
Arseno's Evil Action

"Never talk about losing, I'm clear what losing is," said Arseno.

"You never lose, how do you know what loss is?" asked Jingga who was still in tears.

"I ...."

'I've never lost, but somehow I can feel the loss,' thought Arseno.

"Never mind, it's none of your business!" Arseno immediately left Jingga.

'Oh my God, it hurts so much, how could he behave like that,' annoyed Jingga.

Jingga immediately tried to stand up slowly, Jingga felt a lot of pain. Yes, Arseno's punch was really very strong, even he seemed to use all his strength to hit a woman.

Meanwhile, Arseno came out with hasty steps, Bi Ati clearly saw Arseno coming out of Jingga's room with a red face as if holding back anger.

'Mr Arseno looks really angry, what's this? Did they fight again? If so, should I call Mrs Diva to tell her everything?' Bi Ati thought.

"But later Mr. Arseno will be angry, ah I shouldn't tell you for now. Isn't fighting in the household normal?" said Bi Ati, who refused to call Mrs. Diva.
