

Sweeper disappeared into the portal, leaving a small ripple to trailing across the silvery surface while Jay waited.

“Come on…” Jay hoped it would be back while Blue waited by his side.

Suddenly, the third wave of knights crashes into the Ova.

“Hurry, Sweeper… fuck.”

The knights had so much momentum that a group made it through.

“Shit,” he thought, gripping his shield and sword tightly and got ready to fight.

Without pause they descended on Jay, full of wrath as they readied their swords.

The helminth launched necrotic bolts, trying to hit more gaps of their rusted armor.

Jay immediately released more bones from his necrotic gauntlet, but it was to slow down the charging knights rather than to bring up more Ova.

Fifteen knights in total came barreling towards him, and the first three slammed into Jay’s shield. They pushed Jay back as he jumped back further.

Blue helped to brace against them, holding its sword with both hands.

Next chapter