
Volume 4 - Chapter 32(Till we meet again(Part 3))


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


Kyubey: What about that contacted spirit of yours?

Primis: Beatrice?

Kyubey: Yes. With her strength, she will be nothing more than a burden there.

Primis: ..................…She won't be.

Kyubey: Oh?

Closing his eyes again, Primis stood up in the darkness.

A minute later.


A light shone in front of him before taking shape. When it was done, the light faded, and Beatrice could be seen standing in front of them. Because of their connection, Primis could also pull Beatrice in his dream.

When Primis opened his eyes, Beatrice did the same. The first thing she saw was Primis. Then tears gathered in her eyes as she jumped into Primis' embrace.

Beatrice: RIGLA!!!!!!!!

Sighing, Primis hugged her tightly in response. She was crying in his chest as Primis was patting her head and back to calm her. Unlike his relationship with Ophis, Sheng Ming, Ais, Emilia, Rem, and so on, Primis had always thought of Beatrice as his little sister. Like him, Beatrice also thought of Primis as her Big Brother. So, she didn't need to hide the fear and worry in front of him.

They kept on hugging each other until Beatrice had calmed down. Once she did, she raised her head and looked at him.

Beatrice: Betty apologizes for angering you by being selfish.

In response, Primis' expression turned gently as he kept on patting her head.

Primis: It's ok. You can be as selfish as you want other times but when it's something serious, you must listen to me.

Beatrice: Um.

A smile also appeared on Beatrice face hearing this. Primis patted her a few times before his expression turned serious.

Primis: Betty, there is something you need to know.

Sensing the graveness in Primis' tone, Beatrice also became alert and put her attention completely on Primis' words.

Primis: You must have known about me or Subaru because of the "Book of Wisdom" that your mother "Witch of Greed" gave you 400 years ago.

Hearing this, Beatrice eyes opened wide in shock.

Beatrice: How did you----

Primis: I just know.

Beatrice: I see. Um. Mother gave me that book, that's why I knew about you.

Primis: You are lying. Your mother only mentioned one person that will come here. That's why you were confused when me and Subaru came because that's not how it should be.

Beatrice: ...............

Beatrice became silent again. Then she lowered her head as if agreeing with Primis.

Primis: Anyway, that doesn't matter for now. Listen to what I have to say.

Raising her head, Beatrice looked at Primis again.

Primis: Unlike Subaru, I have the power to travel to different worlds. And something happened so I must leave in an hour.

Beatrice: YOU ARE LEAVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beatrice shouted in shock hearing this.

Primis: Yes.

Beatrice: Can......I come.........too?

Primis: ..................That's the problem here. I am going to a very Higher plane.

Beatrice: I...see. So, I can't............…. come.

Primis: The current you, can't.

Beatrice became sad because she also knew her strength.

Primis: However, since you are my Contracted Spirit, I have a way to make you a lot stronger this instant.

Beatrice: REALLY!!!!!!!!!!

Primis: But it won't be easy. You must suffer a lot during the process. Are you willing?

Beatrice: YES!!!

Primis: I see. Then brace yourself.

Saying this, Primis closed his eyes again. Once he did so, his appearance started to change as his "Planar Lord" clothes got replaced by his Midnight Coat with Elucidator behind. Next, he opened his now red eyes with three-tomoes in them and looked directly into Beatrice sky-blue eyes that have pink butterfly patterns.

Witnessing those eyes, Beatrice felt a chill down her spine as her vision started to get blurry. At that time, three-tomoes started rotating and formed a pattern of a pinwheel. With this Primis activated his "Mangekyō Sharingan".

Primis: Tsukuyomi.


Beatrice heard her own heartbeat before she fell into a powerful illusion. Not only that, but a large amount of knowledge was also entering her mind. At that time, she also heard Primis words.

Primis: Master those magics to the limit of your being.




Looking at Beatrice who had a blank expression, Primis returned to his "Planar Lord" form.

Primis: Now, on to the next step.

Next, Primis touched Beatrice and then.


Her entire body burst into countless particles of light.

Kyubey: I see. You are planning on reconstructing her body.

Primis: Yes. You see there is a difference between my main members and Contracted Spirits. My Main members can start from weak to strong but not my Contracted Spirits. They must be either me higher or equal to my level.

Kyubey: I get it. The reason why most people make contract with a spirit is to become strong. But if the spirit is weaker than the contractor then there's no point. Since you won't be requiring there help much.

Primis: Correct. That's why it's possible for me to raise the strength of my weaker contracted Spirit to at least my level.

Kyubey: Equals to which's level? "Planar Lord" or "The Black Swordsman"?

Primis: "The Black Swordsman" since its my main form after "God".

Kyubey: Great.

Primis: Now then.

As if receiving his call, all those light particles started to move according to his order.

Primis: One more thing, my Main Members have a skill called Harmony.

Kyubey: Harmony. Huh. No wonder when I saw them, they were all-rounders. Equally good in both Physical and Magical path.

Primis: Yes. But my Contracted Spirit won't have that skill. In other words, I can manipulate their path which I deemed fit for both us.

Kyubey: You are saying that she won't be Allrounder.

Primis: Correct. I am sure Betty has no intention of taking a physical path. Her direction will be completely on Magical one.

Kyubey: Indeed.

Primis: Let's see. First, I will decrease her Physical and Dexterity stats by 50% and add them to her Endurance and Magic Stats.



Some light particles started to shine even brightly, and some became dim.

Kyubey: Increasing her Magic power for attack and Endurance for defense. Not bad.

Primis: Next, decreasing her Agility by 25% and adding it to Dexterity.



The same thing happened again.

Kyubey: Making her Agility and Dexterity equal. Good call. There's not much point having high Agility if you don't have the fine control and movement over it which can only be done with the help of Dexterity.

Primis: Yes. With this even if Beatrice is forced for a Physical fight, she will still have the defense and movements to dodge or escape if the situation demands.

Kyubey: Right. The end results.




Strength: 50%

Endurance: 150%

Dexterity: 75%

Agility: 75%

C. Magic: 150%




Kyubey: Correct?

Primis: Correct.

Nodding, Primis waved his hand as the light particles, some dim, some brighter, and some even brighter ones started to merge.

Primis: As for her Equipment. Since she doesn't use weapons, she will only have one piece of equipment which will provide both boost in both attack and defense. I have already decided which skill they will provide.


Once he snapped his finger, more power came out of nowhere and covered those particles before disappearing altogether.

Primis: I am done. It will take five minutes. After that I will be able to meet Beatrice in the real world.

Kyubey: So, we are done here. You will wake up now.

Primis: Yes. Oh, yes. One more thing. Is there something else I need to know before getting up?

Kyubey: Let me think. Oh, yes. The Sword Saint is also currently staying in the Mansion.

Primis: Reinhard van Astrea?

Kyubey. Yes, him. It seems he came to investigate the Forbidden Forest because of the disturbance you created. So, he is staying for the time being.

Primis: What about Roswaal?

Kyubey: He is summoned to Kingdom of Lugunica to help investigate what you did again.

Primis: I see.

Kyubey: Anything else?

Primis: How long have I been sleeping?

Kyubey: Three Days.

Primis: Ok.

Kyubey: Done?

Primis: One last thing. Bring that person whom you said deemed worthy to join my army.

Kyubey: To where?

Primis: Flugel's Tree. And do it fast since you yourself said that we are running out of time.

Kyubey: Sure.

Primis: Let's meet in the real world then.

Saying this, Primis closed his eyes again.

'Primis: It's time to wake up.'







Primis eyes flickered open. The first that greeted him was the ceiling of the room he was in. He also could see the source of light coming into the room from the open curtain.


And there it was, the old familiar Twilight. Other time Primis won't have given it much thought but this time, he was very irritated since he had to leave for Megaverse out of nowhere.

'Primis: Quiet.'


Sensing the annoyance in Primis tone, Twilight became silent. After a minute, Primis tried to get up, but he couldn't. Some weight stopped him from getting up. Turning his head to the right, he saw Emilia holding his hand while sleeping at the side of the bed from her chair. Moving his head to the left, he saw the same thing though this time it was Rem.

Looking at their faces, Primis sighed, and his expression relaxed. It was as if seeing them get rid of some of his irritation.

Silently, Primis took off their hands and kept them on the bed before getting up. He stretched his body before walking up to the window. While doing so he looked at himself and saw that his clothes were somewhat haggard. It seemed that they tried to remove them to heal him but failed to do so. Well, it can't be helped because the only way to remove them was to send them to his soul.

Puck: Looks who's finally awake. Lia's King.

Puck appeared behind Primis at this time and spoke.

Primis: Emilia's King?

Puck: Of course. The way you handle everything in that village. And the way everyone kneeled before you. That was clearly a King's prestige. And seeing how you were so close to Lia and treating her with extreme care, they all now thought of you as a King and Lia as your Queen.

Primis: *sigh* Whatever. It seems you had a relaxing night.

Puck: I could say the same for you, having Lia and that Maid doodle on you.

Primis: Hmm. Don't you sleep from 5 and wake up at 9?

Puck: True. Though regardless of sleeping, I know exactly what's going on with Lia.

Primis: I see...........................Puck, I have a favor to ask.

Puck: If it's about asking for Lia's hand then no. I won't hand Lia over to----

Primis: I am leaving.

Puck: ........................…

Puck stopped his words hearing this. A shocked expression appeared on his face.

Primis: That's why I want you always to be in front of her while she is awake.

Puck: No!! Do you know what you are saying? I hate to admit it, but Lia loved you more than even me now. Her heart will shatter once you leave.

'Primis: I know. I know how emotionally weak she is. But.........…'

[Why don't you take her with you?]

'Primis: No.'

Puck: I won't let you.

Said Puck before Magic started to gather around him.

Primis: Don't worry. I am not going for forever.

This made Puck calm down somewhat.

Puck: Is that so. When will you be returning?

Primis: Maybe before the start of the Candidate elections.

Puck: Three Months. Huh.

Primis: Yes.

Puck: I see. Then what is the favor you want to ask.

Primis: The situation outside is very bad. So, I want you to make sure that neither Emilia nor Rem will leave the Mansion for the next three months. I am sure Roswaal will try to do or say something to make them leave. I want you to prevent them from going. Even by force.

Puck: You want me to cage them in this Mansion.

Primis: I know it's wrong for them but it's only for three months.

Puck: ..................

Primis: It's for their safety.

This was enough to make Puck accept.

Puck: *sigh* Fine. I will. But you also better keep your promise and return. I won't forgive you if you break your promise and hurt Lia.

Primis: I promise.

Saying this, Primis turned and walked to sleeping Emilia. He caressed her head before lowering himself and giving her a soft kiss on her lips.

Puck: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then he moved to Rem and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Caressing both of their heads, he spoke in an extremely soft voice.

Primis: Take care till we meet again.

He kept on patting their head for a minute before turning and leaving the room.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.


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