
All They Had..

Zabia shook his head when he saw the lights in Dyon's eye brighten. He couldn't tell what this brother of his was thinking, but it was very clear that he had completely disregarded his warning.

Dyon smirked, "This window is the best window, don't you think?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's simple really. I may be handicapped right now, but it's actually a blessing in disguise. Knowing you, you were always going to go back, no?"

Zabia nodded, "I have to. There are too many things left unfinished."

"And I'm assuming that part of that plan was this Epistemic Tower?"

"We always had an idea of where it was, we just needed an opportunity. The problem was that I didn't believe I was yet strong enough to conquer the tower, so I didn't bother to. It's also largely why I haven't broken into sainthood just yet."

"It's a good thing you haven't. How many meridians did you open initially?"

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