
Where Is The Popcorn?

Haru cut a small bite and picked it up.

"I'll try it first to see if it is safe," Haru said as both Sang-ah and Queresha nodded.

'Will Haru-ssi be alright? what if it is worse than the poison in the air?' Sang-ah got worried as she snapped out of her previous entranced state caused by the aroma of the steak, but she was too late as before she could say anything Haru put the slice of meat in his mouth.

'….Is it alright?' Sang-ah thought as she looked at Haru who stopped moving but she was surprised the next instant.

"Damn it Cough* Cough* That is shit," Haru spat out the meat from his mouth and rinsed his mouth with water but it didn't look like the aftertaste was washed away.

"Does it taste bad?" Sang-ah asked as Haru took an Ice-cream cup from Queresha.

"It isn't just the taste, It is extremely poisonous if a normal person eats it they'll die," Haru explained.

"What? Are you alright Haru-ssi?" Sang-ah panicked as she jumped to her feet going near Haru.

"I am fine, I told you before right? Poison doesn't work on me," Haru said while eating the ice cream he thought it was a good idea to bring it along, this was just in case the steak tasted bad, no other reason.

Sang-ah felt relieved as she saw that Haru wasn't affected by the poison.

[Many Constellations are laughing at you.]

[700 coins have been sponsored.]

Haru grumbled unhappily as he ate more ice cream.

[The Constellation 'Desserts for Days' is saying 'Meat is overrated, sweets all the way.']

[200 Coins have been sponsored.]

'Finally someone I can agree with,' Haru nodded as he moved on to the chocolate bars after finishing the ice cream.

A little while later Haru seemed to have gotten over the terrible taste.

"So what do we do?" Sang-ah asked because they needed to cook the meat in order to complete the scenario.

"We can only try," Haru said with a heavy sigh as Sang-ah felt bad for him.

Haru was the only one who wouldn't have any aftereffects if he ate it and she knew he won't let others eat it since it would put them in danger.

So after 40 minutes and even trying the rat meat, there was no difference.

"We need to do something about the poison," Sang-ah said as she followed Haru and Queresha walking who were walking in the front.

"That will take time but it is the best choice we have right now," Haru said as the three were walking back to the station.

After they reached the station and told everyone about what happened.

"Bwahahaha, I should've come with you, hahaha I am definitely coming with you next time," Hee-won laughed while rolling on the ground as the others shook their heads.

'Just you wait, one day when you can handle it, I'll shove this meat down your throat. I'll see if you can laugh then,' Haru thought while cooking up some evil plans.

"Why is it so noisy?" Queresha asked as she saw people whispering among themselves.

"That is because….." Hyun-sung told Queresha, Sang-ah, and Haru about what happened while they were away.

"So they had causalities, huh," Haru muttered while thinking deeply.

The atmosphere of the group dropped a lot after hearing this news.

"Even after you warned them about the ambush," Hee-won got back to serious mode as she frowned.

"Who were the ones that died?" Haru asked.

"They said it was the three people they recruited from the survivors, I heard that they couldn't bring back much food because they were attacked and ended up dropping a lot of the gathered food items," Hyun-sung felt really bad for the people who lost their lives.

"I see," Haru was thinking about what he had heard as he looked at the atmosphere around the platform. Everyone seemed to be on edge because they seemed to have realized that the outside was a lot more dangerous than they initially thought.

Time passed and the night came before long, most of the people on the platform were already asleep, Haru was awake with Queresha and Hee-won keeping an eye on the items.

"Half an hour more and then we'll sleep," Hee-won yawned it seemed her sleep schedule was a bit messed up because of waking up early in the morning without getting much sleep.

"You can sleep early if you want to," Haru had told her this before as well seeing how sleepy she was but….

"No way, I don't want to be a slacker," Hee-won denied it just like before as Haru shrugged.

"Haru," Queresha called Haru and pointed towards In-ho who was walking towards them with a few people with him like usual.

"Hello Haru-ssi," In-ho said with his normal smile.

"Yo, Did something urgent happen for you to come here in the middle of the night?" Haru asked with a normal laidback attitude.

"You are always quick on the uptake Haru-ssi, it is indeed an urgent situation we are low on food reserves," In-ho said as his smile got bigger, he was happy to see that Haru was so carefree.

"You want to buy some?" Haru asked and In-ho nodded.

"How much?" Haru already knew what In-ho would say but asked nonetheless.

"As much as Haru-ssi can give us, I would be very grateful I could buy all of the stock you have," In-ho's smile widened.

"That isn't possible, I have limited the number of items I sell to people," Haru's words caused In-ho's smile to falter a little.

'Why does this sound like a drug deal rather than a food deal?' Hee-won thought blinking her eyes,

"Since when?" In-ho asked.

"Since Now, You know I saw a guy who bought 20 lunchboxes from us at first I thought he was taking them for his group, but then I saw him trying to sell them to other people for 30 coins each after we finished selling the food," Haru shook his head in exasperation, Hee-won was trying her hardest to control her laugh because it actually happened this evening and she knew haru didnt care but just trying to annoy In-ho.

"Haru-ssi you know I wouldn't do that," In-ho's smile faltered a little but he kept his calm.

"In-ho, you shouldn't lie so carelessly in front of me," Haru said with a small smile.

"So you're finally showing your true colors," In-ho dropped the honorifics and everything as his eyes cracked open a little. He speculated if haru had something like a lie detection skill, Because if he did that would make a lot of sense.

"I can say the same for you," Haru didn't bat an eye since he had expected it.

'Where is the damn popcorn when you need it,' Hee-won thought unhappily as she looked at the two men talking and she wasn't the only one who felt that way.

[Many Constellations are enjoying the back and forth.]

[300 Coins have been sponsored.]

[Some Constellation wants to see some action.]

[200 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is excited to see how this would unfold.]

[100 Coins have been sponsored.]

"I'll be direct, Why don't you join me Haru?" In-ho asked in a flat voice looking at Haru with his fully opened eyes.

"I told you before In-ho I do not trust you," Haru didn't even entertain the idea.

"It would be better for your group if you make the correct decision," In-ho spoke while looking at everyone in Haru's group.

"Assuming what is better for the others, is very presumptuous, you know?" Haru said while shaking his head.

"I see, My bad, I'll take ten lunchboxes," In-ho smiled.

"I hope you can make some profit with these," Haru said while giving the lunchboxes to In-ho.

"Thank you and I hope you have made plans because things would get serious from the morning," In-ho's former smile came back as his eyes closed.

"Plans?" Haru looked a bit puzzled.

"Don't tell me you didn't make any," In-ho said, he didn't believe it since Haru has clearly been messing with him since he came there was no way he didn't have a plan. This guy was playing mind games with him for a while now. He has to have a plan.

"You see In-ho a good friend of mine used to say something, 'Plans? Strategies? Precautions? Such things are only important if your opponent is on the same level as you, otherwise it is just a waste of time and effort,'" Haru said while looking at In-ho.

"Don't get too cocky," In-ho said seething with anger, But that was all he could do.

"It isn't cockiness but a simple fact, Let me give you an example," Haru continued as he stood up looking at In-ho.

"Do you think an Elephant needs a plan to kill an ant? No, they do not, they kill thousands, millions of ants without ever being aware of it, How? Just by walking around, there is no need to plan for that," Haru's face still had that friendly smile while he talked about such things.

In-ho had to look up to see Haru because of the latter's height; plus even with the friendly smile, Haru looked more dangerous than ever.

"I see you are quite smart Haru," In-ho said with a flat tone.

"Unfortunately, I can't say the same about you In-ho," Haru shook his head.

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