
Chapter 009: Half-breed

Three days have passed since Black and his friends have arrived in the mortal realm. He and his gang ended up joining up with the Demon Slayer Guild that's located in the city of Nike. It a renowned guild in the mortal realm.

Standing next to the front entrance door of the guild. Black and his friends await to start their new adventure getting ready to head out on their very first mission on joining up with the Demon Slayer Guild. Walking up towards them was Vera, who had a bright smile on her face.

"I guess it is time for you guys to start your first adventure mission. Im really going to miss you guys, make sure you guys finish up your mission fast, so you can come back and have my pie all right. Don't waste time on not coming back."

"Sure we'll make sure we get back fast. I have to try many of your pies," said Sonia. She high-five's Vera hand, wicking her eye.

"Hey you guys, I forgot to ask you, where's your first mission at?" Vera asked.

"Oh, it some place called Parcels," Sonia replying.

"Wow, lucky you guys," Vera said excitedly with sparkling eyes.

"Lucky us, what do you mean by that?" Black frowned his expression asking.

"I don't mean its dangerous or something, but its kinda the nicest place!" Vera muttered with bright expression. She explains to tge gang that Parcels village is a flourishing land that nothing cannot grow from it soil. Mostly the nation and reigns that surround it lands were supplied fruits, veggies and other minerals from Parcels. The place is greatly known for it fresh and delicious fruits and also rare ingredients. Even a famous city's like Nike gets it supplied of food from Parcels.

"The chief of Parcels village his a kindest and nicest person to meet. If they are requesting for help, it might be another bandits attack or something else. The place has more bandit attacks than any other place I know!"

"What are you saying? And how did you know it was a bandit attack?"

"Like I told you, that place is a hotspot for bandit attacks. Some of the bandits are usually sent by the surrounding nations and reigns that surrounded the village to occupy the place in order to take ownership of it." Vera tells Black gang that many of the other nations and cities are fighting for control over Parcels resources. She explains that if one place is able to take control of Parcels resources they'll have control of the other nations and cities resources.

"Why isn't any guild doing something abut this?" Asreal asked, looking at Vera. She explains to him that guilds were made by the governments in order to protect people from the attacks of monsters. Adventurers are only allowed to deal with request given by the government, they were mostly like soldier but who can go on adventures. The guilds have to follow every single command that the government requests from them.

The guilds have no political involvement in government issues except for the Eight Star Pillars. A group of the most powerful people and guildmasters, they were the bridge between the guilds and the government. They only involve themselves when a matter has reach their eyes. They have power equal to the Twelve Dukes. The Twelve Dukes served under the kings of each of the nations and cities.

Frowning, Black began to walk off living his gang behind.

"Where's he going?" Vera asked confused. Black sudden behavior made her feel disturbed inside, but pushes it aside ignoring it. She put her hand inside her pocket pulling out a gold coin that had the guild symbol.

"What's this coin for?" Sonia asked.

"This is our guild coin, if you have this with you, you can enter any guild and show them it. They'll give you anything you need or you want like food, a place to rest and supply you with resources." Sonia nodded her head with gratitude. She pulled out her hand taking the gold coin from Vera hand. The gang began to walk towards the train station.

The gang waited for hours until they got on their train, it was a black train that roared loud when it started. The train left the station after a few minutes it arrival. Walking in a straight-line to find their seats. The gang came across Black when walking passed the firth coach of the train.

"Hey! You're sitting here! W..what's wrong with you? Why did you leave us back there!?" Sonia asked with a loud tone.

Ladros grabs a small glance of Black. "It's not like we really need with us." Black looked up at Ladros glancing at him with a hard look. The tension between was getting larger by the minute.

Sonia ignores his comment. She grabs Black ear squeezing it hard! She and other sat next to Black.

"S...s..sorry!! I'm really sorry okay!! I didn't mean to live you guys! But she was talking too much I couldn't wait through her long explanations." Sonia un-grabbed Black ear, with a furious expression she says!

"What's your problem with Vera?! She's a nice person."

"She seems that way to you guys, I have a weird feeling about her," said Black.

"Maybe you have feelings for her," Sonia muttered casually. Riley widened her brows frowning her look.

Black widened his brows and started casually laugh at the thought of him loving a mortal woman. To him to loving a mortal's was impossible. He as a demon-wolf and demon too, he felt no sexual-feelings towards mortal beings. As a demon loving a mortal being was like sending yourself through heartbreak. Due to the long life span of demons, mortal beings had short life span than demons do, and so of their physiology were completely different due to that not many babies conserved during the union of of the two beings.

"Hhaha, don't play with this kind of things okay! Me loving a mortal being you must dreaming!" Black continued to laugh at the thought.

"What's wrong with loving a mortal being?" Sonia asked, having a serious look on her face.

"Don't pretend like you don't know."

"Know what?" Sonia looked confused bending her neck aside.

"Us demons we can never love with mortal beings every demon knows that!" Black murmured, slightly firm his face.

"Yeah I've heard that, but I thought you didn't believe in that type of shit do you?" asked Sonia. She was confused by Black discriminating comments again relationships of demons and mortal beings

"Dude I have to obey the rules that were set in place by our ancestors. We demons we can't fall for lesser beings than us. Mortal beings are beyond weaker than us demon they are far far weaker than us! Beings like them should be allowed to try amd breed with us demon kind, our blood will be dirty by them. There are weak and discussing creatures they like to discriminate among themselves."

"Like youre doing now," Sonia muttered quietly, none of her words reached Black ears.

"Huh! What did you say?"

"Why do you always forget that your father is a half-breed too, he's more powerful than pure blood demon. He's the first half-breed to possess both sides."

Veins started to appear on the side of Sonia head. Her expression turned hollow. "Why did you have to bring up my father! He's not just someone you can just bring in every conversation he's the Demon King, don't forget that!" She gave a hard glance towards Black.

"O..okay fine! What kind of place get attack by bandits all the time?" said Black.

"You heard Vera, she said the place had resources that the other people want, so tge other places will even weigh war on gain those resources."

"Mortal..!" Ladros quietly muttered gritting his teeth.

"Me, I don't care that much their wars, I'm happy we're all going on our first mission, and we're traveling the mortal realm." Sonia smiled excitedly her cheeks started to flushed.

They pasted many places with the train. Arriving outside in New Jersey. A holy city were the churches and ancient cathedrals of the holy knights of the churches.

The first to step on the lands was Black, he calmly inhaled and exhaled. Looking around the building of New Jersey were small than the ones in Nike City's. The gang got off the train, they walked out the train station.
