
Imagine That

Seeing Ri, Uncle Acacia gave her a massive hug as he usually did before passing Ri off to his elder brother.

King Acacia looked down at his daughter with a sad expression on his features. His large hand found a way to her hair, rubbing if gently. But, Ri didn't seem to buy any of that, so she leapt into his arms, hugging his waist tightly.

Clara had insisted that this was a family matter. So, against Dyon's wishes, he had handed her off to Venus and Delia below. He didn't want her to be in an environment like this without him, but her cold eyes had given him an 'I'm not budging' look, so he had no choice but to oblige.

That said, Dyon found his way to a couch seat and sat beside Madeleine leisurely. Clearly unperturbed by the seemingly odd atmosphere in the room.

Lionel came over to greet Madeleine. But, after a few stiff interactions, he went back to his seat. He hadn't bothered to say hello to Dyon, but on the same hand, Dyon hadn't spared him a glance.

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