
Shrine Maiden

In front of an oval shaped purple dimensional gate, Lith stood and had a look at it.

Only a few people were around and the enthusiasm to explore new places had dwindled due to the consequences. 

Lith was in his adventurer's clothes, wearing a white shirt, brown vest, pants, shoes and hat. A sword hung on his waist, and he checked if there was anything he missed. 

Finding nothing, Lith walked into the portal and after a flash of darkness, a mesmerizing view of a temple came into his view. The trees, plants, and even the temple were a bright cherry blossom pink. 

A shrine maiden in pink and white robes was dusting the leaves on the ground with a gloomy expression on her face. Her facial features were pristine like a well polished jade, and despite moving absentmindedly, her movements were fluid. 
