
Chapter 127

I look at the arena and see Stannis standing inside the arena, holding a sword in his hand. Coming from the other side of the arena is Renly Baratheon, his younger brother. As Stannis predicted, Renly will demand a trial by combat.

"May the gods be the witness of this trial!"

I snap from my thoughts when I hear one of the knights shout that.

After that word, both fighters dash with their swords in hand. I see both fighters clash, and after a minute of watching, I'm surprised that Renly can keep up with Stannis. His form is average; his physical strength compensates for his average fighting form.

The rumor that all of Baratheon is strong, is true.

The fight did not last long. It only lasts for about three minutes before I see Renly's head rolling on the ground. Seeing the headless body fall to the ground, I get up from my chair and loudly say.

"Winner! Stannis Baratheon! Gods have spoken!"

I then look at the White Cats standing near me and say.

"Take care of the body with care. We will bury him with honor. That is the least thing he deserves."

One of them nods and jumps to the arena, while the other moves to take the body bag. While the White Cats are busy taking care of the body, Stannis walks up to me and says,

"What now?"

I look Stannis right in the eyes and say.

"We will attack King's Landing and end this war."


|Tyrion Lannister - Dwarf of Lannister|

I can see my father rip the letter and slam his fist on the table. It looks like the letter is bringing him even more bad news. I don't blame him if that letter brings bad news. The only people still in denial that Lannister is done for are my father and my sister.

Both of them still think that the Lannister family will win this war.

We make too many enemies and are now fucked by all of them. To the north, we have the Stark. To the west and south, we have the Martell. To the east, we have the Targaryen.

Yesterday, we got the news that Westerland fell into the hands of Martell. The Snake Dessert sets five of our cities ablaze and burns most of our reinforcement. They even killed all of my uncles and aunts in that raid.

With the Greyjoy gone, the Martell safely lands on our shore and starts marching from city to city. What made matters worse, it was not a battle. The Snake Dessert uses a cowardly tactic to burn our cities and kill all the lords that stay in their cities.

The lord who left decides to surrender in exchange for Martell not killing them.

Now Martell set their eyes on the Reach. They are now stuck behind their wall because most of their army is in Storm's End. Last week, the Queen of Thorn sent a letter requesting an alliance. However, even after my father accepted them, he could not send any reinforcements.

With the north pushing them back and the threat of Targaryen to the east, he could not move his army.

"What does the letter say, father?"

I snap from my thoughts when I hear my dear sister's voice. I look at my father and see him glaring at her. Well, I don't blame him. She is the reason why this war happened.

"Renly Baratheon is dead, and now they are marching here. What makes matters worse, they have Loras Tyrell in their possession. The rumor says that the Targaryen and Stannis will ransom him back to that fat oaf for their complete surrender."

I can see Cersei pale at the news, and I must agree. This is the worst situation. Our only ally is now no longer our ally. Even when this rumor is proven false, we are still in a bad situation. I heard the news of their weapon, an explosive weapon that can break ships with ease. That weapon is the reason why the Greyjoy ceased to exist.

I know that weapon can break King's Landing's wall with ease.

"What should we do now, father?"

I look at him as he looks at the map with a frown. I waited for a few minutes before hearing his answer.

"Go to Essos."

"Pardon me?"

He looked at Cersei and me for a few seconds before saying.

"Take all of our money and go to Essos. Lannister will not fall. We will raise once again. Go."

"But father! We can still win this! We are still a royal family! We can hire the Golden Company. We can use all of our money to hire them. They can defeat that blasted dragon! I hear they have a massive mount to destroy an army."

"No. They can't win this fight, and I know they will not accept the job. They will not accept a losing battle."

"Then we should hire an assassin! The Faceless men will accept the job and kill that cursed Targaryen."

My father glares at her and says.

"Do you think I won't try that?! I already tried that seven times! And all seven of them reject it. In the last two requests, they even kill the messenger!"

Oh yeah. I remember that. I remember a spike with a head on top of it inside the throne room for all of us to see. It was a gruesome sight.

"There must be a way! There must be!"

My father walks to Cersei, and before she can say something, he hits her behind her back and lets her fall. He then looks at me and says,

"I have prepared a ship in the hidden dock. You know where it is. The boat will take you to Harrenhal. I need you to take this letter," He takes out a letter from his pocket, "and give it to your brother. From Harrenhal, you will use the canal and go to the Bay of Crabs. You will go to the Gulltown and go to the most eastern bar from the port. Go to the owner and say the code I wrote in the letter. He will prepare some room and ship for all of you. That ship will take you to Pentos, and the captain will introduce you to someone who will give you a safe house when you reach Pentos."

"You have been preparing for a while."

"Yes. It will only be a matter of time before we are surrounded from all sides. I will make sure the name of Lannister survives. Take your sister. Tell the knights outside this room to carry her.

I look at him for a few seconds and hug him quickly. It is the first time I see him with that soft gaze. Why only in death do people change? If only he had been like this from the beginning, maybe all of this would not happen.

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