
Chapter 87 : My Last Breath

As we left the temple, Eliza was still quiet.

I couldn’t deny that I was disappointed to learn the diadem was in the Dark Realm. But my own disappointment could wait. I wanted to make sure that Eliza would be okay.

“Ready to get back to the hotel and rest?” I asked, taking her hand.

She sighed and shrugged.

It broke my heart to see her look so down and defeated. This whole time, she’d been the one I could count on to lift my spirits and restore my hope.

“There might be a message from Ciana. I bet Mila has more information about the diadem and everything.” I squeezed her hand.

She stopped walking down the temple steps, pulling me to a stop.

“What is it?” I arched an eyebrow at her.

“I think we should visit my grandmother, Georgia. Once we hear from Mila, we might have to leave right away and I’d like to see her first. I bet she’ll love to meet you.” Her bright smile returned to her face.

“Sounds good to me.”

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