
62. his perfection...

She bought what she needed to and ate and drank everything right there. And when she was done, she thought. "I don't think he's had anything to eat either"

"who, your boss? Just leave him alone, he's not a baby for you to worry about him. And what if he gets angry at you for doing something unnecessary, I mean you said it yourself No eating in the department, and last I remember he is inside the department ?

" who gets angry over food, and besides its not working hours now. So the rules are invalid"

"the kind of person that insults a lady in public, that's who. Damon King, and if the rules are invalid, why did you eat everything here, why didn't you take it up to your office" Ivan answers her question.

"that was rhetorical Ivan, you didn't have to answer. And I just felt like eating here. She lied. And besides even if he gets angry, I'm used to his anger." she shrugged, and then picked out an extra pack of chips and a canned drink.

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