
Hiro Ernest Vs Omar Noel

"Omar Noel, even my friend Hiro thinks that you should show your worth before fighting with me. He is ready to test whether you qualify to fight me!"

"- - - - -"

Once again, everyone was baffled by Zero's words.


"That arrogant bastard is not arrogant but a coward!"

"What test? He obviously wants to have Hiro handle the fight!"

"You coward! Come out and fight yourself!"

People once again started to curse at Zero. Not only did Zero mock Omar, but he also went to get help from other students.

They were stunned looking at Zero's bizarre behavior. One time he acts like the most courageous person and mocks even a person like Omar Noel. And the next thing you know, he is there pushing another student to fight for him.

What a shameless person!

They thought when looking at Zero.

This type of behavior angered the participants and the audience. They assumed Zero to be a person who just knows how to talk big.


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