
Side Story 36: A Foreigner Descends

Bellatrix was the next one that wants to fight and berserker is quite eager to test herself against the other servants. "Master, who will we be battling?" Morgan looked at the enemies like they were trash and just wanted to end this farce of a war by raining Rhongomyniad at them.

"Hmmm, that's the question... Well, I think our target just appeared berserker." Bellatrix pointed at the sky and there was a massive airship that came.

"Huh, quite interesting if I do say so myself. That thing is a noble phantasm I presume. And it came from the age of the gods." Morgan looked at the flying fortress and was quite amused by it.

"Wait, let me try something." Bellatrix took out a chunk of boulder on the ground, she then threw it one handed like a baseball at the fortress.

But the floating masses that orbited it blocked the projectile and it was also encased by a barrier. "Ohh, it's pretty neat." Bellatrix was impressed at the thing.

"Dad, by the way. You haven't given us a space ship yet!" Bellatrix shouted out at Ein and pouted at him. The other kids then stared and had sparkling eyes.

"Hah, okay fine. Then that will be your wish if you guys win the war?" Ein rolled his eyes and thought that they won't be using it that much anyways.

They looked at each other and nodded, already excited to win the war. "Berserker..." Bellatrix called out to Morgan and the fairy noticed the serious expression on her face.

"I'll kill that guy over there, dad said he doesn't need him. You take down that fortress." Bellatrix's eyes turned into slits and her horns appeared. She was now very motivated and Morgan felt it well. As her powers started to leak towards her because of their connection and she shivered from her killing intent.

"Master... You really want this so called space ship, huh?" Morgan's voice trembled a bit as she got a glimpse of her master's monstrous and savage nature that wants to devour everything for evolution.

"I am glad you noticed berserker, let me tell you the amazing invention that is called a space ship later. I've got fish to catch and you better be done when I come back." Bellatrix's voice rumbled and Morgan felt it to her core. As their seals were a bit looser right now. And anything they say or will to be shall bend the world and become reality.

"Y-yes, come back soon..." Morgan had a cold sweat break on her back and forehead as her master suddenly disappeared.

"I can't let that thing fly for too long. Such a shame, it would have been great to slice apart and learn all of its intricacies." Morgan shook her head wistfully.

But she wanted to have some fun too and tried to poke at it first with a small incarnation of Rhongomyniad. A magic circle appeared on her hand and a javelin of blue green light went straight to the flying fortress.

The orbiting masses immediately piled on each other and crackled with lightning. Creating a concentrated barrier.

The anchor that fastens the layers of the world crashed right onto it. Making the space tremble violently. But alas, Rhongomyniad pierced through it like butter.

"Huh, it's pretty durable. Even able to resist my spell for a split second. But no more games, my master is coming back..." Morgan felt an earthquake and she concluded that it was a blow from her master. 'Such a scary bunch. I think they'll just swat off my noble phantasm.'

Morgan raised her hands in the air and a magic circle the size of the fortress appeared in the sky. "Your presence here is quite detrimental for my health. Disappear without any problems." Morgan thought it was them or her.

A massive pillar of light suddenly crashed down at the hanging gardens of Babylon. It was swallowed up instantly and a large hole, seemingly bottomless replaced it.

The queen of fae suddenly felt a shockwave right beside her. Bellatrix crashing on to the ground with Vlad's neck on her hand. With a gaping hole in his chest that she peered into.

"Boo, that was quite the light show berserker. I am satisfied." Bellatrix nodded approvingly and Morgan thought she had a really twisted sense of humor. And she liked it very much.

"Damn, Bellatrix got too excited." Ein sighed and thought he should teach them restraint next. It was a pretty big problem whenever they get excited for something.

"She ordered her servant to blast that huge ass fortress because she wants one of these spaceships?" Alfia raised a brow at the irresponsible parent and Ein snorted.

"Who wouldn't? You know nothing, Alfia Snow." Ein rolled his eyes and Alfia was pretty sure it was an insult. So she told Quetzalcoatl with their mental connection that was Ein's way of saying he wanted to wrestle.

"Yay! Master of master, take this!" Lucoa immediately clung to him and put his arm in an armbar while he was sitting. Though he didn't budge and Lucoa tried her damnedest to give him some trouble.

"Ooh, I didn't know you were quite the lewd woman, I am married. And you're rubbing your body all over my arm~ But I guess a certain someone put you up with this, then I will respond in kind." Ein lunged at Alfia and started a chokehold on her with one arm.

"Ahhh! I give, I give! Forgive me!" Alfia shouted out because instead of choking she felt ticklish like no other. And she felt that she was going to piss herself.

"Huhun, you are 50 thousand years too early to try and one up me, girl." Ein snorted and Lucoa huffed, as she was getting ignored.

But a crack in space suddenly appeared because the counterforce was unable to prevent it due to Laplus.

A girl then slowly floated in front of them. And she was able to even give Quetzalcoatl the creeps. Her hairs were standing on end.

"Einheri... You are in this world? How curious, I would like to have a treat please. You have been quite reclusive and hard to find." The blonde girl put her palm up, asking for a cosmic cookie. (pic)

"Yog-Sothoth? What in the world are you doing here? Pft. Bwahahahaha! Your avatar is a little girl?" Ein laughed his ass off and the little girl puffed her cheeks.

"Not funny, Einheri. And I am Abigail Williams here, I noticed your presence here and the wills of the world were currently... Preoccupied, your doing perhaps?" Yog-Sothoth rolled her eyes and thought he was meddling in human affairs again.

"Hah, you guys really love my creations." Ein took a cosmic cookie and put it in her mouth. Making the girl's cheeks loosen instantly. He then took a picture of course, for blackm- ahem. Memories.

"Grandfather has already informed us that you were messing with humans again. Such a whimsical god you are." Yog-Sothoth continued nibbling her cookie.

"E-Ein-sama... That girl is not from this world." Lucoa trembled and was sweating heavily. Normally, Yog-Sothoth won't really enter the girl's body and she will just use a part of his authority, but the cookies called.

"Hmmm, a divine spirit of this world? Grandfather Azathoth did tell me you were really fond of female humanoids. But why not just create the most beautiful ones that you can?" Yog-Sothoth was confused as they could just create infinite amounts of them.

"Then where's the fun in that? I'm ashamed to call myself a part of your group. You uncultured swines, waifus are to be conquered! I didn't master the art of wooing women in those eroges all those years for it to all go down the drain!" Ein pointed a finger at her and Yog-Sothoth noticed that he was dead serious.

"Eroges? Seriously? Did you really seduce us with knowledge from those?" Hua furrowed her brows and wondered if they were that simple-minded.

"Huhun, you underestimate my power young Padawan. I of course did not stop from there, I lived in it. I honed the art. You will never understand the sacrifices I have made to be this good." Ein nodded sagely.

He remembered the times in his old world where he compiled notes for certain conquer targets and routes. Even creating a comprehensive love parameter that obviously did not work.

"A-alright?" Hua then contemplated her decisions and thought that they must be real suckers to fall for his seduction.

"Hmm, enough about this. Hey, Yog-Sothoth. Want to have a little job?" Ein smiled at her and Hua got really excited.

"About what? If you are going to hold a tuna toss championship again. I swear I'll teleport you reallyyyyy far!" Yog-Sothoth huffed and Ein laughed.

"No, no. That was a good one that one, and you guys are still salty it seems. I revel in those tears, cry more. But I wanted you to fight my kids, show them a bit more humility. You're sealed anyway, just flex your powers for a bit." Ein shrugged and Yog-Sothoth perked up.

"A fight you say? Hmmm, what's in it for me?" She raised a brow and was quite suspicious of what her reward would be. 2nd place on that damned tuna toss competition was a tuna after all.

"I'll give you a week's worth of the cosmic goods." Ein raised a finger. "Make it four." Yog-Sothoth bargained and Ein smirked.

"Two weeks and you'll bless them with your authority with space and time. Take it or leave it." Ein struck hard and Yog-Sothoth gritted her teeth.

"Two and one cosmic apple pie." Yog-Sothoth didn't back down and risked it all. Ein sighed as he really wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. Besides, he didn't want to embarrass them by him showing them the strongest move za beruto.

"Fineee. Go on then, shoo." Ein rolled his eyes and shooed her away. Yog-Sothoth became extra motivated and would certainly make her grandfather Azathoth cry with her spoils later.

Yog-Sothoth saluted and went on her merry way. "Uhhh, Ein-sama. Who was that?" Alfia got curious and asked. As they bargained with each other for something that she couldn't believe she heard. An authority, and it sounded really important.

"Ahhh, that's Yog-Sothoth. One of my colleagues, that guy or gal, whatever they want to be. Is the embodiment of space and time through infinite macrocosms. She's the only one who can break through my realms. But as you can see, she only asks for treats. What a glutton." Ein sighed and Alfia furrowed her brows.

"So... That personage exists everywhere and nowhere at the same time!?" Lucoa gasped, as she knew quite well what that meant. Whatever that girl was, is a being that anything can't do something about.

"Umu, anytime too. Past, future, present, you name it. Her presence is right there, though of course that is just an avatar. They don't quite have the control that I do with their powers. So if they awaken their true forms and descend to reality, you know what will happen." Ein shrugged and Quetzalcoatl went silent.

"Everything will disappear because time and space will collapse." Quetzalcoatl whispered, making Ein pat her head.

"Ohhh, such a smart one you are. But that isn't important, I banned them from going into the real world until they train their lazy asses. But they found a loophole and used avatars like that girl over there." Ein snorted and thought they were pretty clever.


I am Yog-Sothoth, I go by many names. Yogge-Sothothe, Yok-Zothoth, Yog-Sotot, etc.

But I currently go by Abigail Williams. The lord of time and space. But this accursed Einheri has given us an addiction. That is with his cosmic treats.

He was a unique outer god, very young by our standards. Barely a speck in the infinite flow of time. But he is much stronger than us due to his control of his powers. And he continues to do so as that was the accursed man's shtick. Infinite evolution.

But I digress, today is a good day. I will have the supreme snack that is the cosmic apple pie. Grandfather will be fuming once I return with this delicacy.

No matter what we did, even with our infinite power and omniscience. We cannot replicate this damnable thing. So we hunt for Einheri and can only ask for these. If only he wasn't so damned hard to get a hold of.

Anyways, my little job today is quite easy. Teach some of his spawn how to be more aware and that there are stronger beings that could still defeat them.

Oops, I gotta download some information on how to fight first. Yog-Sothoth accessed the infinite multiverse and put every fighting style available in her head. She then nodded in satisfaction and floated high up in the sky where everybody can see her.

"Foolish beings. I am Yog-Sothoth, and I have one job. And that is to kick your asses, nothing personal kids." Yog-Sothoth announced and went to the clearly distracted Bellatrix that was still daydreaming about a spaceship.

She teleported right behind her like she was there from the very beginning and took out a big octopus tentacle. She then slapped Bellatrix on the head with it, making her fly.

"Don't be distracted now, there's more where that came from. My tako power reigns supreme, mortals." Yog-Sothoth then transformed. Spawning tentacles behind her that became more limbs.

"Did she just? Damn, I've taught them well." Ein nodded in satisfaction as Yog-Sothoth suddenly turned into the star of the show.

Spears of light suddenly assaulted the 12 year old. Morgan summoning tons of them to erase the one who assaulted her master.

"Useless." The area around Yog-Sothoth warped and Rhongomyniad dispersed into glitters of light when it hit the spatial distortion.

She then put her hand up and Morgan was shocked to her core. Suddenly appearing right in front of Yog-Sothoth with her neck in her hand.

"Spells do not work on me, fae. Your lights are just a farce in front of strong opponents." Yog-Sothoth made a portal and let her peer into her realm. Overloading Morgan with information. Though her paygrade is just beating them up so Yog-Sothoth just let her do a little peek. Or else she would go insane.

Morgan then went limp and she twitched a bit while drooling. "My payment is so close, you will be the key to it. Come!" Yog-Sothoth summoned every single servant that was left in the battlefield and the masters too.

She took care of the masters and slapped them away with her tentacles. The human maguses and even the ruler servant of red from the previous war went flying. Their fleshy and soft bodies were too weak.

"You octopus bitch! You'll pay for what you did to Bellatrix!" Alexis and the Kaslana sisters lunged at her. But Yog-Sothoth's tentacles grabbed onto their limbs with agility they did not expect.

She then slammed them all together and the space cracked from the immense blow. "Such hot headedness will result in death. Be more mindful of your temper next time."

Surtr and Scàthach were the first to move after the surprising display. Surtr brandished his flaming sword, wanting to cut the intruder or burn her.

Yog-Sothoth just did a passing glance at the flaming giant and he noticed that his flames did not emit any heat.

"She's siphoning your flames into a different dimension! Quickly, turn it off!" Scàthach noticed that the heat was being sucked in to somewhere and she would be correct. But she was too late in her warning.

A portal opened up on their faces and a beam suddenly fired. Surtr's flames and heat blasted them into oblivion.

"Assassin..." Arcene mumbled before she lost consciousness. Ishtar used her connection to Venus and transformed the planet into an arrow. Firing it at the girl while Gilgamesh's chains binded her.

"Interesting, this chain can affect me. Though it's only because I'm in my avatar. No matter, give me what you got." Yog-Sothoth used her tentacles to prop her up and sat down, putting her chin on her palm and watched what they would do.

Gilgamesh gritted his teeth and charged up Ea. Ishtar fired her massive bow as a violet arrow of energy that was the embodiment of Venus went straight for her.

"Don't count us out! Phoebus Catastrophe!" The cat lady fired her bow at the sky and light rained upon Yog-Sothoth.

Ishtar's attack crashed right onto the girl, but she just grasped onto it and threw it right back at them. They scrambled to get away immediately to dodge. Even cancelling Gilgamesh's charge of Ea. Not that it would matter.

"I am the lord of space and time, let me show you. Za warudo!" Yog-Sothoth stopped time and threw an octopus at their faces.

She then went behind them and resumed time. The octopus were of course not normal. Like little face huggers, they clung to them like super glue and started siphoning their energy at an alarming rate. Including stamina and strength.

They were drained holistically, energy, strength, body. All of them suddenly collapsed as they went limp from her machinations.

Yog-Sothoth opened up a portal and threw them right in front of Ein. She then raised her palm, asking for her payment hastily. Clear excitement in her eyes, like child wonder.

"Okay, okay. Here you go, I approve of how you did it." Ein put a bag on her palms and she of course inspected the goods.

"Huehuehue~ Einheri, you're a good man. As for my authority." Yog-Sothoth transferred the kids to her real self so she could give them her authority. The kids then appeared after a few seconds and Ein noticed that they have a similar feel to Yog-Sothoth.

"Good girl, now you scuttle along now. I know you want to annoy Azathoth." Ein snickered and Yog-Sothoth nodded, she then waved her hand goodbye as she disappeared into nothing.

"Well, that was interesting... What kind of god are you Ein-sama?" Quetzalcoatl asked curiously and Ein smiled at her.

"One who can do anything he wants. Now then, my dear Alfia. I'll ask you a question, do you want to go back to Orario? Or do you want to get stronger." Ein asked the heterochromatic woman.

She thought about it for a hot minute and looked at Quetzalcoatl. She then remembered how the blonde right next to her could make the continent explode with her bare hands and power.

"Are you kidding me right now? You'll probably put me in some world where people of my level would be a dime a dozen. So yes, yes I would." Alfia replied with determination.

"Hmm, now you're motivated. Remember that I told you I would have a job for you? I want you to lead a faction, bring Meteria and two other people with you there. I'll also bring reinforcements to you, I need to visit some people." Ein wanted Alfia to establish a supernatural faction and he also would bring back the girls that was in Warhammer to Teyvat.

"I accept, so I guess the reason you've been collecting these... So called servants is they'll be manpower there won't they?" Alfia concluded and he nodded.

"Yeah, I can't leave them here. They'll be arrested by the counterforce. Those two still has a job to do and I don't want to increase my workload." Ein shrugged, that's one of the reasons he made Metatron and Laplus after all.

"Then I will prepare." Alfia started brooding and Ein left her to her own devices while Quetzalcoatl started talking to her about some fighting techniques so she could have an opponent in Lucha Libre.

Ein then gathered the masters of black faction. The Yggdmillenia family. They stole the grail and for sure, the clock tower would be on their asses like the counterforce is to threats against humanity. Slimy bastards.

"Hello there, maguses. It seems that you'll have a rough time after this war. Hah, I don't need to do this. But I will be giving you a chance." Ein snapped his fingers and a man suddenly appeared beside him.

"This old man over here is the president? Chairman? Leader? Whatever, of the clock tower. And he has been watching this little playtime of ours. Ain't that right?" Ein smirked at Zeltrech and he nodded. Understanding what will happen next.

"Wizard marshall!?" The maguses were shocked and Zeltrech just shrugged at them. "Hey, old man. I'm gonna give you a deal, see that girl over there? The one with the busted legs? She's a pretty talented magus right?" Ein looked at the heir of the Yggdmillenia clan and she cowered at his gaze.

The maguses were some slimy bastards and it was ingrained in them that if somebody had the upper hand on them, then they will surely suffer some pretty nasty things.

"I'll heal her up real good and give them a job, that is to cultivate some herbs. I know you guys really love herbs. Just like the next cultivator does." Ein chuckled.

He then gave Zeltrech a herb from a cultivator world that Anahaat visited. And it could be made into a potion, a mana potion to be exact. And the clock tower would commit genocide for a steady supply of those.

"So much mana is in these things... Is this consumable?" Zeltrech looked at it curiously and Ein wiggled his fingers.

"Ahhh, not yet. I'll give the Yggdmillenia family a recipe to concoct potions. Mana potions, health potions, stamina potions. All kinds of them, all kinds. And they'll be their own little faction that sells them. Obviously, nobody else will ever learn them. It's in their heads, locked up tight." Ein snapped his fingers and the maguses got some information.

"That's thanks for the servants you have me by the way. But your lancer and caster are not needed. Vlad is alright, but he's an old man. Who wants an old man? And your caster is a pompous fuck." Ein snorted.

"And you want me to throw my weight around so they won't be under fire from the clock tower?" Zeltrech asked and Ein shrugged.

"Not really, I'm more than enough of a deterrent. Or I could just summon a beast of humanity again and let it be their guard. Beast IV really likes killing humans you see? I want you to be in a collaboration with them, a healthy one I would say." Ein smiled and Zeltrech nodded.

"I see, you want to make them invaluable to the clock tower and we will be some kind of lock to them so they won't just abuse their knowledge. A good plan indeed." Zeltrech nodded in satisfaction and Ein gave him a thumbs up.

"Yes, they make the pots. You guys will grow the herbs. And mind you, maguses will never ever know how to do it. Even you, balanced. As all things should be." Ein nodded sagely.

"But what of the unsavory characters that do not understand that?" Zeltrech raised a valid question. Maguses are bitches and they would certainly attack the Yggdmillenia.

"Well, I believe in you. If you don't want types appearing out of nowhere. Then maybe I don't know? Stop them?" Ein laughed and Zeltrech gave a wry smile. He might have been able to defeat type moon back then. But that was a really close battle.

"I understand, it will be easier than fighting types or beasts of humanity anyways." Zeltrech sighed and thought he would be having a headache with the maguses of the clocktower.

"Ey, don't be too downtrodden. Oh, I know, how about I give you heaven's feel so you won't get tired. You're pretty old after all, those old bones could get all the help it would need." Ein slapped him on the back and Zeltrech felt something weird happen.

"There, you're a soul now that can go on forever old man. You can also use kaleidoscope more efficiently. After all, even if you can siphon magic from unlimited parallel worlds. It doesn't mean unlimited mana right? It would work like a lot of faucets. Or you would go boom from the amount of energy." Ein patted him on the shoulder and Zeltrech gave him a weird expression.

He didn't know what to do and just stared at him. "Thank you, this is... I don't know the exact word, insane?" Zeltrech laughed and they both had a good time.

"Well then, I wish you guys good luck. Make a lot of potions okay? I'll be collecting some for my new faction that I have postponed. I've already did things back then there and I don't wanna change them too much." Ein shrugged and waved goodbye.

"W-wizard marshall... Are we truly free?" Fiore, the heir of the Yggdmillenia asked with apprehension. As she couldn't believe what just happened, she also started to stand up. The pain in her legs because of a defect on her mana circuits now gone.

"I guess you are. You are pretty lucky, that guy is... What you could say, boundless." Zeltrech knew that gods are assholes most of the time and they weren't even at his level.

'Huh, maybe he is too goddamned powerful and bored out of his mind. That's why he doesn't just snap his fingers and turn the clocktower into nothing.' Zeltrech concluded, though he did change a couple of few things in the verse. Mostly with one worm wielding bastard. But that's a story for another time.

Though Ein wanted someone to reel in all the unruly bastards that he will be taking in. Who would be the best one? A saber face of course, multiple ones as Jeanne can't really reel them in by herself.

"Hmmm, I'm gonna need strong ones. Maybe mess with Mordred and get Artoria from Avalon? Ahhh, I'm a genius. That will go really well, huehuehue~" Ein rubbed his hands with an evil smirk on his face. Not to mention that Morgan and Artoria will have a face off too.

Not that he will let them fight in conventional means mind you. Probably a harmless contest like a cooking contest. And Mordred will be the judge.

"But that isn't enough. Artoria and Jean will get overwhelmed as Morgan and Mordred will keep the former busy and Jeanne can't take care of any of them. She'll be the mascot of my new team. Ahh! An ultimate one would be good. And I'll just anchor her skill to mine instead of earth." Ein nodded in satisfaction and set off to work.

First, he went to Avalon and found the real body of the king of Camelot. Artoria Pendragon. "Wow, this place is pretty nice. Morgan, did you really brought Artoria here?" Ein called upon Morgan and she scowled.

"Hmph, as if I would bring Artoria here. It must have been Vivian. Wait a minute... Are you!?" Morgan had a sudden realization and Ein smirked at her.

"You've gotta be good to your younger siblings Morgan. Or I will spank you." Ein gave a shit eating grin at Morgan and she paled.

"No! Please, I'll do anything! Not her!" Morgan groveled and begged. But it fell on deaf ears. "None of that now, look at my family. It's not dysfunctional like yours. Though it is quite unique, it's because you should get along with your siblings even if you fight. When my kids fight they can erase entire planets at the minimum. But they're still fine and dandy." Ein huffed and Morgan went limp.

"Now where was I. Yeah, we're finding Artoria. And she's right there." Ein and Morgan teleported, they saw a blonde that was lying down in a field of flowers, illuminated by sunlight as the warm breeze made her hair flow a bit.

"Jackpot, kekeke~ look, your sister is sleeping so peacefully." Ein pointed and Morgan groaned, but she didn't froth at the mouth from hatred. As Ein made light of the situation.

"Now, I'll give you a chance to play a prank on her before I wake her up and yoink her from here." Ein suddenly had a robe on him and he spread them apart. An arsenal of water balloons, chalk, glue, feathers, markers, etc. Were right at his robes for the taking.

"So what will it be, stranger?" Ein gave a smirk and Morgan reluctantly picked one. She decided on the marker because it won't be noticed by Artoria for as long as somebody pointed it out. Prolonging her entertainment.

She started scriblling on her sister's face and once she finished. Morgan looked at Ein and nodded. "Yosh, hippity hoppity. You are now my property." Ein casted and Morgan deadpanned at him, but she did crack a small smile.

The blonde that was sleeping started to rouse and she rubbed her eyes. Yawning, not really knowing what she got into. Her stomach then rumbled. "Ahhh... I'm hungry." Artoria patted her stomach and started looking around for something to eat.

She then saw Ein behind a tree, holding a string that was tied to a stick. It was propping up a cardboard box that had a large bowl of gyuudon in the middle.

Artoria stared at him incredulously, but her hunger gave her mad enhancement. She thought that she could snatch the bowl.

So the hungry blonde slowly went to the bait and tried swiping it away. But when she stood up, she crashed onto an invisible wall as Ein already boxed her up in an infinite corridor.

"Ha! I got it, Morgan. I caught a wild Artoria, praise me and grovel on my majesty. I have succeeded in something which you have failed. With just some bait and a simple trap too." Ein snorted and Morgan started clapping, she was both amused and quite shocked. Not thinking that it would work.

Ein then started collecting the spoils and opened up the box, seeing a wild Artoria inhaling the food. "Ahhhh. Mister, you got any more?" Artoria looked at Ein and was still in a high from eating his food.

"Yeah, kid. I got more in my white van over there, kukuku~ let's get you some more eh? Make you nice and full." Ein laughed and Morgan deadpanned at him. As servants knew some information about the modern world. And Ein supplemented them with it too, including the memes of course.

Artoria then froze up completely when she saw Morgan. They stared at each other intensely and the atmosphere turned awkward.

"None of that." Ein put a popsicle in their mouths and the two had loose smile on their faces from the heavenly taste of the popsicle.

"Artoria Pendragon, king of kings. I've got a proposition for you." Ein started the negotiations and created a table that they sat on.

"W-what is it? And who are you anyways? Why are you with... Morgan." Artoria furrowed her brows and Morgan huffed.

"Ein-sama here is the father of my noble master. And he will be my husband. You, will be our little knight from the empire that we will create." Morgan lied to her and Artoria was in shock.

"Shush, she's lying. Actually, you'll all be my mook. And Morgan, you'd have to talk to my wives for me to be your husband." Ein rolled his eyes and Morgan blushed, getting embarrassed in front of Artoria was a shame she will never live down.

"So... You're recruiting me? But why?" Artoria raised a brow and was pretty suspicious of the offer.

"For fun of course. And so you'll have better relations with your sister here. She was an asshole yeah, but you two didn't talk too much. Communication is key." Ein nodded sagely and the two scowled.

"Besides, you're human. You do know that all civilizations die out right? Even mine if I don't steer it to the right direction. But of course they would die out because of heat death or entropy. Because they're awesome." Ein shrugged and Artoria bit her lip.

"I... I know. In my years as a servant and the centuries that I could think about it. Nothing would really save my country even if everything went right. And even if it did continue, it would not be Camelot anymore." Artoria looked down on the ground and sought relief with her popsicle.

"Glad you know that. So I'm giving you another chance to build another. With your sister I might add, so you two can have a nice little sisterly bond." Ein laughed and Morgan pinched him.

"But I have a contract, I cannot leave here. If I accomplish my wish, then the throne of heroes will claim me as a heroic spirit." Artoria was confused and Morgan scoffed.

"Foolish sister of mine. Can't you feel it? I am alive, Ein-sama is a being that is far greater than the ultimate powers of this world." Morgan had a smug smile on her face as she explained. Which shocked Artoria.

"And I'll be giving you a little boon. I'll feed you lots." Ein smiled at her and Artoria was swayed immediately.

He then laughed and put several things on the table, namely. Rhongomyniad, Caliburn, Excalibur, and Avalon.

"W-what!? Even Rhongomyniad and Avalon?" Artoria was surprised and Morgan still had her smug expression on. As if to say look at the prowess of my master.

"Umu, and this one too of course. I know you really were bothered by it." Ein snapped his fingers and Artoria's forever 15 physical form started to grow into her proper age which was 35. (pic)

Her bun got undone and her clothes changed. She then looked at her mature form. Absolutely shocked.

"M-master..." Morgan stared at Ein with squinted eyes, thinking that he aged her up so she could have bigger boobs.

"What? I have a Loli wife, but I don't particularly have a fetish for 15 year olds. Besides, she looks better when she's at her real age." Ein raised a brow at Morgan.

Artoria thought about things for a minute while Morgan and Ein was arguing, she then stood up, taking Caliburn and Excalibur as she stabbed it on the ground and kneeled.

"My new master, I am Artoria Pendragon. Just Artoria, not the king of kings nor king of knights. But a knight that will be in your service." Artoria announced and Morgan huffed in the corner. Clearly displeased that her sister accepted.

"Yosh, then you will be my knight. And your first mission is to wear your armor so someone won't recognize you, huehuehue~" Morgan then remembered that Mordred will be with them. And she smirked at the thought of them meeting. As that would surely be an awkward one.

"Then let's go! Your next companion will be a true ancestor! She will be the enforcer of the group. God knows that Jeanne could use all the help." Ein sighed and they teleported once again.


Ein and co. Appeared at a scene in which a long haired blonde that had blood red eyes was about to drink a red substance. Given by a black haired man.

"Begone you slimy church bastard. Fucking priests and shit, always causing trouble. They either molest some little boys or try and gain more power." Ein blasted him away from the blonde, along with the blood.

"Hmmmm, so that man is a usurper. Just like you, Artoria. So I will erase him from existence." Morgan quickly fired Rhongomyniad on him and quickly stopped his reincarnating shenanigans.

"Who are you?" The blonde tilted her head and tensed up. Feeling that the spell Morgan just fired will either kill her or damage her really badly.

"I'm Einheri, and I've come to bargain." Ein summoned a table. He then snapped his fingers, giving the true ancestor some unsavory memories of her time as a tool. So she could understand her circumstances.

"Give her a minute, she's internalizing things." Ein took out some tea and gave them to his companions. With an accompanying cinammon roll for the cinammon roll of course.

After a few minutes, the blonde looked up at them and she stared at Ein who was just drinking some tea and taking selfies with Morgan and Artoria so he could send it to everyone.

"You're here to take me, aren't you? Why else would you give me these unpleasant memories..." The blonde gave a small scowl and Ein clapped.

"Yes, yes I did. But you have options. It's either continue with your miserable life as a tool. Or follow me and have a new purpose in life. What'll it be?" Ein gave it to her straight and the vampire of course knew that the other choice was infinitely better.

"Will I live my life freely at least? How would I know that you won't use me too?" The blonde quipped and Ein sighed.

"Listen here, girl. You're pretty smart, think about it for a few seconds before I give you an answer." Ein sighed and the vampire blushed, embarrassed. He basically said her question is stupid after all.

"Ahhh. Then you would've just not shown me that and forcibly took me. You must be insanely powerful after all." She looked down on the ground in shame that she did not think of that.

"Yes, and I'm not insanely powerful. I'm super mega duper, awesome powerful." Ein gave a smug smile.

"I hate that you're not wrong, girl. Ein-sama is omnipotent, he can erase this night infinite multiverse with a snap of his fingers." Morgan announced as she was able to get some memories from Bellatrix.

"Ahhhh. I see, then let's get it on then. I am Arcueid Brunestud. White princess of the true ancestors at your service." She stood up and curtsied, befitting of her status as a true ancestor royalty. (pic)

"I am Einheri, call me Ein. These are my mooks, Morgan and Artoria." Ein introduced them and they looked at him with raised brows.

"Ein-sama... You did not just call me a mook. I'll definitely tell Hua-sama that you molested Artoria in her sleep and she couldn't reject you so she was forced to follow you." Morgan huffed at him and Artoria was scandalized.

"Try it, bitch. Hua would laugh at that and would think that's some funny shit." Ein snorted and Morgan puffed up her cheeks at the corner.

"Uhh... So how are you going to take me then?" Arcueid was not sure and Ein just snapped his fingers. They were now back at Orario, so Alfia could get Meteria.

"There, done. And I'm gonna connect you with myself so you can still get your hax that you will have extra parameters against your opponent whenever you fight. Bullshit hax I say." Ein poked her on the forehead and she couldn't breathe from the flood of power that connected to her very soul.

"Oh, sorry. Did I also tell you that it would give you instant adaptability to anything? That's my authority after all." Ein snickered and Arcueid glared at him weakly.

Ein patted her head and emphasized his neck. "Yosh, yosh. Don't be too angry, I'll even give you a chance to snack on me. It'll be the tastiest thing you'll ever have. Now come." He raised his hands sideways and she got pressured by Morgan and Artoria's stare at her.

She slowly went up to him and she used his shoulders to prop herself up because she couldn't reach him. She then got a whiff of his scent and her sclera turned blood, her iris glowed yellow as her pupils became slits.

Arcueid licked his neck and was getting dazed from his scent. "Uhhh, this is getting weird." Artoria nudged Morgan and her sister shushed her with a finger.

Arcueid then bit Ein and went wide eyed. She then moaned as she felt like she ascended to heaven. "Shouldn't we stop this Morgan!?" Artoria whispered.

"Shut up Artoria, I'm trying to witness the birth of a true ancestor here with no equal!" Morgan pinched her and Artoria shut up.

After a few minutes of Arcueid drinking like no tomorrow. She sighed in content, mewling lewdly as she licked the leftover blood from Ein's neck.

Morgan and Artoria then felt a qualitative change on the vampire. She was now like a beacon of power, leaking immense amounts of energy.

"Ahhhh~ I feel... Wonderful!" Arcueid smiled as her dagger like teeth showed. Circuit like vents appearing on her skin and black scales adorned her limbs. Getting a pretty good dose of Honkai and Null energy. Also receiving the scales of Alatreon.

"Now, let's meet up with our entourage. Shall we?" Ein smiled at them and gestured for Artoria to wear her helmet. They then went to the room where everyone was waiting.


Thanks for reading everyone. And as you already know, Artoria will look like her lancer counterpart and Arcueid will be like Archetype earth. And her ascension 3 in which she didn't lose her powers. I will have a little backtrack for the next one to flesh out their descent to DxD. Anyways, ciao.

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