
CHAPTER 41: Questioning.

A few days in and Sirin had already claimed an entire section of the base.

If one asked the residents, they would probably claim that they had room to spare anyway. So, their new ally could have it if it made him feel better. But in truth after finding out that the demon preferred the areas with dim lighting and was almost always in that section that needed maintenance, they decided against fixing the lighting and to avoid that area entirely.

Well, his existence was still not completely revealed to everyone in the base. The only people that had actually seen him were those that were there when he entered the base. But it was enough to spread rumours about a monster that lived in the now restricted area.

Sirin himself thought that it was funny and was starting to figure out how the vending machines worked, or rather that his tail was thin enough to reach the food inside, and he had a blast decorating the area with all the brightly coloured candy. He even discovered that with some candy you could actually draw if you made them wet. So, the place was filled with half-assed replicas of summoning circles and drawings of random demons that he had seen in hell.

He looked up when he heard footsteps approaching him. With a sigh he jumped off the vending machine, changed into a shade demon and dove into the shadows.

In no time at all he appeared behind William who had wandered into his new territory.

He was also followed by a few armed humans that seemed to use some sort of cloaking device. But in Sirin's eyes, their attempt to hide from him was quite pathetic. So, he naturally played along and just ignored them for now.


The man shivered as he suddenly heard the inhuman voice behind him. He turned around and the light of his lantern soon illuminated the figure of the demon he had let into this world. Only, the colours of the creature were reversed? Before he could ask about it Sirin had already changed back to his base form.

"What is it?" Sirin asked.

The startled human soon collected his thoughts. "I came to inform you about our plans the coming days. And since you seem to have settled in at this point, I would like to ask you some question as well."

Sirin shrugged. "Fine by me."

He led the man to what used to be the cafeteria before he destroyed it.

They sat down at one of the tables and William positioned the lantern so that he could clearly see the creature.

"You seemed to have done quite some redecorating. Does the place you live in also look like this?"

Sirin giggled. "No of course not. I only trashed this place because I don't live here. If I were to do this back home, I would actually have to clean it up again. But here it becomes your problem the moment I leave again."

The man glanced at the various demonic runes that had been drawn all over the walls. "Noted."

"So, what were those plans you wanted to inform me about?" The demon asked as he leaned on the table.

"We discovered an enemy outpost near the river. It seems fairly new so the higher ups there must have more information. Therefore, we plan to invade it over three days. And we hope that you would want to accompany us." He looked up at Sirin. "I assume you will manage without training. Tough I would like to know if you would need armour and what kind of adjustments would need to be made for that. Also, it is a promising idea to properly introduce you to the people you will be working with."

"Nah, I don't care for your armour. "Sirin answered. "I would probably only find new ways to destroy it anyways."

"And what about the soldiers you will be meeting?"

"Do what you want to do."

William quickly wrote something down in his notebook. "Alright then. Then would you like to answer some of my questions now that I still have time?"

"It wasn't part of the deal." Sirin spoke in threatening tone. "But didn't I already agree to this? What is the point in asking me twice? If I didn't want to answer your questions, I wouldn't be in front of you anymore."

After that William questioned Sirin about the basic stuff you would expect. Like what does hell look like? What kind of creatures live there? How do demons get out? So on and so forth.

Sirin answered all of them, though not all his answers were necessarily the truth. It was highly unlikely that these humans would actually go to hell at some point, so what was the harm in messing with them?

When William was done questioning Sirin, he grabbed all his stuff and prepared to leave again. But once he had turned his back on the demon, he heard it speak one last time.

"Tell the woman on your left that I like her green eyes. I might take one later."

The people that had tried to hide from Sirin were chocked. However, when William turned around the demon was no longer there.

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