
Last Night.

Pallet Town, Oak Residence.

All the people who came were given guest rooms within the Oak family house, and within one such room, the Salvador family had gathered.

"Show me that orb Prof. Oak gave you," said Alex and Alan handed the orb to his father.

"Everything good?" asked Alan as he saw his father staring intently at the orb.

"It's nothing, you know he is a researcher, and he always loves to look at new things," explained Ellie as she stood in front of Alan, who was lying on the bed, "I have to say, you did better in this tournament than we expected. But don't do anything foolish like taking two backlashes back to back ever again."

As Ellie talked to her son and kept him busy, Alex looked intently at the orb before he released a small wave of blue energy and wrapped the whole orb with it.

'How is it?' he asked within his mind.

[Nothin unusual, just a regular orb compressed by a psychic pokemon to increase the potential of the other.]

'Good, I thought Oak might try something funny, but I guess he is a man of morals.'

[Thats what I have liked about him too, unlike those others, he is a man of morals.]

'But it is still good we checked; you can never be more careful when dealing an old fox like him.'

[Since this is going to be used by your brats pokemon, I will leave a little gift for him too]

As the voice said that, mysterious energy floated from the Pokeball hanging around Alex's neck and wrapped the orb before it started to integrate with it.

[This will help him catch up with those brats in potential, at least.]

'You do realize what you have done?'

[Oh, don't be a mood killer; he worked hard for that second place. He deserves a reward; I can't understand why you won't help him like Red and Blue.]

'I will watch over him; anything he wants, he will have to get it himself. I will just make sure none of the old farts try something funny. Did you not see those brats in the tournament yourself? That is what you get when you shelter them too much. Even Red's and Blue's sons are nothing much; I don't want my son to turn out like them. And your little stunt right now delayed my plans for at least three more years."

[Who cares, at this point, we have all the time in the world. I was expecting more from Red's brat guess you are right when it comes to a few things. But what is even more surprising is that Eevee, who would have known it, would have such talent in psychic energy.]

'She will be a monster when she grows up.'

[But only if she evolves into Espeon else her talent would be a total waste. Too big a waste.]

'I will leave it to Alan and Eve to decide what they want.'

[It's good she has deep blue potential; this orb will be a significant boost. I still can't believe you decided not to get him a Violet potential pokemon like Red and Blue. If me and her tried, we could have succeeded at it.]

'As I said, you never know the value of something unless you work hard for it. At least he would have gotten a green, unlike you, who was nothing but orange.'

[Don't remind me of those days]

A smile formed on Alex's face as he thought about the past. But he soon changed his expression to something else.

"Oh, this is something I have never seen," said Alex out loud as he stared at the orb and Ellie turned around, taking the clue from his words, but she showed a surprised expression when she looked at the orb once again, "here, use it when Eve is evolving. That would be the best moment to use this item to its full potential."

Alex placed the orb in a small box before he handed it to Alan, "this box will help you preserve the orb to its full power till Eve evolves."

"What are your plans now?" he asked Alan before he took place beside his bed.

"Two years of pokemon school, and then I will do league quests and earn league points. I need to push Eve's potential and prepare for my next pokemons. Maybe I will get another Blue within the next six years. Even though I can't train it myself, I can always register it under your name."

"Six years would be enough to gather some resources while we train as much as possible. I need to get stronger myself and maybe do some research on Aura. Cynthia told me I have powerful Aura, but I don't have any method to practice it."

As he heard Alan's plans, Alex gave a smile before speaking, "don't worry about other pokemons yet. Else you will be disappointed."


"Do you know how rare a Blue pokemon is?" asked Alex with a mysterious smile, "I think you got carried away after seeing so many Blue potential pokemons."

As Alan heard his father's words, his confusion grew bigger.

"Do you think a pokemon with Blue potential is easy to find?" asked Ellie from the side.

"Doesn't everyone here have one?" he said while tilting his head.

Ellie struck him in the head with her fist before she spoke, "and who do you think these people are?"

"Cynthia Sharon; The only daughter of the current head of Sharon family, one of the families of 'the Creed.' Steven Stone; the only son of Devon Stone, the owner of Devon Corporation. Sabrina Saffron; The only daughter of the current head of Saffron city gym leader, one of the strongest gyms in Kanto and one of 'the Creed' families. Even that Daniel Joy, young master and hier of Joy clan. I should not have to explain what Joy clan is, right?"

As Ellie recounted all the people present in the camp, Alan slowly understood what was going on.

"For a pokemon to have blue potential at birth, there are a lot of conditions that need to be fulfilled," said Alex as he took over the explanation, "firstly, one of the parents should at least be Champion rank. Secondly, even if a parent is at Champion Rank, the probability of giving birth to a pokemon with Blue potential is only 10%, and that too if the second parent is also Champion rank. Otherwise, it is even less than that. For violet, the pokemon breeding needs more 'specific' things for their baby to have a Violet potential. Only the families in 'the creed' have that 'specific' thing, and with that, I can bet only Cynthia has the highest potential pokemon ever born."

"Some natural treasures can increase the chances of a baby pokemon having more potential, but those are not easy to come by. Each of those treasures is more expensive than you can think of. So the blue potential pokemons you saw resulted from a family putting in all their resources and gambling. You won't see them have another pokemon born with Blue potential ever."

As Alex explained to his son, Alan finally understood that he had been too caught up in his fantasies of having Blue potential pokemon that he forgot to consider reality.

"Wake up to reality."

Said Alex as he saw his son understand the meaning of his words, "be happy if you get a green potential pokemon. Now you understand why we asked you not to sell those green potential pokemon?"

"Why did you not stop me?"

"You need to stumble if you want to learn how to walk," said Ellie as she sighed, "but you don't need to worry much; green potential pokemon is not impossible to get. Unless someone decides to sell them in the league auction."

"Why do I feel sarcasm behind those words?" he asked

"You will know soon enough."

"But since Blue potential pokemon is so rare, then doesn't that mean...." as he dragged his words, Alan looked at the Pokeball hanging on his neck.

"Arceus himself blessed you; maybe he is compensating you for something? I don't know," said Alex as he shrugged his shoulders, "your Eevee is strong and looking at her innate skill, it says that one of her parents is a powerful Psychic-type pokemon. How did her egg get there? Who knows except Arceus."

"You should just be thankful and work your hardest. As you enter pokemon academy and live on your own, you will learn many things. When you look back, you would have made many mistakes, which of course, we would have prevented, but we let you make them since they were not too serious. You can always earn money, but you can never buy life experiences. As you look back at your mistakes, don't regret but learn and improve."

"Now rest up; you have a date tomorrow," said Alex teasing Alan as he saw that the atmosphere was too serious

"Oh, come on."


"What took you so long?"

"My father has a really good friend whose daughter is attending the camp. He met with him yesterday; seeing she had no friends, I invited her to the festival."

"Let's go now before we are too late," said Alan as he got into the car, followed by Steven.

The car soon made its way towards Viridian City.

"I can't believe a month went by so fast," said Steven as he looked outside the window.

"True," said Alan as he saw the trees go past them at rapid speed, "I came thinking I would only train, but who knew I would find a stray cat too."

"What did you just call me?"



"When are you flying back to Hoenn?"

"Tomorrow morning," said Steven as he looked towards Alan, "what about you?"

"I am going tonight around 3 am," he said before thinking about something, "I need to register in the academy, find a house and many more. I am not like a certain young lord of Devon Corporation. My plebeian self has to do my own things," he said jokingly.

As they both joked with each other, they reached the entrance to Virindia City.

The car stopped right outside the Pokemon Centre before they both got out and looked at the city decorated in lights.

"You go find your date; I need to look for May," said Steven before he ran off.

Before Alan could say anything, Steven had run away. He shook his head and took out his Pokedex before he made a call.

"Hey, where are you?" asked Alan before he exclaimed, "behind me?"

He turned around, and he became stunned.

With her blond hair falling down her back and wearing a black kimono, Cynthia walked towards him with a smile on her face.

"Why do you look so stunned?" she asked in confusion.

"You look pretty," he exclaimed out unconsciously before he placed his hands on his mouth.

Cynthia, too was shocked at what Alan said but smiled as she held his hand and dragged him away, "Let's go now; I want to play all the games they have set up in the stalls."

She did not look towards him to hide the red blush on her face.

Viridian City festival was held once every five years, coincidently at the same time as the training camp; hence it became a small ritual to attend the festival after the training camp.

As they went from one stall to another, Alan and Cynthia did not know when the time went by, and it was already late.

As they were about to go to one of the few stalls they had not visited Alan noticed someone sitting on a bench alone, holding her doll.

"Wait a second," he said before he ran towards Sabrina.

He soon reached where she was and called out, "Sabrina!"

She looked towards the person who called her name and was stunned before a tinge of happiness appeared in her eyes.

"Why are you sitting her alone?" he asked even though he knew he would not get any reply, "come with us," he said before he held her hand and dragged her away towards Cynthia.

Sabrina looked at her hand which was held by Alan without speaking.

"If it isn't Sabrina," said Cynthia when she saw who Alan brought along. Her eyes turned cold as she looked at her.

Sabrina too looked at Cynthia coldly and the atmosphere soon turned awkward. Alan who was standing between them felt awkward before he did the next best thing he could think of.

He grabbed their hands and started running towards the few stalls at the one end of city.

"Don't be mood killers, lets enjoy ourselves," he said as the trio ran and made their way ahead.

"Lets go there," said Alan as he saw a place giving out gifts for winning a game.

"Hey mister," said Alan as they reached, "how much for three of us?"

"I only have enough for one person to play, we are all closing our shops now."

"I will take it," he said before he looked at the girls, "wait here and don't fight."

"I will try," said Cynthia as she still looked coldly at Alan.

Sabrina as usually did not speak but returned the same cold look to Cynthia.

Alan shook his head talked to the man and paid him for the game.

"Why are you here?" asked Cynthia and surprisingly Sabrina gave a reply.

"Its a festival, everyone can come."

Cynthia's lips twitched at the reply.

"I mean why are you disturbing my time with Alan?"

"Are you on a date?" asked Sabrina.

"N-no, why would you say that?" said Cynthia flustered.

"Then how am I disturbing? He invited me," said Sabrina, her face as plain as ever, "he is my friend too."

As Cynthia heard Sabrina's last words she became shocked and did not say anything else.


They heard Alan's voice and turned to look towards him.

He placed a woman's hat on Cynthia's head and a stuffed a big doll into Sabrina's hands.

"These are for you too," he said before he walked somewhere else, "let's go eat an ice-cream. We only have tonights time with each other."

They both looked stunned and held the items he had just given them before a small smile appeared on their faces. As they heard Alan's last words and noticed each others smile, they both came to a mutual understanding.

'Lets have a truce for tonight.'

They both followed after him, there was still some time which they could spend together.

Then through the whole festival, a young boy and two girls went around the whole Virindia City enjoying their time with each other.


Author's Note: This officially marks the end of our first Arc. Congrats to all of us.

I hope you all enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun writing this and interacting with you guys in the comments section. I also appreciate all the criticism, suggestion and positive feedbacks you have given me.

Let's keep the story going till we become Champions.

Can we get in top 20 power ranking?

Alan_demoniccreators' thoughts
Next chapter