
Chapter 51 : Angel Titan

Takeguri in his minotaur form threw a solid punch, but Marshy and her giant magma monster stopped it 

Takeguri said, "Impossible! This is my peak form!"

Marshy said, "Die..Takeguri!!!"

Marshy and her magma monster pushed Takeguri back, and he was crashing all over the place.

His body was crumbling hard at everything, and Marshy and her magma monster were coming at Takeguri again.

Takeguri jumped up and threw a punch at the magma monster, but his fist went straight through it, not doing any damage.

'It went straight through?!'

The magma monster punched Takeguri in the air, grabbed his nose, and slammed it back down on the ground, shattering more white buildings and white road pieces into the air.

Takeguri spit out blood, and he saw Marshy rushing towards him with her scythe.

Marshy had so much blood running down her head and face, due to the effects of her trying to surpass the limit of her Excalibur's power.

Marshy kicked Takeguri in the face, launching him across the domain.

Marshy appeared right under Takeguri as he was flying, and she stabbed her scythe through his minotaur back again.

Marshy then jumped, and she went straight through his stomach.

Marshy looked down, and saw Takeguri's heart moving all over his body on its own.

Takeguri thinks, 'The source of my regeneration..is my heart. Just like the Centurions of Harvest. It moves by itself to avoid damage, and if anyone tries to strike it, it moves faster than a train, dodging the lethal blow…but Marshy almost struck it this time! I have to get off the defensive..let me take down the monster first…'

Takeguri jumped backwards, and the magma monster was running towards him, Takeguri said, "Come on! Run to me big boy!"

The magma monster was getting closer, and Takeguri stuck his arms out to it, and its arms turned into steaming blood drills. 

Takeguri launched himself forward with his blood drill arms. He was about to strike, until the magma monster dissolved itself, and it dispersed into 14 foot magma balls. 

Takeguri thought, 'It changed its shape again?!'

Marshy was floating behind the magma balls, and she had scythe pointed at Takeguri.

Marshy was covered in black and orange magma armor, covering her entire body beside her dirty bloody face.

The magma balls started to spin around Takeguri, and Takeguri panicked.

Takeguri jumped on top of a tall building roof, and the magma balls were floating all around him now.

'They can teleport?! No..forget that, what armor is Marshy wearing?!'

The magma balls were hitting Takeguri all over the place, all in the air, he couldn't even get a chance to breathe.

The magma balls then started to join up with each other again, and the tall 84 foot magma monster was formed again.

It threw a punch, but Takeguri dodged it, jumping off of the building.

Takeguri used his speed to run around the buildings, and it launched most of them into the air, and Takeguri was punching and kicking the buildings over at the Magma monster. He was doing fast circles around the domain, punching and kicking buildings at Marshy and her magma monster.

Marshy was slicing down buildings angrily, she wasn't really focused on strategy or paying attention to close detail, that's how mad she was.

The monster dodged some more of the buildings, it punched one of the buildings down, and coming out the buildings, was Takeguri, and his arm was a blood drill now, and he rammed it through the magma monster's chest, slamming it down to the ground.

Takeguri laughed, and he sensed Marshy flying at him. 

Takeguri stretched his hand out, and cubes of blood formed in mid air, trying to stop Marshy.

Marshy dropped to the ground, and she raised her scythe up in the air.

Her scythe started to crackle, and it got bigger.

Takeguri said, "It's getting bigger..?"

Marshy slammed her scythe into the ground, and nothing but coal and magma blasted from the ground in waves. 

Takeguri was shocked, jumping high in the air. Coal and magma spikes were shooting out, and small human shaped figures of coal and magma blasted out, climbing on Takeguri, and they were burning him straight through.

Takeguri screamed, "No!! Get off of me!"

Marshy kicked Takeguri up the face, blasting him through the sky. 

She met up with him, and kicked him back down to the ground in the magma.

Takeguri immediately got up, and made his arms into blood drills, and attacked.

Takeguri used building pieces to surf in the magma, while Marsby was flying in front of him, swinging her scythe at him. 

Takeguri and Marshy's weapons clanged loudly, causing more buildings and coal and magma to blow up and rise just off the force of their attacks.

Marshy was looking Takeguri in the eyes the entire time with a straight face, without blinking too, her eyes still had tears in them, all she could think about..was Duri.

Takeguri said, "You're crying…awwww. Just like how you were when the doctor told you that you couldn't bear children!"


"Got it! You're distracted!"

Takeguri smashed his blood drill arms on Marshy, making her slam into the lava on the ground.

Takeguri started jumping on air, going all the way to the sky.

Takeguri had red storm clouds surrounding him, and there was red lightning blasting around him, and that lightning was breaking pieces of the ground apart.

'Since I won't win in a fight on the ground, I'll use aerial attacks instead, which is where most of my strong abilities are hidden.'

Takeguri said, "Well this ends here. Ferrow said if I kill you, then he would create me a wife and child! How cool is that?! So I'm gonna go ahead and finish you off with this move. Your eyes are fading, using that Excalibur past your own strength limit is killing you. And you're OKAY with that?!"

Marshy answered, "I don't care..what the limit of my Excalibur is…even if I should join Duri in death…I don't care. As long as I get to see him again. I just know..I will kill all of you before that happens!!!!"

"I love that determination! You see, that's why I took an interest in you to make hybrid children with me. You're so interesting and full of fire! Yes, full pun intended. Now it's time for you to go."

He thought, 'She can't teleport up here to me. She knows she'll take a lot of damage from my blood lightning. She experienced it the first time we fought. So she knows. Hehe..this is perfect.'

Takeguri raised his hand up,  and slammed it down in the air, and a large hurricane of blood was forming it, and it had red blood hands sticking out of them.

It started darting down towards Marshy, and Marshy raised her scythe up, and all the magma around her formed a magma hurricane on her own, and she let it blast into the sky.

The large magma hurricane met up with the large blood hurricane, and they collided, shining a bright light around, crushing everything around it.


Marshy was behind Takeguri, and she used her scythe to cut his head clean off.

Marshy was getting bolted and struck with the red blood lightning, but she ignored it.

Takeguri said, "Huh? She should be..dead..from the bolts..how is she.."

Marshy used her speed to stick her hand down in Takeguri's body, and she caught the heart while it was trying to mob4 away from her.

Marshy pulled it out, she stared at it, and she squeezed down on it, squishing it.

Takeguri was instantly dead, without another word to say.

It was quiet, and Marshy floated back down to the ground feet first.

Marshy was silent, and she wiped her tears. She was sniffling because of all the crying she was doing, and then she said menacingly, "Who's…next?"



Xenon and Sith slid back away from Ferrow, both of them were bloodied and battered, and Sith said, "Why the hell does he keep regenerating?! It's annoying! I can't enjoy slicing him up like this!"

Xenon responded, "The answer is on the inside of him, Sith. We….just have to keep striking the body."

"Fine! And don't tell me what to do!"

"You damn psycho, shut up."

Ferrow said, "I am a Centurion. I am worth your entire world of Hosts. You may have killed all the prophets that have come with me, but you two will not beat me."

Xenon and Sith sped over to Ferrow, and Ferrow stuck his hand out.

A force blasted out, knocking Sith and Xenon backwards.

But as they fell back, Sith grabbed Xenon's leg, and said, "Banzai, Xenon!"

Xenon nodded, and Sith launched Xenon at Ferrow.

Ferrow was about to do the same move, but Xenon flung his ax at Ferrow, and it stuck right in Ferrows chest. 

Ferrow staggered back in pain, and he was set in black fire. The fire hurt him, and here came Sith, kicking Ferrow in the face, then sliced him in the face, and chest.

Sith laughed the entire time, and he stabbed Ferrow through the chest. 

Ferrow staggered back again, and Xenon and Sith rushed at Ferrow at the same time, and they punched him in the face at the same time.

Xenon ripped his axe out of Ferrows chest, and then headbutted him in the face.

Ferrow was tumbling all over the ground, and before he could get up, Sith was on top of him, hacking and slashing his back with his two knives.


Ferrow thought, 'If he keeps slashing away like that, he'll reach my heart in no time.'

Ferrow turned around and kicked Sith in the face.

Sith didn't budge, and he kept smiling and slashing away. Blood was splattering away, and Xenon stood over Ferrow, ready to chop his head off.

Ferrow was thinking fast, and he said, "Sithun..what are you doing?"

Sith stopped, and then he said, "Mom.."

Ferrow said it in a woman's voice, a voice that sounded like Sith's mom.

Ferrow smirked, grabbed Sith's chest, crushed it with his fingers, sat up, and slammed him to the ground.

Ferrow was being surrounded by blood, and it was flying around him covering him.

A large red hand reached out to grab Xenon, and Xenon dodged it, slicing it in half with his ax.

More red hands came out, trying to reach Xenon and Sith. The both of them had leaped all the way to the sky, with multiple long red hands chasing them. The hands had poison spikes on them as well.

Xenon asked Sith, "What the hell got into you?"

"That bastard..sounded like my mom..I haven't heard her voice in years. That's that hocus pocus shit.."

"Dammit man…let's just kill this guy so we can go home already, please. I gotta buy another pack of cigs."

"You know smoking is bad for you, dummy."

"Tell me something I don't know."

All of a sudden, the long red arms turned into giant red wolves, and they chased Xenon and Sith.

Easily, Xenon and Sith sliced them all down, jumping all around with their weapons, leaping on and off the wolves, cutting body parts up.

After they got done, Ferrow approached them, and clotheslined them both in the face, blasting them back a few yards away.

Ferrows' arms were swirling with red blood, and he was running across the road. 

Xenon and Sith rushed up to Ferrow too, and they used their knives and axes to strike first.

They swung and swung, but Ferrow was blocking them with his blood arms.

Ferrow had red spikes come out of his blood arms, and he hit Xenon across the chest, Xenon fell back, got back up, and kicked Ferrow in the face, spun around, and then used his ax to cut him across the stomach.

Ferrow yelled, and he punched Xenon in the face twice, then smashed his head into the ground.

Sith jumped to Ferrow, slashing and slashing like crazy, cutting Ferrow up.

Ferrow caught Sith's arms, but Sith jumped and rammed his knees up Ferrows chin, then he spun around and sliced Ferrow in the back, making him fly 10 feet forward.

Xenon then rushed up beside Ferrow, and started slashing him over and over with his ax.

Then, Ferrow was stabbed through the chest by another ax, and his body was set in black fire again.

Xenon and Sith raised their weapons together, and dashed past Ferrow, cutting the top half of his body off.

Sith said, "So…is that it?"

Xenon responded, "I don't think so. We missed the heart by an inch."

Ferrow started to regenerate quickly, and he stood up, saying, "Is that all you got? At this rate..you two will die."

Sith said, "If it wasn't for that regeneration, we would've killed you long ago you bastard!"

"You Hosts must be mad because you guys cant regenerate like the Centurions of Harvest."

Xenon said, "You're an annoying prick, aren't ya?"

"Enough talk."

Xenon and Sith rushed at Ferrow, and the fighting continued.

Inside of the cube barrier, Mifu was finishing up healing everyone, and he stood up, wiping sweat from his head.

Voel walked up to Mifu, saying, "You did enough, Mifu. Take a break."

"..Yeah, yeah you're right."

"And about Duri..I'm so sorry…"

"Don't be. Marshy will avenge him. And I trust that fate will come into play. This is not the final destination."


Mifu started walking to the barrier wall, and he looked down and saw Tetsuya, Kedarah, and a few other Hosts resting after dissolving after putting out the entire wave of blood.

Mifu thinks, 'They need healing..I can't rest..'

Mifu left the cube barrier, and started flying down to where Tetsuya and Kedarah were.

He dropped down near them, and without saying anything, he began to heal them one by one.

Tetsuya said, "Oi..Mifu? What are you doing here?"

Kedarah added, "Mifu! Hiii!"

"Marshy, Xenon, and Sith had arrived. And we came along with them."

Tetsuya asked, "Marshy and the others are here? Where?"

"On the other side. And…Duri was killed."

They all gasped, and Kedarah frowned, "No…that can't happen! Are you toying with us?"

"I wish it was just a joke."

Tetsuya responded, "You seem awfully calm about it.."

Mifu answered, "I believe something good will come out of this. Duri is a special kid.."

Out of nowhere, Mifu heard something rumble behind him, and out of instinct, he made a golden sword form, and he dashed behind himself. There were giant blood snakes rising from the excess blood on th4 ground, and Mifu cut all of their heads off in full power, shooting a great loud wind.

The Hosts were shocked, and everyone stared at him.

Mifu smiled, saying, "Haha, that was close.."

Mifu coughed up blood, and he dropped his sword.

Tetsuya said, "Oi..Mifu!"

Mifu fell on his stomach, with more blood coming out of his mouth.

Tetsuya, Kedarah, and the other Hosts rushed over to him, trying to figure out what was wrong with him.

Tetsuya exclaimed, "What is going on with you?!"

Kedarah added, "Mifu, say something please! Which one of you Hosts can heal?!"

Mifu said, "It's..no use. This is the curse of Reborn. It cannot be healed…I've tried everything."

"T-Then we have to get Marshy over here! She'll know what to do!"

"No…don't..she's already been through enough. I don't want her to see me like this. There is something I want to say to her.."

Back over where Ferrow, Xenon, and Sith were, Xenon and Sith were struggling to get up from the ground, with blood dripping from their bodies.

Ferrow was in a new form. He was 17 feet tall, his skin was dark pink, he had purple and red hair, bright orange eyes, and pointy ears, and purple wings on his back. A red and purple aura surrounded him, and he was floating in the air. 

He said, "You two won't stay down. You've forced me to go all out…and borrow a Titan's power. Yes, a Titan that will fight for our cause. I realize I cannot easily defeat you all, but in this form, with this borrowed power, I will be victorious."

Xenon and Sith were leaning against each other trying to stay up.

Xenon said, "We..definitely won't let your ass beat us."

Sith added, "I'm gonna slice you up even more now!"

Immediately, Xenon's ax was shaking, and everyone was looking at it.

It shook even more, and some more, then Marshy jumped out of it, holding her scythe, and stipp had on her magma armor.

The Excalibur scythe got everyone's attention, and all the students and Hosts in the cube barrier looked over at them.

Ferrow said, "That's the Excalibur.."

Marshy replied, "You killed Duri..I will kill you now to avenge him."

Xenon thinks, 'She broke out of my domain..just in time..Marshy.

Sith said, "Guys..he's borrowing a portion of a Titans power…I can't read his power level anymore."

Marshy gasped, "What?! How did he borrow a Titans power?"

Xenon answered, "Our accusations of a Titan going rogue are now confirmed. If he is part Titan now..we might not be able to beat him. Even if all of us double teamed him..

Before Marshy could take a step forward, Mifu's voice spoke throughout the entire city.

Mifu said, "Marshy."

Marshy stopped walking, saying, "Grandfather?"

"There are things I didn't tell you..things I hid from you..I don't have much time left…but..here goes. Marshy…you are not from this world as you know..you are a human…but also a Titan. You come from the Garden realm…and you lived there for a few years…you fell in love..and you had a child..but the man you fell in love with was not a part of that realm. And the Garden realm rules state that…no one can bear a child outside of the Garden realm, but you did. You had the child, and the previous Titan leaders found out. They used their powers to make you barren, and they took your child away from you, casting that baby out in the realm void. You were cast down onto earth to start life over as a younger person, and I followed to watch over you.."

Tears ran down Marshy's eyes, and she said, "...It…it can't be…why…did you lie…to me? All these years.. and how was I able to be born in the Garden when in a hybrid..?"

"I had your memory wiped to keep you safe, and to keep you from destroying this world..I HAD to. The Titan leaders during your time had established the no hybrid law..that's why it was okay for you to be there.."

"What really happened to the child? My real baby that was cast off..?"

"...Duri..is your real son."

Marshy gasped, and her hands trembled..saying, "You're lying..!"

While Marshy was crying, Xenon and Sith were trying to land hits on Ferrow, but they would get blasted back by a shot of strong wind every time.

Mifu said, "Duri…was cast out of the Garden realm….and into the shadow realm…his father…your old husband…was a leader in the Shadow realm..someone must've caught Duri and brought him to the Shadow realm.."

"...Duri..is my real son..? The old Titan leaders made me barren..because I broke a law…why are you spilling all this stuff on me right now?!"

"Because my time is coming up..Marshy. I want you to know…I love you and Duri.."

"Mifu. Mifu..? Mifu…?! Answer me, dammit! Mifu!!! Who are my parents?! Mifu!!! Grandfather!"

Xenon and Sith crashed back first right beside Marshy, unable to move.

Marshy looked at them, and then looked at Ferrow.

The clouds and sky were turning orange and black, and the clouds were circling the area, and pieces from the destruction of the city were spinning around too.

Ferrow said to Marshy, "You are indeed half breed with a Human and Titan. Your soul will be delicious to take."

Marshy replied, "You're going down.."

"Host. You will not be able to defeat me. You have gotten weaker since trying to surpass the limits of your Excalibur. And now that I've combined borrowed Titan power with my power…you won't win."

"I probably won't..I probably will.."

'Yeah..I can't do this alone..this is basically a Titan I'm fighting…if I lose…it would put everyone else in danger..I can't let that happen..'

Marshy's heart beat loudly, and she gasped silently…

In the same building Duri was pronounced dead in, Duri was still sitting there with the blood sword stuck through his chest.

Inside of Duri's mind, Duri was in a dark area, and he was walking around in circles, saying, "Where the hell am I? Is this.."

Then…Zabel appeared.

Zabel was floating in front of Duri, and said, "There's not enough time. The man who beat you…one of Reborn's Centurions..has borrowed Titan power.."

"What the hell do you want me to do? I'm useless now…I got beaten..when I…when I was sure I could beat that guy. I trained so hard..I've trained for years..and I get nothing but defeat.. and didn't he kill me?"

"Actually, no. He didn't kill you. You think a little stab to your body will kill you? You are a hybrid, mixed with a human, a Titan, and a Shadow. Right now, you are in a coma. The blood from the sword made your internal organs stop functioning and it stopped your breathing. I can wake you up. But there is something I need you to do for me."

"What? Hurry so I can go out there and fight!"

"You have to take off your headband. As you are now..you won't be able to beat him. But if you take the headband off…you could win."

"I don't know..they told me if I take it off, everything will go mad."

"You need that to beat Ferrow. He is basically a Titan now. Do you wanna be known as the boy who got beat easily in front his classmates? They'll think you're weak…"

"...Why are you trying to help me?"

"I'm helping myself. If you actually die…I won't be able to fulfill my goals. Now..hurry."

"...Fuck it.."

Zabel put his hand on Duri's head, and a bright light blasted everywhere.

Back in the real world, Duri opened his eyes, and he was breathing again. He took deep breaths rapidly, and he put his hand on his headband. He felt it for a few seconds, and then..he slowly took it off.

Outside, Marshy and Ferrow were floating in the middle of the chaos, looking right at each other. All the students, Hosts, and people from around the world were watching.

Marshy thought, 'This…is for Duri…and Mifu…'

Ferrow said, "Here I go."

He was about to make a move, but there was a loud crackling in the sky.

Everyone including Ferrow looked up to see what it was, and they saw it was Duri.

Duri was covered in shadow body armor, covering his entire chest, back, arms, and legs. On the armor, was white glowing Japanese symbols, written all over the black flaming shadow armor. 

Duri's hair was longer, and it was black, and it was box braided neatly and clean. He had large black wings, and on those wings were bright white Japanese letters. 

Duri's eyes were pure bright white, and he had black horns coming out of his head, and he had a bright white halo over his head. On his face, his teeth were sharp, and he had black tattoo lines from his head down past his eyes. And he was holding a black shadow sword in his right hand.

Marshy said, "....Duri?..."

Ferrow thought, 'He should be dead! His power…it's too immense! Why couldn't he be like that before?! What happened?!'

Duri said with a straight face, "Power Level: Angel Titan…"

Next chapter