
The Ancient Curse (Cecillia's Point Of Views)

Blood. I could see blood coming out of my body. I hadn't even had time to feel the pain I was feeling. My eyes were blurry, but I could still hear Amadea's voice echoing in my head.


The vines began to cover my body completely. The last thing I saw was Amadea tearing apart the body of one of the Northendell troops. 

The darkness that enveloped me slowly disappeared. The vines began to come off one by one. I arrived at my temple. The snowdrops that I saw began to be stained by the blood coming out of my wounds, which were strangely difficult to heal. Was it because there were two arrows stuck in my chest?

I walked with a limp step. The elixir of immortality given by Hylios had been handed over to Amadea. I rested near the statue, leaning to gather the rest of my strength. No, I couldn't die here. I held my stomach with trembling hands.

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