
Chapter 23

"And please do not forget to bring your assignments for next class, and no; your assignment getting destroyed in a magical incident is not a valid excuse." Flitwick said with a smile as he released the students from the class, no one was sure whether it was him or the students who were happier that the class was over.

Though, Flitwick noted that there was one student who had remained behind. One young man who had been the topic of many meetings among the faculty, Jonathan Reed Richards.

Flitwick knew that most of his colleagues were not sure what to make of the young prodigy that had shown an, frankly ridiculously, impressive amount of talent in basically any branch of magic he had been taught in Hogwarts.

He couldn't really blame them, the maturity of the young man before him was far beyond his age. And that was without thinking about him being the one to uncover the truth about Pettigrew, something that Flitwick still had some trouble believing in, and allowed justice to finally found its place for Sirius Black.

"Sir, there is something I wanted to ask you." But Flitwick also though that they were overthinking things.

"Of course. What might be your question, mister Richards?" None of the so called weirdness around him changed the fact that the young man was a student of Hogwarts after all.

"I wanted to know the difference between the Baubillious charm and the Fulmina spell. From what I've read, they sound pretty much the same." A very… advanced Hogwarts Student for his age that is.

"Mister Richards… you do realize that Baubillious charm is a third year spell, and that Fulmina spell is not actually a part of the Hogwarts curriculum; right?" Half goblin Professor Said with some caution, wondering how much the young man was ahead of the classes.

"They just got my attention while I was looking through some books, I haven't tried them yet though." He said with a shrug and Flitwick mentally breathed out in relief. He didn't want to even imagine the sheer amount of damage mister Richards could have done it he actually had attempted to use Fulmina. That spell was far beyond anyone who was not at least a fifth year, no matter how talented they were.

"I am happy to hear that mister Richards. Regarding your first question, the answer is their nature." Flitwick began to explain.

"While both Fulmina and Baubillious spells create electricity, their nature behind the electricity is different. Baubillious is more akin to electricity one can interact in their daily life, which means it can be quite harmless like a small static electricity or far more fatal like… like putting a fork in a power socket." Flitwick said, happy that mister Richards was a muggleborn; therefore able to understand his analogy.

"Fulmina on the other hand is tied closely to the concept of lightning, meaning that it does not have a safe setting like Baubillious charm. It also possesses piercing effect, making it a rather popular finisher in higher level dueling tournaments."

"So the Baubillious charm is connected to the concept of being shocked while Fulmina is connected to the concept of lightning." Jonathan said with a hand on his chin, making Flitwick perk up with joy at being understood. That was the appeal of teaching the talented youth, you could easily see the results of your teachings. It was a different appeal compared to teaching those who were more... average like the newest Weasley of Hogwarts.

Though this was the first time he had felt this kind of satisfaction from teaching a first year.

"Then how about…"


"Severus, I truly hope that you have come bearing some good news." Dumbledore said with a smile on his face as he sat behind his desk; completely ignoring the complete mess of papers, books, glass and several other magical trinkets that was his office.

"From a matter of perspective." The potions master said with a sigh, also not caring much about the state of the office.

"I managed to convince Lupin to come back, he'll meet us at St. Mungo's in a week and will see Black." Severus said as he rubbed his temples.

"But I need you to understand one thing Albus, the man we'll be meeting is nothing like the Lupin we knew of during the war."

"I know that he's different my friend, we all are. Time changes everything, including us." The headmaster said with a sad look in his eyes, which turned into confusion when the potions professor scoffed at him.

"I don't mean one of those fortune cookie bullshits Albus. I mean that Lupin is now a man who is quite willing to tear out my throat." Severus deadpanned at the headmaster whose eyes widened as the words registered properly.

He knew that Lupin's last moments with the Order had not exactly been... pleasant. But he had hard time imagining the young man that had cried with relief as Dumbledore showed him the Shreaking Shack, a place where he could not hurt anyone during full moon, to have the willingness to do what Severus had claimed.

"Do you know what caused such a change?" He asked as he got up from his seat and walked towards Severus.

"I do not have a precise answer for that. But I think Lupin has gotten together with forces beyond wizards." The potion professor said gravely, making the headmaster halt in his tracks as his expression darkened. He knew of those 'forces beyond' that Severus was talking about, he had spent years trying to keep their worlds apart. Years, he had tried to keep their dangers away. In some vain hope that the darker parts of the magic wouldn't find their community after the Dark Lord's foolish actions during their last war.

"Homo magi."


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