
Chapter 98: The Ultimatum

Aurora sighed, “I felt really sorry for him.”

“Me too. But I can’t lie to him. That would only hurt him more in the future.”

Aurora smiled wryly, “Maybe you’re right. Miss, it was nice talking to you. Here’s your dinner. If you need anything else, please do not hesitate to tell me.”

I watched her leave the room, and I didn’t bother to try to escape. There were guards outside, guards from Vaner.

Demarco probably would be more than happy to share his resources to help Warren get to Theo.

Since that night, Warren had come to check on me every day. I tried to carry calm conversations with him during his visits, but with each passing day, I saw him consumed more by darkness and I started to lose sight of the Warren I was familiar with.

Gone was that warmth in his eyes. Now all I could see was vengeance.

I stared up at the moon and looked to the sky.

“Maggie,” I whispered, “he is in so much pain and I don’t know how to help him. What should I do? What would you do?”

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