
No Food?

Zenobia – …. Anyway let us get back on topic. What do you think the Dokkaebis get out of this?

Resha – We are trying to figure that out for now.

Jin-ah – I think it is commission.

Hae-in – that is a good shout, Streaming platforms always take a cut from the donations, right?

Jin-ah – ….yes they do.

Hae-in – Haha, I can see your angry face from here.

Jin-ah – Too bad Twitch doesn't have an office in Seoul or I would've burned it down.

Zenobia – I think that the commission will only work if the Dokkaebis have a monopoly on these streams. It won't work properly if they have a rival who does the same. And if they are weaker than the constellations, they won't be getting a thing and would have to work like slaves.

Alea – We are just getting more questions rather than answers.

Resha – Haru told me he thinks there is a hierarchy among the Dokkaebi and they have powerful people at the top who can go toe to toe with the constellations, otherwise, this whole setup won't work. Two different sides can't stay in harmony the weaker one will have to bow to the stronger ones one way or another. So I think there is a mutual agreement between the Dokkaebi faction and the Constellations. On the surface, it looks like the Constellations have the upper hand since they sit back and watch while the Dokkaebi work and try to please them by bringing them possible people they can sponsor, But we are still missing pieces here so we need to gather more information.

Zenobia – The Coins are also very interesting, people can strengthen themselves using them and the constellations use them when they donate while the commission goes to the Dokkaebi. So I think Coins are an important factor.

Alea – Doesn't that mean that as long as you have coins you can raise your strength infinitely?

Kanae – That might be possible but we are still restricted to a certain level right now. But it should likely be possible in the future.

Resha – I told you before how a constellation intervened in the scenario where we were, right?

Jin-ah – Yes.

Zenobia – Can it be you suspect it was done by the use of Coins?

Resha – Yes Haru agrees with me on this.

Hae-in – Then does it mean if you have enough coins you can rewrite the world?

Jin-ah – Am I witnessing the birth of a Super Villain?

Alea – Haha, We might be.

Zenobia – Given the current information I think it is possible, but still, we don't have enough information on the system and its restrictions, so only assumptions can be made right now.

Resha – Yes, I agree with Zenobia. If we don't know more about Coins and the system along with its limitations, we might as well be trying to run an Aircraft carrier with petrol.

Hae-in – I see.

Jin-ah – I see.

Alea – I see.

Zenobia – I think it would take time to figure it out, so let's gather our ideas and deductions till we meet then sit down to have a discussion. For now, get as much information as possible.

Resha – Our side is doing pretty well on that, Haru's plans are already in motion.

'They sure are having fun,' Haru shook his head as he proceed to read the messages and wrote one.

Haru – We'll meet soon so be safe.

Haru sent the message and kept the phone in his pocket again and went out of the bathroom. After drinking some water at the water dispenser nearby, Haru walked and checked different places at the station before going to where everyone in his group was sitting down.

"So everyone freshened up a little?" Haru asked while sitting down beside Queresha.

"Yes Haru-ssi," Hyun-sung spoke up.

"I didn't know blood was this hard to wash off," Nam-woon said while looking at his own shirt, there were still splatters of blood on it.

"Sigh* I was trying to make the atmosphere a bit normal," Haru sighed heavily as Sang-ah and Hyun-sung smiled wryly since Haru might've succeeded if not for Nam-woon's comment.

"So then let's focus on the main thing," Haru looked at others seriously as they focused on what he was going to say next.

"I am hungry," Haru said with a tired look.


'Why do this to us? We really thought you were about to say something important,' Hyun-sung, Sang-ah, and Nam-woon thought with betrayed expressions.

"Haha, don't look at me like that, I am really hungry and I am sure you all are the same," Haru said while looking at them.

"Well…. I didn't have lunch because I needed to work on some files," Sang-ah was actually quite hungry but seeing the situation she didn't say anything.

"Yeah I am too, but Haru-ssi shouldn't we discuss about the scenario first?" Hyun-sung asked sure they were hungry but if they don't complete the task they will be dead.

"The scenario is about food in the first place, But I don't think that eating monsters would be a good choice, more so if don't know how to cook them. So I thought we should eat something for now and then think about what to do with the scenario," Haru spoke as the others nodded understanding his concern.

Eating the monster meat without knowing how to cook it the correct way would be disastrous; it surely won't end with just a bad stomach or something, worse case they might die. So Haru's words made sense, first, they should discuss the food they can eat right now.

[Some constellations are impressed at your cautiousness.]

[300 Coins have been Sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is surprised that you didn't grill the rat from before and ate it without thinking.]

'…I won't do something like that, you know?' Haru deadpanned, if it was something similar to a chicken or boar he might've done it.

"There should be some stores on the station right? We can get some food from there," Nam-woon said like it was no big deal.

"We can't do that," Haru shook his head.

"Why? Is it because someone is camping at the stores? If so, then we just need to beat the crap out of them, Simple," Nam-woon said with a grin. Hyun-sung wanted to say something but stopped himself after a bit of hesitation.

"It isn't about that either," Haru said puzzling the others, if it wasn't a group monopolizing the store, what else was it?

"The stores at the station are already emptied," Haru said.

"T-This early?" Sang-ah was shocked since it was about 8:30 P.M right now. And to think the people have emptied the stores in one and a half hours.

"Damn it, some people should've stashed it, We should just turn the whole place upside down," Nam-woon said with a frown, he actually was the one who was feeling the most hunger right now and it was agitating him.

"That is not really a good move, you should know that there are currently more than a hundred people present here and they are all survivors who passed the first scenario," Haru said while looking at everyone.

His group understood what that meant, everyone here is someone who most likely survived by taking another's life. So doing what Nam-woon suggested will be the same as making an enemy out of everyone, it would be the worst thing to do.

"So, Do you have a plan Ahjussi?" Nam-woon asked, he understood what Haru said. Even if they are strong, fighting so many would only be their death.

"There are two options right now, One is to exchange for food with the people here, and the second is to get food for ourselves," Haru said while tapping his thigh with his finger.

"I don't think trade is…. possible right now," Sang-ah said while looking around them to see people being wary of them. Haru thought the same because of what had happened people were wary of each other. And in such a situation where food was scarce, it is going to be hard to trade.

"But where will we go to search for food? The shops at the station have been emptied," Hyun-sung muttered.

"Hey, Ahjussi you don't mean we need to go outside of the station right?" Nam-woon asked while raising an eyebrow.

"T-That isn't really plausible, we will only put ourselves in danger," Hyun-sung said quickly, the thought of going outside seemed so insane that it didn't even cross his mind.

"That is what I wanted to do though," Haru said causing the group to look at him.

"B-But…." Haru stopped Sang-ah from speaking and said.

"I know that all of us going outside is nothing short of suicide,"

"That is what I am saying," Hyun-sung sighed in relief since Haru seemed to understand the danger but Haru wasn't done speaking yet.

"That is the reason I am going out alone this time,"


Any thoughts?

And to the ones who have the original tell me if the og characters are looking consistent or not.

Also I updated the character page do your magic there, Bye.

Next chapter