
Chapter Six: Teams

Shinku Akuma no Iwa: Arc Two: Genin Blitz

Chapter Six – Teams

Naruto sighed as he waited in class for his sensei. He had just graduated, along with most of the other kids his age, yesterday and today they were being sorted into teams and then shipped off to be ninja of Iwa. He was wearing a dark orange shirt with a black long sleeve jacket over it. He also had on black pants and dark blue shinobi sandals. Tied to his right leg was a blood red kunai holster and his Iwa headband was around his forehead with a cloth of the same color. On his wrists were special bracers made for him on his last birthday two months ago. They were black with red inlay and shaped like a foxes head, his hands coming out of the 'mouths' of the items. They had a special feature to them as well which let them be used in battle for more than deflecting projectiles.

Naruto's four years at the academy were extremely easy in all but three subjects; genjutsu, tactics and history. His genjutsu was average in that he could dispel any illusion up to B-rank without difficulty but couldn't cast one for his life. He also didn't care for the past saying he would burn his and the rest didn't matter. He barely paid attention to those lessons. And as for tactics, well in small scale or short term plans he did about as good as the other students. But large scale and long term plans were beyond his reach. It didn't help that it was only last year when he finally started beating Akatsuchi in shogi, and even then he had an incredibly difficult time in doing so. He was more of an action person anyways.

The teachers of the academy clearly hated him. However none of them would dare to cripple his education because due to their fear of the Tsuchikage. So they tried to take out their hate during the physical sparing lessons by going all out when they were supposed to be holding back. Sadly they discovered that Naruto was in top physical condition and beat all the chunin that tried to hurt him into the ground before walking away muttering that they were a good workout. As such, they were extremely happy he wasn't the rookie of the year, if their hated enemies son had shown them all up then some of Iwa would've been extremely pissed. His horrible history and tactics grades dragging him into the number two spot. Not that he cared. To him the academy was just a way to teach him some basic jutsu and pair him with people that would hopefully be around his skill level. He learned the Henge (Transformation) and Kawarimi (Body Replacement) jutsus with ease but his high chakra and low control prevented him from doing a Bunshin. (Clone) Unlike Konoha, the academy in Iwa didn't determine a persons passing grade simply on three basic jutsu but on their compounded abilities in all subjects they were taught. As such, Naruto's inability to make basic clones aided in keeping him out of the top spot but couldn't hold him back.

"Alright class, it's time for you to shut up and get ready to go out and be ninja for our great village." A man said as he walked in. He was bald and had green eyes while wearing the standard chunin outfit of Iwa. (Think the same as Konoha's but with a tan vest and red clothes rather than green and blue.) "Now, as you know you are going to be sorted into teams and placed under a jonin who will train you and make you into great ninjas of Iwa. So listen up for your name. Team one is…" He spoke. Naruto just stopped paying attention at that point waiting for his name to be called. The man sorted the top rookie and top kunoichi with the bottom male and then sorted the rest due to their grades and personalities. Finally he stopped and set the clipboard down. Naruto noticed his name was never called.

"Oi! Dickless-sensei! You didn't call me you stupid fuck! You trying to piss of the Tsuchikage by holding me back?" Naruto shouted at the man. This got half the class to laugh at the man and the other half to mutter that Naruto was a stuck up ass.

"Listen brat, just cause Tsuchikage-sama puts up with your shit doesn't mean I have to." He replied. Naruto snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah you do. Cause otherwise the old man will turn your ass to dust. Not that I couldn't kick it myself. Now what team am I on bitch?" Naruto shot back. During his four years he had developed a mean streak and an attitude to deal with the asses that hated him because of his father. Kyuubi would frequently comment he liked the new Naruto, claiming he was the cynical and sadistic little brother he never wanted. To which Naruto would respond 'Shut the hell up you demonic furry before I cut off our deal and just steal your chakra you ass.' Which would only make Kyuubi break out laughing anyways. The two had actually grown close, somewhat, in the four years. They were definitely more than cordial and some would even say friends if they knew of the relationship in the first place. Sure all of Iwa knew he had Kyuubi in him, nobody knew he would frequently talk to the beast like one would and annoying older brother.

"Due to there not being enough graduates to make enough teams of three, you and Hanamaru Hikari are being placed under a jonin sensei and will be joined by another student that lost his last team on a mission." The chunin told him in a dark voice filled with hate, even flashing his killing intent, getting the weaker kids to flinch. Naruto just shrugged his shoulders, Kyuubi and Oonuki blasted him with worse in their sleep. No literally, Kyuubi actually had once blasted Naruto with its killer intent while sleeping, only to wake up to a very pissed off blonde boy ranting how his stupid furred ass had caused him to lose his focus and nearly give Deidara a new mouth for his clay. "The two of you are to go to training ground 36 in two hours to meet your teammate and sensei. The rest of you are to come back here in an hour for your sensei's to pick you up. Now beat it!" He shouted, causing a few students to rush out of the room. Naruto just scoffed at the man's tough act and casually got up and left the room, waiting outside the door for his teammate.

"So, I'm with you huh Naruto? Well I could've done worse." She muttered as she walked out of the class and saw Naruto standing off to the side waiting for her. Hanamaru Hikari was something of an oddity to Naruto. After going through the Sex Ed lessons in the academy, he had actually paid some slight attention to the girls of the academy to see what they thought of him. Half seemed to hate him for his father, probably because either their parents hated him or because their parents didn't exist because of the Flash. The other half seemed to think he was cute, hot, or sexy depending on whom you asked. But then there were three girls that didn't show any interest in him at all, neither hating nor fawning towards him, one of them was Hikari. Naruto had, during teamwork exercises, asked them what they thought of him. Getting exiled from his home for being hated and then having Iwa split down the middle with hate or sadistic glee towards him had made him slightly care as to what people thought of him. Or at least, knowing what people thought of him. He wasn't going to change what he was to get someone to like him, he just wanted to know what you thought so he would know whether to ignore you or not. Fan girls and haters he ignored or mocked on a frequent basis.

Two of the girls he asked freely admitted that they were lesbians, and as such simply saw him as a future powerful addition to Iwa's ninja ranks and nothing more. Naruto respected that (and thought it was hot) and didn't bother them anymore. Hikari on the other hand, he didn't know what to make of her. When he asked what she thought of him her response was quick, dark and somewhat confusing to him. 'I just don't care about you. I'm too busy showing up the sexist pigs in my family to bother with some blond bastard that beats up the instructors with a smile. By the way, next time you do that could you kick Kashimaru-sensei in the nuts for me? I swear that bastard is leering at me and he's twice my age!' She seemed to not care about him, be impressed with him, and friendly with him enough to ask him for a favor; all at the same time and to Naruto's pre-teen mind, it was a little too much for him to understand.

As such, the girl was an oddity that he wanted to try and figure out without actually trying. A walking contradiction if there was one but he ignored such trifles like logic in favor of doing whatever the hell he wanted.

"Yeah, same here. So, you wanna get some lunch before we go to the grounds and meet our sensei and third teammate?" Naruto offered. She just shrugged her shoulders and then followed him as they left the academy. As they walked, Naruto snuck a glance at the girl to see if she made any changes to her wardrobe since graduating, which she hadn't apparently. Hikari had dark purple hair that went down to about the middle of her neck, save for a small white lock that went from the center of her forehead and curved around her left eye. Around her forehead was her Iwa headband, tied with white cloth. She wore a black shirt with cuts at the shoulders, revealing some skin, while the sleeves of her outfit were large and went down to her fingertips, allowing her to hide her hands in them as she wished. She also had on a black short skirt with some red spandex shorts on underneath them. Completing her look were the white shin guards and black shinobi sandals as well as the red equipment pouch at her hip. "So, any preference or would you eat anything right now?"

"Shrimp since you're offering." She replied. The two headed to the local sea-food restaurant that had small lines and good food. They ordered and spent their time simply talking about who they suspected to be their sensei or what happened to their teammate since he lost his team on his last mission.

The two walked into the training grounds and looked around to see what it was like. The area was mainly bare, a couple trees here or there. A few large boulders and a small stream to complete the area. It really didn't have much to set it apart. The two walked towards the center of the area where they found a teen sitting on the largest boulder and staring at the sky. As they got near he lowered his head and looked at them before nodding his head as a greeting before going back to staring at the sky. Naruto and Hikari waited for a moment before Naruto spoke up. "You mind coming down here so we can actually introduce ourselves or do I have to shatter this rock you find so comfortable?" The boy looked at him again, specifically his eyes, to see if he was serious, which after a couple seconds deduced he was. The boy stood up and then jumped down, landing in front of them as if a twelve foot drop was nothing. Which to most ninja it wasn't but that's beside the point.

The boy had short, pure black hair that was spiked up along with gray eyes. There was a small scar running above his right eye that curved around it slightly. For clothes he wore a gray short sleeve muscle shirt with a black cargo vest over it worn open. He also had black cargo pants and black boots rather than the common sandals that ninja found so popular. His hands were in fingerless black gloves and he didn't have an equipment pouch anywhere on him from what they could see. Finally after a few seconds of silence where they seemed to be sizing each other up he spoke, his voice a monotone that hid any thoughts or emotions he might have had towards them. "My name is Kurai. I've been a genin for three years and am fifteen years old. My skills are mainly taijutsu with my weapon Soul Reaver. I am a fire element and do not use any of the standard ninja tools as they are useless to me."

Naruto and Hikari stared at him for a moment as they weren't expecting so much info. They were expecting a name, maybe age, but not a small breakdown of his skills as well. They were also curious now about this weapon, seeing as he didn't carry anything on him. Naruto just shrugged and was about to speak when they heard a small noise behind them and they looked to see their sensei walking up. "Oh good, you're all here. Then we can get started." For his part Naruto just stood gaping and pointing at the jonin.

"No fucking way. You're our sensei? I call bullshit on Oji-sama." He was then quickly kicked into the boulder Kurai had been sitting on.

"What have I told you about cursing in front of me Naruto-kun?"

"Oi! I'm legally an adult now so I can do whatever the fuck I want Kaa-chan!" Naruto shouted as he pulled himself out of the rock and glared at the woman who was scowling at him. Kurai looked between the two before seemingly accepting it and waiting for Kurotsuchi to tell them to do something while Hikari seemed confused.

"Wait a minute, Kaa-chan? You're his mother? What the hell? I thought jonin couldn't take teams with family members on them!" She shouted. Naruto ignored the girl, instead preferring to glare at their sensei while the woman sighed and looked over to Hikari.

"Hanamaru Hikari right?" She asked, getting a nod in confirmation. "Normally that's the case. However there are two things different about this. One is that he's not really my son, he's technically adopted into my family and I just happened to take care of and raise the idiot. And two is that this team is special. Tsuchikage-sama has plans for these two and wanted me to watch over them since he knows I can get them to where he wants them." She explained.

"So I'm just some filler getting dragged along for the ride huh?" Hikari shouted. Kurotsuchi smiled but shook her head.

"If you want to look at it like that then go ahead but that's not true. I personally chose you out of the other graduates because I think your skills and clan techniques can and will mesh nicely with these two better than anybody else." The girl still seemed unsure but Kurotsuchi could tell she as willing to go along with it for the moment so she turned back to Naruto. "And you, while were with the team or on a mission its sensei. Not Kaa-chan, got it?" She asked, lacing her words with killing intent. Now unlike the chunin failure of a teacher, she could actually threaten him so he quickly nodded his understanding and walked back up to the others while dropping his glare. "Alright then, for the two of you that don't know me, my name is Kurotsuchi. I'm the granddaughter of the Tsuchikage, this brats' adoptive mother and your new sensei. I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking and a certain other jonin." She paused at this lacing a death filled glare at Naruto, daring him to make a comment about it. Wisely, he got the message and stayed quiet. "I don't like being looked down on or being forced to do things I don't want to do. My goal is simple; to one day have some kids of my own as well as help you three achieve your goals. Now you." She said as she point to Hikari.

"My name is Hanamaru Hikari and I'm the heiress to the Hanamaru clan. I like seafood, flowers and cats. I hate most of my family and people who look down on Kunoichi's. Sexist bastards." She muttered before shaking her head and continuing. "My dream is to take over my clan and bring us to dominance in Iwa as their top clan. I also want to change a few of the customs that just piss me off to spite the clan elders." Hikari concluded with a slight grin. Kurotsuchi smirked and then turned to Kurai.

"My name is Kurai, no family name that I know of. I like Iwa and dislike any threat to it. My goal is to simply become a powerful ninja in Iwa's ranks so that I can help us rise to the top of the Five Great Village's." He spoke quickly, politely, and in a never changing monotone that made Naruto wonder if the kid wasn't some statue Akatsuchi brought to life. After waiting a moment and seeing Kurotsuchi looking at him Naruto started.

"The name's Namikaze Naruto, jinchuriki to the Kyuubi no Yoko and son of Iwa's greatest enemy. I like ramen, fighting and spending time with my nii-san Deidara. I don't like Konoha and I hate people who judge or hate others for things out of their control. My dream is to raze Konoha to the ground, kill a certain man for Kyuubi, and then to become the greatest ninja in Iwa's history." Naruto spoke with confidence, Kurai and Hikari could tell that he wouldn't rest until he truly completed those goals for himself. They were slightly curious as to who this man Kyuubi wanted dead was but otherwise accepted his introduction without comment. Kurotsuchi nodded and then cleared her throat to make sure attention was on her.

"Good, now that we've gotten that taken care of we can start. First off I want to have some training and spars with the three of you to fully get where you all are and what I can do to further you all along. And yes Naruto-kun, despite the fact I already know your skills you still have to do them to show your teammates. It'll make you a more effective unit if you know what each other can do." She added on as Naruto opened his mouth to say she knew his already. Seeing that he stayed silent and had an understanding look on his face, the new sensei smirked. It was time to get to work.

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