
Fairy Race Revival (2)

Among the ten thousand people present, eight thousand were females and the rest were males.

Bella was the Fairy Queen and called the shots. For what reasons she wanted a female dominating race, Lith didn't know and neither did Bella mention it.

The two fed the ten thousand people the fruit and Bella then had a big magic circle etched on the ground beneath.

The ten thousand people were placed in a proper circular order over this magic circle and once finished, Bella began chanting something in an unknown language.

Lith sat down over a log and turned to look at what Bella was doing.

The atmosphere began turning dark with clouds appearing overhead.

The magic circle cast on the ground soon lifted up and wrapped around the bodies lying on it, then began glowing.

A storm formed in the sky with Lightning crackling intensely. A sign that usually hinted towards a tribulation.

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