
158. sit on my lap...

Not explaining further to her, Damon held onto her hand again, and almost dragged her out of the door. What in the world was he so excited for? She could only wonder.

"Gather around everyone." He orders as soon as he steps out of his office. Even though he told them to gather around, they knew better than to move too close to him, so they all gather about five feet from where he stood, waiting and wondering what he had to say.

Maybe they're getting married... The thought rán through the head of many. Or maybe he just wants to officially announce their relationship... Others thought like this, even though he actually had no reason to explain to any of them about his love life.

"Now that you're all gathered here, I'm sure you all heard that I was in the hospital all this while, and for some reason, the global group project has been canceled..."

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