

Before rushing down to the last floor, where he strongly suspected he would be faced with the dragon, or what remained of it, Lex took out the black jade piece that Powell had given him. If the Peronian Jade existed, the compass would find it.

In all honesty, Lex did not mind doing the man this favor. He only wished that he could have kept a small piece of jade so as to study what was so special about it. There was a strong possibility that the jade was just an item he needed to sell to another client, but regardless, the overwhelmingly favorable deal that Lex had gotten made him curious.

As soon as he summoned the jade, it vibrated and an arrow appeared pointing down. There indeed was Peronian Jade, and it was at the lowest level of the hoard! Lex subtly nodded, as if such a thing only made sense.

He put the jade away, but before he could depart, his ever present, ever reliable holographic assistant spoke up.


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