
Vampire of The Blue Moon vs. Hakuryuukou

Hearing me agree to Vali's challenge Gin and Valerie came up to me.

"Don't overdo it." Gin told me.

"Even if he does I will heal him." Valerie said. She then walked up to me and kissed me briefly before moving back.

What, did you think they were going to try and stop me?


Not with the way my personality is.

Moving on, once the two of them said their peace I walked closer to Vali. "So, where are we going to do this?" I asked him.

"You're about to find out." Vali told me. A second later he summoned a teleportation circle under us and we were off.


When the light of the teleportation circle died down I looked around, finding myself on some sort of tropical island.

All I saw around me for miles and miles was ocean. As for the island itself it had a bit of shrubbery and a small collection of scattered palm trees, but that's it. There is nothing else around.

"I found this place on one of my flights around the world. Nice isn't it?" Vali asked me, moving to place some distance between us.

"Yeah, it is." I mused. "Super peaceful. A nice place to get away from it all." I said, using magic to change into my battle suit and out of my school uniform.

I also summoned Hyorinmaru in my right hand.

"Enough chit-chat though, let's get started." I told Vali, pointing Hyorinmaru right at him.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Vali said, putting a grin on his face. In the next second the wings of [Divine Dividing] appeared.

'I have to take care.' I thought. If this turns into a long drawn out battle Vali will have the advantage since he can replenish his power by taking my own.

Thought that's only if he can touch me.

"Get ready Kufa Vampir, here I come." Vali said. He then flew at me, and closed the distance within a second. Once he did he started throwing punches and kicks, but I blocked and dodged with ease. I also used Hyorinmaru a couple of times, using its power to coat Vali's hands and feet with ice.

But a quick burst of demonic power at just the right moment canceled out the freezing affect.

Dodging a right hook I jumped back, and then sent a flying slash towards Vali that created ice along the ground as it raced toward him.

He flew high into the air and dodged.

Numerous magic circles then appeared around his body and fired off demonic power bullets straight at me.

Raising my left hand I summoned numerous magic circles of my own and sent ice shards out from them to counter Vali's barrage, our two waves colliding and canceling each other out.

That only made Vali grin happily.

"Strong, you are really strong. I never though there was someone in my own generation this strong." Vali said.

"Well I'm glad you find me so interesting." I said, putting a smirk on my face. "So, why don't we take this up a notch?"

"You read my mind." Vali said. He then disappeared in a flash, leaving behind only trace particles of light.

Seeing this I put my guard up, and waited to Vali to reappear.

Which he did on my left. He threw a punch, hitting me in my ribs. The moment he did a voice rang out.


When I heard that voice I felt my power drain from my body. Meanwhile Vali's Divine Dividing wings lit up like a Christmas Tree and energy burst from then in waves.

All the while Vali smiled like a maniac.

"Just one attack and one [Divide] and my magical reserves are already back to full strength. This is why fighting strong opponent is so much fun." He said.

"Likewise." I said. "Now then let me return that punch from earlier, with interest of course." I said. I then coated my body in Touki and activated [The World] causing Vali to freeze in place.

But I knew it wouldn't last for long.

That's why I closed the distance and repeatedly punch him in the gut and a couple of times in the face, before deactivating [The World].

Vali would break free eventually because of his sacred gears power and his own, so there is no point in keeping time frozen. It's better to use it for sneak attacks against him and those like him.

Anyway, when I unfroze time Vali was sent flying into the ground, throwing up sand as he did. He also coughed up a bit of blood in the process.

However there is no need to worry, he is still alive. This is a friendly spar, not a death match after all. If it was the former I would have gone al out from the beginning, and I can probably kill Vali with where I am in power right now. But again, I am not trying to do that.

I am just having some fun, just like what Vali is doing.

Speaking of him, he didn't even lay on the ground for an entire minute before getting back up to his feet.

When he did he brushed the sand off his body before taking to the air. The second after he did I felt his power rise and then two voices overlapping rang out.

[Divine Dividing: Scale Mail]

In an instant Vali was in his balance breaker form. Right after he was he stared moving around faster than before, leaving only traces of light particles in his wake.

I can't follow him with my eyes.

So instead of trying I expanded my senses, and also began lowering the temperature around me. The change in environment should trip Vali up.

Feeling something approaching me from behind I turned and held up Hyornmaru to block a punch from Vali.

But the instant I did he sent his free hand flying into my gut, landing a blow.


My strength was zapped once more, and I was sent flying a few meters into the air. But using my ice powers I created a pillar behind me and used it to stop.

As for Vali he summoned another array of magic circles and fired off another wave of demonic power bullets.

I shook my head at this.

Vali really needs to add some more techniques to his fighting-style. Taking Hyorinmaru I swung it, unleashing a powerful flying horizontal slash that countered many of the demonic power bullets coming towards me.

Not all of them though.

But that didn't matter.

I activated my own balance breaker. I then froze the rest of the demonic power bullets in place, before sending out slashes from Hyorinmaru to deal with them.

Then once I was done with that I used my power to slow down Vali, just as he was about to pull his disappearing act again.

Ignoring his flinching I coated myself in coated, along with Hyorinamru. I then wrapped my blade in a spiral of wind magic and launched myself at Vali, swinging down and slashing him across his chest.

The resulting explosion blasted him straight into the water.

Meanwhile I landed on the ground, placing Hyorinmaru on my shoulder.

"So, are we done, or do you still want to continue?" I asked Vali. That attack was powerful, but I know that wasn't enough to finish him off.

He's not that weak.

A few seconds after I asked my question a torrent of water shot upwards, Vali appearing from it.

"I want to continue." Vali said.

"Vali, are you sure?" A male voice suddenly spoke up.

"Yeah I'm sure Albion." Vali said.

"Oh, nice to meet you Albion." I said.

"The same to you." He said. "Also thank you for giving my partner a good fight. It's been a long time since he's had one."

"No problem." I said. "Again, I am also enjoying myself so its no trouble really." I explained.

"That's enough talk. Time to continue." Vali spoke.

"As you wish partner." Albion said.

I then felt the air itself starting to shift.

[Half Dimension]

Albion and Vali's voices both rang out.

So he's trying to half the space around me eh? Too bad so sad, but that's not going to work either.

Using my balance breaker I began rewinding time to right before Vali activated [Half Dimension] the two techniques canceling each other out.

Realizing then Vali gave up. He then coated his entire power in demonic power and rushed towards me, going for body blows once more.

Faster than before.

He managed to hit me a few times and divide my power, but I also managed to strike him, freezing and slashing his armor. The two of us went at it for a while before we both backed off.

The moment we did I accelerated myself and slowed Vali down to keep him from escaping.

Closing the distance I coated Hyorinmaru in Touki and upped its ice power, the air freezing around it. I then swung my blade downward, striking Vali right across his chest and his left wing.

My slash not only broke Vali's left wing and cracked open his armor, but it also left a trail of ice crystals along his chest. Even so he didn't go down.

He broke free from the time stasis and tried to punch me, but I jumped back and dodged it.

Lowering himself Vali's helmet came off, a trail of blood coming down his lip. He is also still wearing the grin on his face.

"Amazing." Vali mused. "But I know you can do more."

"So can you." I said.

"Yeah, now then let me show you." Vali said. He used demonic power to get rid of the ice crystals and then his armored repaired itself. I then felt his power rise.

But once I did I held up my hand and deactivated my balance breaker. "Hold up. Let's end it here." I told him.

"Why?" Vali asked me.

I gave him a deadpan look in response. "If you use the Juggernaut Drive, then I will have to go all out as well. Then not only will this island be destroyed, but thanks to my power we'll create a permanent winter island in a tropical climate. Do you really want to do that?"

"He's right partner." Albion spoke up.

Vali didn't say anything for a moment. He then sighed before nodding. "Ok, you are both right. We'll end it here." He said.

So with that Vali deactivated his scale mail.

Meanwhile I sent Hyorinmaru back to storage and then I walked over to him and applied healing magic.

"Thanks." He said.

"No problem." I told him. "I'll also take us back. Seeing as how you're so tired." I said, putting a cheeky smile on my face.

"Tch." Vali clicked his tongue like a child.

"Oh come on it was just a joke." I said, having finished the healing. "Are you really that petty Va-kun?" I asked with a grin on my face.

Vali looked at me. "How do you know that name?"

"Well my people are with the fallen angels and several magicians associations. But one our biggest allies is Grauzauberer." I explained. "And during a mission for Azazel I met a certain ice witch who just couldn't stop talking about her little brother." I said.

That mission with Lavinia Reni was quite something.

But even though I have met her I haven't met the other members of the famous Slash/Dog team. Though I know it's just a matter of time before I do.

Moving on Vali turned his head away from me. "Take us back now please."

"You asked nicely, good job Va-kun. I will be sure to let Lavinia know you are practicing proper manners." I said, trolling the hell out of Vali.

Feels good.

"Fuck you!" He shouted at me.

But I ignored it and continued smiling.

I also summoned a teleportation circle and returned us to exactly where we left from in Kuoh Town.


The moment we arrived back on the bridge, who should we run into but Issei and Asia.

'I guess some meetings are just destined to happen.' I thought.

"Eh Vampir-san, and who is this?" Asia asked me.

"Vali. The White Dragon Emperor and Issei's eternal rival." I quickly explained.

Iseei looked completely dumbfounded.

"Vali will explain everything. So will Ablion and Ddraig. See you guys later." I said.

I then ran off before anyone could say anything to me.

Once I did I headed straight to school, but not to class. That fight tired me out, so avoiding everyone I headed straight to the roof.

I then took a pillow out of my dimensional storage place and got comfortable.

Before long I entered dreamland.

It's such a nice day outside for a nap after all.
