
Chapter 21 | Fooling Senator Craig

Senator Craig looks at Lex and a smile comes on his face, he meets Lex and puts his hand out with a firm handshake.

Lex sees this and also put his hand out, Lex begun to subtly grip his hand making the Senator sweat bullets.


"Good grip you got their, Mr. Luthor I am glad you could join us on this fine night, a very special event for me and the Allies.

Also, I am happy you actually came to my party and to that, I feel like we will have a fruitful relationship in the near future."

Lex smiles and began to clear his throat, he begin to size up Senator Craig with a happy expression on his face, Lex could tell this man is snake like all others in this world.

"Great to come here and support you Senator Craig, I feel that you are the right Politician to support and donate to, my company is going public soon and I would like to invite to our grand opening."

Lex said, as he begun to walk with Senator Craig and to a more private area, when they arrived at the balcony you see a great overview of all the people outside the mansion just waiting to come in.

"Senator Craig, I think you could become even bigger than you are now, most people would be happy in your position, but I can smell fearless ambition in you, Senator.

I smell Presidency, we all know this President is weak and hasn't done anything noticeable in the War, but me and you can change that, if we take action now, we can become the true heroes of the War."

The more Lex spoke, the more the idea started to make sense, he can become President and finally get out of that Organization's thumb, he can become the greatest President in American history.

Lex seeing this smiled, he love tricking Politicians and getting under their skin, he saw that Senator Craig is having conflicted thoughts, after talking with the Senator, Lex has began to understand his motivations and psychology.

"I have studied you and watch you for awhile now Senator, you can become the hope, that the American people are dying for.

Only you can put what I said into action, don't cower in fear or intimidation like weak men be strong, become a leader great enough to rival the likes of Napoleon or Alexander the Great."

The Senator's breathing was becoming hasty and erratic, his palms are sweating with excitement and anticipation, he has always wanted to be President, but he never had the courage to run the race, because he was afraid of messing up like so many others.

Lex put his hands on the Senator's shoulders and begun to speak with a firm belief in his voice. "I believe in you, your supporters believe in you. So what's stopping from achieving that level of greatness? If I were you, I would immediately start preparing my journey to Presidency, no one would stop me, not even the Organization that have you under it's thumb like rabbit dog with nowhere to go."

The Senator was shocked about the words that came out of Lex's mouth.

How does he knows that? No one in the Allies side knows that. If news of this gets out, I would be ruined forever. My family and I would put in jail for the rest of our lives. Our children would ostracized.

Senator Craig thought, as the situation begun to be grave. "How do you know this sensitive information? Are you also a member of that Organization? Please, don't hurt my family? They are all I have left in this world."

Lex put his hand on his lips as a sign of being quiet. Lex just smiled and enjoyed the fear on the Senator's face, the feeling of being in control of someone's fate is addicting.

"No, I'm not a member of that Organization. Secondly, I won't hurt your family, unless you do something that would make me want to attack your family. Let's just say, I know you and your secrets, I am in control of your fate and also your family members. "

The Senator's face sighed in relief, he thought Lex was from that Organization, he has had enough of that Organization giving him orders and getting in his way.

Seeing the tension in the air has lessened a bit, Lex began to lay out his plan to Senator Craig. "Why I came here really is for you to do me a favor. I need all your Government contacts, Politicians, Police Officers, etc. If you don't comply, then you'll see what'll happen, I don't have to explain these possible events to you.

I need details about the War daily and also how your secret weapon is doing Steve Rodgers. My sources tell me, the Government is using him as public stunt devil. Can't say I'm surprised, you have to sell those War Bonds anyway you can."

Senator Craig was in shock, he never thought this man would know so much on the Allies side. Is he a possible ally on the Axis side? Senator's Craig mind went into overdrive. This man's next words will determine my fate.

Senator Craig thought, as Lex spoke. "The talk we had just now is up to you. Will you accept my offer? If you do, you'll become President during the war. "

Senator Craig struggled with his words, as he spoke. "I accept your offer. I will you give all my Government contacts. In exchange, you help me become President."

Lex smiled, when he heard the Senator's exchange, he was impressed, the Senator actually came up with benefits in this dire and stressful situation.

Thinking like a true Politician now. Lex thought. "You have my word, I will help you become President. We will reach greatness together, people will talk about us forever."

You really think you will get away with this? Once I become President, I will castrate you from this country and publicly execute you, Senator Craig thought.

Lex smiles, he knows what Senator Craig is thinking. The moment Senator Craig gave away his Government contacts, he has already lost this game of chess.

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