
Internships 4

When we arrived back at the Agency, Ryukyu asked "I forgot to ask earlier but what's your hero alias?"

Nejire curious to what my name would be, appeared right next to me and repeatedly asked "Tell us! Tell us!" while hopping up and down.

"It's Kagutsuchi" I told them which got an excited shriek from Nejire and approving nods from the other two.

"A fitting name if I've ever heard one" Ryukyu said while also wondering "With that name and your costume I can't help but ask, are you a believer of the Shinto Gods?"

Sighing at the question that seems to follow me everywhere I reply with "No, I don't believe in them. I just live in an area where lots of people do"

Nodding her head at my answer. Nejire then questions "Woah that's so cool, where do you live? is it nearby?"

How's this girl not got in trouble yet. I don't really mind but most people prefer a bit of privacy, especially with people they've just met.

Before I could speak Ryukyu bonked Nejire, making the girl cry out as she rubbed her head with pitiful look on her face.

"Nejire it's rude to ask such invasive questions to some you just met" she chastised.

"I don't really mind" I said making the curious girl brighten up while Ryukyu just shook her head at the girls antics.

"Come on then, tell me" Nejire urged.

"I live in Asakusa, it's about 45 minutes away from here" I told them

"Really!? That's such a cool place to live. I've always wanted to go there" Turning her attention to Ryukyu she pleads "Can we go see Asakusa, pretty please"

Kūki giggled at their interaction while Ryukyu just looked tired.

Explaining to the girl "Nejire you can't just leave to go and see places while your working" making Nejire deflate, seemingly extremely disappointed that she wouldn't be able to visit the town. It was then Ryukyu's face softened up as she said "If you work hard and behave we can go and see Asakusa after our shift is finished" which made Nejire jump in jubilation.

As we made our way back into the training room, Kūki left to go and speak with some of the other sidekicks. Ryukyu told me that I had free reign of the facilities here and I could use them to kill time until another call out happens. She on the other hand had an administrative meeting in half an hour, so she left to get prepared for that.

While waiting in the training room I decided to get a work out in, but unsurprisingly as I moved over to the exercise area I was stopped by none other than Nejire.

"Shinmon are you going to do some exercise? Well are you?" she said, pointed at all the different types of equipment lying around.

"Might as well, there's not much else to do here" I responded while walking over to the pull up bar.

"Mind if I join in?" she asked, blocking my path forwards.

Walking around the obstacle called Nejire I reply "Knock yourself out" to which she cheered.

While we both stretched ourselves out in preparation for some exercise, I asked Nejire "Mind telling me about your quirk"

Standing in a position that stretched out her groin, the excitable girl says "You want to know about my quirk, sure I'll tell you! It's been ages since I've told anyone about it, everyone I meet nowadays already knows how it works so I hardly get to talk about it.

"Oh right, my quirks called Wave Motion. It lets me convert my stamina into that spiralling golden energy you seen me use. It's super powerful, but it doesn't move very quickly" Nejire explained as she moved onto a different stretch.

"That's why I need to exercise so much, if I wasn't fit my quirk would take too much out of me" She giggled while posing and flexing her arms in a joking manner.

Although she was only kidding around her body's no joke, even through her costume I could see her toned muscles twitching with every movement. From her build you could tell she was more focused on endurance training rather than strength, and those years of training she must've put in has given her an extremely balanced body.

Noticing me checking her out, Nejire strikes a different, more enticing pose and says "Like what you see?"

In all honesty she came off more cute than sexy, even though she has a mature figure her whole personality makes it difficult to see her in such a way.

"You must've trained hard for a body like that" I said as my stretching came to an end.

Nejire who was already standing upright replied "I know, I'll do what I can to make sure I'm a hero that gives people confidence in themselves. So what we doing first huh?"

For the next hour or so the two of us worked with Ryukyu's training gear, I just done what I'd normally do at home, only dialled back a bit. Nejire on the other hand done a lot of stamina building exercises but still sometimes joined me in what ever I was doing.

Turns out once she's gets all of her questions out the way, she becomes a lot easier to get along with. Although I still got the occasional strange question, courtesy of her seemingly endless curiosity.

All in all it was nice to work out with some one other than myself for once, especially since Nejire could keep up and wouldn't complain.

Once Ryukyu finished her meeting, the three of us went to the upstairs café for something to eat. The café was bustling with people around this time, so we took our food back down to the training room and ate with the sidekicks.

A while after we finished our meal, another callout happened. This one was considerably less serious than the last, a small group were running around stealing people wallets using their quirks but as soon as Ryukyu appeared they never even tried to run away.

The rest of the day passed in a similar manner where most of it was spent either speaking with Nejire and the other sidekicks, or getting pointers from Ryukyu about how she runs her agency.

She's very patient and explains things in ways easy to understand, which made it easy for me to follow along. When we weren't talking about business related things, she was still easy to get along with, which was probably why everyone in her agency liked her so much.

Before I knew it the shift ended and my first day at the Ryukyu internship was over.


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