
The Agreement

Rayzel's eyes widened as she was stunned and confused for a minute, and asked him through the eyes of what he was asking her.

But sooner, she realized what he was asking her to bring to his hand. She remembered the two black folders where the contract agreement was hidden.

She did make this contract the way Scott instructed her. And so, she immediately took the black folder which she put inside his suitcase and gave it directly to Scott. 

It has two black folder which supposed to be one for Scott and one for the man in a white suit…and then she gives him two pens for each of them.

Scott then took the folders from Rayzel's hand and put one for him on the table and handed the other one to the man in a white suit.

But the man in a white suit suddenly talked again unexpectedly, and he glared into Scott while frowning.

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