
Colorful Logic

With the album's release date out in public, we had to work even harder to get everything done on time. Aya became very busy with replying to messages on our social media accounts and business inquiries. Jun still had song cover art to make, as well as an animation. Miki had to work with him to design a stage for the tour while working on the songs, and Tomokazu also had to work with Jun to create new merchandise.

Meanwhile, I did the necessary paperwork to register the copyright we needed while replying to business inquiries and finding more venues to perform at. Aside from not revealing that the collaboration was with Aeryx, we also didn't reveal that there was going to be a tour. There were very few shows scheduled, so I needed more time to find my way around them since it was my first time doing something like this.

But that wasn't all. Although it wasn't my job, I had an idea about how to update Blostars' costume, so I approached the person in charge of that.

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