The monk answered, and explained further, "I'm sorry, but they aren't allowed to come in."

"I understand." Ian stood up just as the staff vanished, seemingly on its own accord.

He didn't bother saying anything else, he just allowed himself to fall from the roof as a pair of vast wings flashed into existence on his back.

He landed at the front of the gate not a second later, eyeing the two visitors for a splitting second before extending his hand, expecting something.

"Ah! Yeh..aj." Everyone in the city treated Ian like air, even his wings didn't get a second look from them, so he might've forgotten how much of a shock they could be to the uninformed of beings.

The two still got their bearing back quickly and handed him two letters. Ian took them and flew away instantly.

The two were but messengers from the Roses, so he didn't need to say anything to them.

He just made sure to remember their faces. Giving them a small gift when he goes back doesn't sound like a bad idea.

After all, it wasn't easy for normal individuals like them to climb the mountains, and reach the place, and there was no signal anywhere near here to communicate in any other way.

"Selina, Ivy, you two will have to go back..." Ian spoke those words the moment he landed in the manor. He must've read something grim in the letters to drive such a decision out of him...

"Mike was..."


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