
Chapter 61 (R-18)

Ainz had returned back to the Supreme Palace after spending some days in the Great Tomb of Nazrick with the NPCs. They crafted grand plans for the future of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick like fortifying every territory they conquer.

Right now, the eyes of the kingdom were on the City-State Alliance, but Ainz himself was more interested in the fallen nations of the southeast where his wife Keno comes from. Those territories were just like Katze Plains or the Silent City and that means more potential sources for Ainz.

"There must be a lot of undead there."

Indeed, undead roam the lands in every corner of these nations. His servants have been mass creating Orbs of Death. They were used in grand rituals to summon terrifying armies of high-level undead. One day, they gathered one hundred Orbs of Death, millions of low-level undead monsters, and also five thousand Death Warriors. All of them were sacrificed to summon three thousand Undead Berserkers.

Having 3,000 of these level 60 monsters per day like pop monsters from the Great Tomb of Nazarick was not a bad thing at all. They were super strong, super loyal but they will get angry if the mortals tase them, so there was always a Crypt Lord or an Overlord General with them to have everything under control.

"Heh, all those fallen nations with join the Sorcerer Kingdom. I mean, one of them belongs to my wife so she has all the rights to take her home back."

The mortal nations that might still exist around, will not fight for that these fallen nations because it's not worthy to lose their lives for some cursed land filled with undead, so it's free real estate.

"Then there is this Sea City…

It was located in the east of the Slane Theocracy. Although the city that floated on the waves was uninhabited, it was another place to get conquer by Ainz and his kingdom without any efforts. When he goes to that city, he wanted to take only Keno with him.

"There must be a great sight in that city tho, I bet my Keno would like it. Ahh, how I would love to have her on my arms right now."

He can call her whenever he wants and his wife Keno will come to him in no time. But Ainz did not like to demand her on any of his wives like that. He did not want to sound like a thirsty manic.

Right now Ainz was alone chilling in a pool. He tried to swim sometimes but his skeletal body did not float on the surface, and he will sink to the bottom of the pool. Now he just stood there with his legs on the water.

"Man, why do I feel so tired?" said Ainz looking at the ceiling.

That was an odd thing to say by someone that was immune to anything that mortals need like eating, drinking, breathing, sleeping.

"That Albedo is a beast, she shakes her hips so damn hard, that my bones might even crack."

She was like a machine and has been milking him for days and nights. Ainz had to be serious with Albedo, Artoria, and Shalltear ordering them to stop for now.

He couldn't stay for long in the Great Tomb of Nazarick. When he was free from his bedroom, he noticed that out of his office in the hallway something smelled weird. Ainz did not know because he had stayed for a long time inside his bedroom with those four beasts. But while he was doing it with them, the battle maids, the homunculus maids, and other NPC females had heard those loud moans coming from his room and… well…

When he encountered them, they all looked at him red-faced. Ainz not knowing about them masturbating behind his door office found it strange.

"I hope everything turns into normal again. The way they looked at me might be because of… oh no…"

"No Ainz no, they are creations of your dear friends. You should see them as your children." said the young voice of Satoru.

"Shut your mouth, foolish human. Listen to me Ainz, they all belong to you and their duty is to do whatever you desire. Give those females what they want, don't let the words of this dumb human distract you." said the tall voice of Momonga.

"Wait, hold up you mean-"

"Yes, do it! You are a Supreme Being, aren't you?"

"Don't do it Ainz!"

"Shut it simp! Get his ass out of here Ainz. Oh, by the way, nice cock bro."

"Enough with this bullshit!" The embarrassed Ainz covered it with the towel. "I am imagining things now, fucking great.

He took some water with a bowl and threw it upon his head. "I should stop having negative thoughts now. I did what I did and I am responsible."

He will never see his friends again. Almost all of them had deleted their account, there is no way that he will find them in this world. But at last, he has the NPCs, that's all that he needs. The NPCs and the Great Tomb of Nazarick bring him the old memories in YGGDRASIL.

"Ahh, the old times... but still that was just a game. I had to wake up in the morning and work as a slave for those filthy humans… I was part of their race after all.

But he hated them so much, the humans from that world were nothing but trash. Even those who had the same lifestyle as Satoru were the same as the rich people. Trash.

"If one day I find a way back to Earth again, I swear I'll bomb them back to the stone age… or I'll just cast [SuperNova] or [HyperNova] on the Sun and get done with that solar system."

A [SuperNova] was more than enough, that will destroy Earth in an instant. But if he cast [HyperNova] on the Sun, of course, the planet Earth and the others will be sent to oblivion. Later after that horrifying explosion, a black hole will be born that will roam in the cosmos.

When those two were cast in the game, the effect of it was very, very, very flashy and the enemy players died without even knowing what killed them. Now using them, in reality, will mark Ainz as a Supreme Being beyond imagination… Ainz stared at his skeletal hands and thought.

"If people say that someone like me should not exist, they might be right… I truly I'm a monster.

"Pff, what's with these bad thoughts so sudden? I really should enjoy my immortality to the fullest."


Ainz wanted to lay his body on the floor, but he noticed the presence of someone and it was approaching slowly like a predator. Ainz just stood there like he was doing nothing and waited for this person to show up.

The person was very close, and Ainz saw that two arms hugged him from behind. "Oh..." It was a female with white skin and felt the soft chest of her compressed with his back.

He curiously turned his skull to see who the person was only to see that it was the high elf priestess from Elvenor. Her face was all red and seductive while looking at him.

"Hello, your Majesty~"

"Hi-Hi Sirius… Sorry I did not expect you to come here."

"Hehe~ I know and I was glad to see you alone for once, your Majesty."

Sirius delicately moved her hands around Ainz's chest. "I wanted my Keno or Alea but Sirius ain't bad tho."

He had seen her before looking at him with eyes full of lust, but never imagined that it will come to this. Her hands ran down under the towel until she touched his dick. Ainz turned his skull at her and Sirius kissed him.

"Wow, it's like she is a pro. Have she done it with other males before?" thought Ainz.

Ainz was feeling her soft lips and they smelled so good like roses. Sirius moved and went in front of Ainz, she hugged him tightly while kissing and rubbing her breast on Ainz chest.

Sirius was so happy doing this with her lord. This was her first time doing something like this. She has fantasized, masturbated for hundred of years that's why she looked like she had experienced into this.

"Ah~ I can't stop myself~ this feels so good~ I love you so much, my lord~"

Ainz roamed his arms down her smooth perfect body. She was an elven goddess just like Alea. He kissed her back and grabbed her ass with his right hand, which made Sirius moan louder. She came while Ainz put his dick inside her and she was incredibly tight.

"Oh, my goddess! Your hard cock feels so good inside me, my lord~ Ah~ Ah~ Mmmh~ I can't stop myself!"

Ainz stood silently as he watched the high elf priestess ride his dick. Sirius was hanging her arms around Ainz's neck while shaking her hips. Now Ainz grabbed her hips and began to pound her elvish pussy harder.

"Women's bodies are a miracle of the universe… I can't stop myself… from doing this! She is too damn sexy, I can't hold it any longer!

"Ngh~ Ah~ So rough~ If you are about to cum~ do it inside my tight pussy, your Majesty~ I want to be filled with your hot samen~ Ahh~ Ahh~ Haah~ Aaaaaah~"

Sirius was feeling the cum of her lord being released inside her womb. She couldn't resist it and her body fell on her master.

"Did you enjoy that Sirius?" asked Ainz.

"Yes, your Majesty~"

Her voice was shaky, she still had his dick inside her. She wanted to stay like that for a long time feeling her master.

"Are you ready for another round then?"


Ainz went outside the Supreme Palace. Clad in his dark armor, the Supreme Being walked in the streets of his capital. Following her master was the red-haired Lupusregina Beta, the citizens were amazed by her exotic beauty, but none of them forgotten to bow their head for his Majesty.

After finishing what he was doing with Sirius, the problem with the warrior bunny returned to his memory again. He had some questions for her about the crime she committed and the "Gate" thing.

"Where are you heading Lord Ainz?" asked Lupus.

"To the jail, an unusual crime has occurred in this city."

"Re-Really? What kind of low life form can disturb, lord Ainz?"

As expected, the werewolf queen was just like the other NPCs of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. But her evilness was different from the others. Lupusregina was a sadist that liked to play with her victims. At first, she acts as a cheerful young woman with her "toys", but when the darkness comes and the full moon rises, that is when the real terror appears.

Ainz does not mind her being like that, she just doesn't have to unleash her true nature on his people. That will spread bad news over the kingdom.

"It's a big city Lupus, each person has a different personality and different ways to do... things." said Ainz.

"We should crush those who cause trouble, lord Ainz."

"Well yeah you are right on that but this one got my attention…"

They both arrived at the large department. The vampires, the Death Warriors, and the Nazars that were inside stood straight when they saw the Sorcerer King coming in. The servants there lead Ainz to the office where officer was. Ainz and Lupus went inside and were greeted by a kneeling Crypt Lord.

"Welcome Supreme One."

"Umu, how you doing?"

"Very good, my Lord. Since the incident with that Warrior Bunny, everything is calm as it should be."

"Good job, now can you please bring her to me?"

"Right away, my Lord."

Crypt Lord went outside the office. Ainz walked around the room observing items and sat on the chair of the Crypt Lord. Lupusregina also walked and stood near her master waiting for the prisoner.

The door opened again and the Crypt Lord walked inside with two Death Warriors. In the middle of the two undead warriors was her. Ainz just saw a… humanoid with long bunny ears with earrings on them, long white hair, blue eyes, and a bunny tail. She kept her head and also her ears low while walking inside the office.

When they were at the center of the room, she glanced a bit and that is when a shock hit her. A terrifying monster was standing before her wearing cruel-looking body armor. Beside him was a tan-skinned beauty in a maid uniform and was holding a weird scepter on her back.

"Kneel before the Supreme Being filth!"

That was the first time hearing Lupusregina speaking like that. It was totally different from her cheerful voice.

The Death Warriors were about to push down the warrior bunny by the shoulders, but Ainz raised his hand for them to stop. The Crypt Lord approached a chair in front of the table and went back on the side of the room.

"Sit Warrior Bunny." spoke the tall voice of the undead being.

She looked at the Death Warrior if it was alright and again they pushed her softly. She stepped and sit on the chair as he told her.

"Do you know who I am?" asked Ainz.

"I-I have seen the statues, you-you are the ruler of this Kingdom."

"Indeed I am. My kingdom accepted you with the arms open and you repaid us by raping an innocent wood elf. On top of that, he was an ex-slave that not long ago he was cured of the trauma of the past. And now, an immigrant brought it back… What do you have to say for yourself?"

Her ears had gone very low that made her look like a normal human. Never in her life had imagined herself in this position in front of a god that was worshiped by the citizens of this Kingdom. She never thought that doing what she did to that elf to be a crime… what was "crime" anyway? That was a new word for her ears.

"The-The rules were u-unknown to me… We-we are a very prolific and fertile race, but we don't have males so we breed with those of the other races. We see that the males and the females of the other races have this strong bond with each other, but the concept of couples and families are alien to us. We raise the children communally, as women of the tribe. I didn't know that doing what I did to that elf to be wrong. We breed with dark elves and blood elves and nothing actually happened to us...

"That's because those nations do not care very much for their citizens."

"You are right, your Majesty. Actually, we do not force anyone to breed with us, but I just wanted to have puppies with that elf. He refused immediately when I asked him to meet with me, that's why I used force."

"Damn, what should I do?! She's still is not innocent, but knowing how her race works, is leaving me in a crossroads."

"I see I see, this makes things more clear. Now, before I decide your fate, I wanted to ask about the origin of your race. In the report is said that your race came through a "Gate", what does that mean?" asked Ainz. He tried not to look crazy curious about it.

"I-I don't know much about it, your Majesty. All I know that our race came through that gate 400 years ago from another world."

Ainz turned his skull and glanced at Lupus and she followed. This was one hell of news that opened many questions. From what world are they from, Niflheim, Muspelheim, Asgard, Midgard, Jotunheim, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, Helheim?

"Do you know anything about that world?"

"I just now what I was told when I was very young. Our people lived the same lifestyle as we live here. There was a dangerous Empire without a name, there were also gods that were worshiped by the people, I believe one of them was called Emroy, the God of Darkness, War, Death, Violence, and Insanity if I remember correctly.

"What the hell?! What's with all those titles?! It's like the dude couldn't tell which of those titles was the best or coolest so he took all of them, bruh! But let's be serious here, I've never heard about this guy or any god with those titles back in the game, which means…"

Another world…

He had thought about this world to have dimensional connections only with YGGDRASIL but he never thought that people from another fantasy world would appear right in front of him. This was one of the greatest discoveries that he has encountered. Now the real question...

"Umu, so where is this Gate located? In the Lamentation Mountain?"

Maby the reason why the Uderdark Empire wanted to invade the mountain must have been because of that Gate. Everyone is curious to know more about the unknown, so those dark elves might be into something, that what Ainz thought.

"It appeared there 400 hundred years ago. It periodically opens and closes by the gods, bringing new races and cultures across. In that world, the place where the gate opens is called Alnus Hill.

"I thought she said "anus hill" for a moment. Anyway, it seems this gate opens in the same place, huh? Very interesting, It looks like soon we might have a conflict with the Underdark Empire, but I am disappointed that it needs the power of those gods to be reopened again."

"Your Majesty, I have another information that I believe it's a waste of time to tell, but actually my race comes from another world. The gate opened in the homeworld of the Warrior Bunnies and so we stepped in that world. After another long time, the gate reopened again and my race ended up in this world."

"Umu, I've heard enough, I'm satisfied. Now about your… hey, what's your name?"

"Lorita, your Majesty."

"Lorita, you have given me some good information, but I can't fully forgive you for what you have done to my two citizens. I will have to sentence you with 5 years in jail. Knowing the rules, not knowing the rules will not help anyone, If you want to live here, you have to live like us. Do you have any questions?

"C-Can you give me an m-male to breed..."

Ainz was suddenly surprised by her wish. "You still aren't learning, huh?"

"But, your Majesty, this is like an obligation, I have to breed so my race will continue to exist.

"...That's… very animalistic. Anyway, have your race ever had a male?"

"They were extremely rare in the past, but now there is no one alive."

Ainz took a deep sight even though he didn't need it. "Alright, I'll give you someone, if you make at last five males puppies, you will be free from the charges."

For the first time, the light of happiness appeared again upon Lorita's face but she needs to ask him again.

"Will it be an elf, your Majesty?"

"Absolutely not, I'll give you a half-demon…. "


Ainz got up from the chair and went outside with the battle maid. The Death Warriors sent the confused Warrior Bunny back to her jail room.

"Half-Demon? Aren't they from the Underworld? Or maybe they are demigods like that apostle of Emroy...

Next chapter