
104. Back in time XXX: they did it...

Friday in the woods at first was going pretty uneventful. Everyone just had fun. With the leading of Brett, they all found the little river where Damon had taken Isla to. 

Not wasting much time, each and everyone of them dived into the clean water. Commenting on how for once Mr Brett had done something really commendable. He had found water in the woods. He was a hero.

"Isla, are you not going to take a dip?" Viv asks as everyone was having a blast in the water. Everyone except Isla. Even Damon was dragged fully clothed into the water by Brett. Although he was out almost immediately, his clothes were still soaked. 

"No, I'm good" she simply replies, still drying Damon's hair like he was a baby who could not do it himself. 

"But you haven't had a bath since yesterday, what if you start to stink?" Henry blurted out, purposely to spite her, but Isla had no intentions of being spited. What he thought was non of her business. And besides... 

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