
"Kind Of Friendly Deal"

Catherine in her room opens her personal diary, keep the wraper of the chocolate in it given by Paulo in college. Catherine open a new page to write about her day but all she was thinking is Paulo instead writing about her day she eventually started drawing Paulo's picture in it with a hope that someday they will be together in future.

Suddenly the door bell of her house rang, she came out of her room to see who is at door. She opens the door and saw Paulo standing in front of her.

"You wanted me as your dance partner right ?, so shall we start our practice" Paulo said. She was overwhelmed by the fact that he came, she grabs his hand and took him to her room.

Paulo asked her about what kind of dance they're gonna do ?. "Obviously a ballroom dance !" She said . Paulo said he never did dance before but Catherine assured him that she will make him learn. She played perfect music for ballroom dance on her stereo. She puts his right hand on her waist, puts her right hand around his back and both clasped their left hand together and start dancing.

Paulo feeling hesitant, he mistakenly steps on her foot, he apologized for it however Catherine wasn't much seem to be affected by it. Catherine enjoying her dance with Paulo she was thinking to confess her love with a kiss but then she realized that it's not a right time for it. She decided that she'll confess her love on the day of dance party at college. Meanwhile she enjoy the night while dancing with Paulo.

Next day president Salvatore arrive to the Parma C.F training complex, his secretary waiting outside the entrance gate. His secretary inform him that Re del Calcio C.F president David Valentino is going to pay a visit today. Salvatore was little bit surprised by that he ask the reason of his visit but his doesn't know about his actual reason of his today's visit, only thing he was informed that David Valentino is going to come to Parma C.F.

Paulo after his college also arrives to the training complex he wears his football boots and was about start his warm up suddenly he saw a luxurious car is parked infront of entrance gate. A man wearing fine fabric elegant suit, sunglasses on, with a briefcase in hands making his way inside the complex. Paulo asked his coach Piola about the person, he answered him that person is the president of current "Lega d'italia" champions Re del Calcio C.F David Valentino.

David Valentino is a successful cunning businessmen and the president of Re del Calcio C.F. David Valentino is known for his exceptional business strategies, popularity among the Italian football and media and for signing the best players around the world to his club. David Valentino is a straight forward person with no moral values, if he is destined to get any player for his club he'll get him at any cost whether it is good way or a bad way he don't care about it. He also have good connection with some peoples in the governing body also.

David Valentino goes to meet Salvatore at his office. He enters his office without even knocking the door, he greets Salvatore with a friendly handshake and then a hug. However Salvatore does not like his presence because he has stolen many young players of his academy for his team with help of his great financial power but Salvatore as a competitor of him welcome him into his office and congratulates him for winning "Lega d'italia" this season.

Salvatore ask him to have a seat and told his screatry to bring something for him. Valentino asked him to show no formalities as he only came here to talk something professional.

"What professional ?" Salvatore asked Valentino.

Valentino tells him that he knows about the financial crises of Parma C.F is going through right now, so as their rivals he brought a offer for him that can help him and his club to stabilise their financial crises.

" 90 million pounds and it's all yours, all you need to do is simply take this breifcase !" Valentino said and opened his breifcase full of cash.

Salvatore smell something fishy.

"Valentino as far as I know about you and your amazing business mind it is sure that you don't do anything without profit, am I RIGHT ?".

Valentino laughed and said "Salvatore you might be not rich, not popular, not having much good connections but I do have to appreciate that you understand and know what the other person wants from you".

"What do you want ?" Salvatore asked Valentino.

"Umm nothing much special but if you give me two best players of your team in exchange of 90 million pounds then you might do me favour". Valentino said.

"So after stealing every single player from my academy, hijacking my every I made transfers, now you came here showing me some money and want me give you two more players from my team, do you think so l'll do that ?" Salvatore said.

Valentino tells him to stay calm.

"See I never stolen any player from your academy nor I hijacked any of your transfers you made before, all I just did is to give them what they want. You know very well Salvatore that in this generation of football the players want some serious wages so that they can be more financially secure in the future, popularity among the media and press they want people to talk about them and most importantly win titles, and this can only happen when they join best team in the world so you better stop blaming for everything".

Valentino ask Salvatore his final decision. Salvatore just looking at the breifcase.

"Instead of cash I'll like that take Lega d'italia title from you next season !". Salvatore said and passed the breifcase slinding towards him.

Valentino laughs hard this time

"You think ? , no no seriously you think ? that you could win Italian league next season with zero transfers and with that same old squad which you are using since last five seasons, THAT SAME SQUAD who is fighting from getting relegated every season. You dream too big Salvatore, You dream to big".

Salvatore can't take this anymore but he is still trying his best to control his anger

"You know, you're an idiot I am giving 90 million pounds for no reason and tell how good players do you have right now in your squad, oh wait I tell you umm nobody ! but still I am paying you 90 million pounds for worthless players and you....

ENOUGH..... I had enough of talk with you

Salvatore silenced Valentino

"Just take your damn cash and get out here" Salvatore commands Valentino.

"Ok then if you don't want to understand then that's your fault because you don't want to do anything good for your own club". Valentino said to Salvatore takes his breifcase and leaves the desk.

"Hey Salvatore before leaving I want to tell you something that if I put my eyes on any player who is best on the pitch then I will take him in my team no matter how dirty I have to go". Valentino said to Salvatore and after that he finally leaves his office.

While Salvatore secretary tries to console him as Salvatore feels some pressure.

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