
"Clear and Final"

After Ale Piola motivational speech it has charged up the players with full of energy and enthusiasm as they feel themselves ready for the upcoming match. The players and the staff start to leave the complex Fabio talking to Paulo about how there coach Ale Piola make them feel even more confident after that. While he was talking about motivational speech given by his coach Paulo was thinking something of his own he wasn't paying not much to what Fabio was saying.

As soon as Fabio realized that Paulo was not paying attention to him and what he is saying and thinking something else he then instantly asked what he is thinking about.

"Hey amigo did you even heard what said to you huh here I am talking to you and you're not even concerned about it what the hell are you thinking ? You make look crazy." Fabio nagging.

"Uhhh.... Nooo.. No you thinking worng, actually I am trying to memorize something. I think there was something today, somthing important but what was I still can't remember." Paulo answered.

"Why are you so stressed about it ?, you'll know it when you're reach your home." Fabio tried to release his tension.

"No.... you're still getting me wrong I am not stressed. I am just trying to know what was today, I think there was something tonight and I had to go somewhere but since I was too excited to know my role in the next that's why I completely forgot about it." Paulo told Fabio.

"Paulo ! I think you're becoming a old man now you're forgetting everything now." Fabio teasing him.

"Ahh... c'mon that's not everytime I suppose to forget anything." Paulo said.

"Nooo... No... believe me you have to take care of yourself I am scared that what if you'll also forget about your next match as well ?" Fabio teasing him further, both laughed off together.

"Don't worry that's never gonna happen, I promise." Paulo said as they both sit in the car and left the training complex for home.

Here Salvatore with his secretary discussing about Paulo's contract.

"Did you sent Paulo's bio data and his file to the Lega d'italia for his registration in the league ?" Salvatore asking his scretary.

"Yes president I had sent it already in the morining he'll be registered in the league by tomorrow and he'll able to play for our team." His scretary answered.

"Perfect. You know what I think we're now going to witness the next big thing." Salvatore saying to his scretary but his secretary was not paying too much attention to him, as it seems that he was thinking something else which is very serious for him.

"Hey ! what happend ?" Salvatore asks his scretary.

"Umm... Nothing president." He replied.

"No, there is something going inside your head. What is it ?" Salvatore asked what he is thinking.

"President you know we had just submitted the Paulo's profile and his bio data related documents to the Lega d'italia." He said.

"Yeah so, its a good thing why are you so worried about that ?" Salvatore asked.

"President we had to worry about it because we had included some papers and documents which are totally false and fake. What if the league authority find this out ? President the carrier of that young boy well demolished with just a glance." He replied.

"You know what ? You're thinking way too much. You've have to put stop in your imagination." Salvatore said.

"Sir it's not my imagination ! it is practical we need to think about it just one more time." He replied.

"I had told you before and I will say this to you again that Paulo will play for us this season no matter what. See what I am doing is only for the club or nothing else. It doesn't even includes my own personal benefits, it is purely, surely and genuinely for the well being of the club and nothing." Salvatore said.

"But President...." His scretary before even saying Salvatore stops him and further said.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore so do you also stop talking all this nonsense to me" Salvatore said.

"I am sorry president this might be nonsensical for you but it is something that we should acknowledge with our deep concern. His scretary replied.

"Hhhhhh... I said there is nothing gonna happen like that just stop saying that." Salvatore trying to make his secretary believe.

"President try to understand if the league came to know that Paulo is just an outsider not our acadamy player then it will destroy his career and this club as well." His secretary showing concern.

"Did you ever heard the story of the Trojan horse ?" Salvatore asking his secretary.

"Yeah of course president." He replied.

"What happened in that story ?" Salvatore asking him to tell about the story.

"The Greeks used a horse made by wooden to enter the city of Troy and destroy them." He answered.

"Hmm... good, did right or wrong ?" Salvatore asks his opinion.

"President I think that was wrong but it is said that in war everything is fair." He gives his opinion of the story.

"Yeah, exactly every thing is fair in love and war." Salvatore totally agreeing at his scretary said.

"President but how could you say that this is a war, Paulo always keep playing and training then why you're going to war against him." He said and the president was little bit confused by that.

"That was not a good one from you by the way alright you never said that and I never heard that. See it is crystal clear now that Paulo is gonna play for us now Ok, now there should be no more excuses and no more discussions about it. Its done and final now." Salvatore addresses his secretary and leaves the office but his scretary was still there in the office as he was very much concerned about Paulo's future.

Here Paulo and Fabio driving their way to home talking about the upcoming match.

"So now you finally get know what you forget earlier ?" Fabio asked.

"No man, I am still trying to remember but seriously amigo I couldn't even barely remember it." Paulo answered him.

"See.... Seee ? you're now forget everything you don't remember a single thing, I am still very much concerned that you might also forget that there is going to be a match in next three days." Fabio teasing Paulo.

"C'mon that's not true, I will never forget about match for sure." Paulo said.

"Why ? tell me a good then I could believe that you'll never forget about the next match." Fabio asked.

"Because this is going to be a once in a lifetime moment for me. It is going to be so important for me to prove myself to everyone at this stage, just like you want to prove your father." Paulo answered.

"Hmmm... that's nice but is that the only reason ?" Fabio asked.

"Nope there is one more reason." Paulo said.

"What ?" Fabio asked.

"That Parma C.F is the club of my dream. I always wanted to join this club and play for them one day and also give them something that can help this team to get every possible aspects to win the league title. I am watching them through my whole childhood but I was never that fortunate to be part of this team earlier but this time the great god given me chance to be part of this team, my childhood team." Paulo answered.

"You know Paulo after listening to your childhood story I really do feel that you'll never forget about the upcoming match." Fabio teased him as well as appreciated his dreams and desires while both of them share a moment of joy together.

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