
ABO / 5.3 : Not my problem

Atlas leaned his head on Damian's shoulder as they rode to Nye Games. He needs to do some modifications on the game Extinct. Since the game is already licensed by Nye Games he can't take it.

It's fine they can have it when he's done adding a few things. Once Damian breaks their contract they'll lose a big distributor. Nye Games have an online site where they sell the games but Cian Cube is 70% of their sales.

All the games on Cian Cube from Nye Games were created by him it's the sole reason they make so much money. Well, he'll become their competition and he'll watch with a smile as Nye Games becomes ashes.

Ludek has been pressuring him into finishing the game Extinct so Elwyn can present it to the board of directors. He told him to write the presentation and then help Elwyn rehearse it so it will go perfectly.

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