
186. I won't talk to you...

Lately, just as Dee had suggested, Damon had tried going to crowded places, places where he could learn to adapt, but only with Isla. He never went alone. Getting used to interacting with women was scary for him, so he really wasn't ready to try it alone, so he always had her with him when he went to places. 

He'd try with all his might to handshake a lady, every time he did that, he always had his eyes shut close, his breath was held in, his whole body was on a standstill, but then slowly, slowly thinking of her beside him, the stiffness and fear begin to subside, the tension reduces, and his breathing stables. He was able to control himself. 

"What you doing?" he asks in a SpongeBob cute kind of way. 

"Nothing, just packing up for the trip tomorrow. You? Are you packed yet?" She says, putting the call on speaker as she continued searching for the necessary stuffs she would need. 

Next chapter