
Pack Hero and Another Attack?

"Thank you, Mirabella," said Winston to me, the time I woke up and everything seemed like a dream. 

Winston sat on the side of the bed. He was topless. The usual Winston that used to wake me up every morning, yet he changed when the imitator of Goddess Nema arrived. Now, I recall the fight that occurred inside the prayer room. I do not know what exactly transpired after I passed out. If Nema dies because of Winston, or she is exactly living even at this minute. 

I lifted my body while placing my hands on the side to allow me to sit. Then I rolled my gaze at Winston and saw his favorite downward smile. 

It makes him hotter, but I recall every detail of how he admonished me for pivoting on the pack, even him, yet he listened to Nema. I should not have felt frantic at him. He is used as a puppet, curbed by evil. 

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