
Help me, please

As she went to dial Sebastian a text message came through [B*tch, you allowed that footage to be exposed. I will f*cking kill you if it ruins me. You wanted everything constantly, and I have given you your career. You do not protect me; I will ensure you are destroyed you promiscuous b*tch.]

Sara immediately texted back [I did not do this, so leave me alone.]

[You b*tch. You assured me you destroyed that footage, and my wife confronts me with it this morning. You are ruining me. You fail, and I will release what I must to ruin you.]

Sara shuddered at reading his threat. At the end of filming, he showed her photographs and film of everything he had her do. While it would seal him being jailed as a paedophile, it would ultimately ruin her, not only in pursuing a career in the entertainment industry but personally.

To protect herself, she sent back [Let me see what I can do]

[You better deal with this, and protect me otherwise, you will not like the consequences.]

Sara, dialled Sebastian, who on answering is spat out "What the hell. You b*tch."

Pleadingly Sara cried out "Sebastian, I need you to help me, please."

"With that footage. You really think that I can do anything. And, you thing I want anything to do with you."

"Sebastian, please listen to me, please."

"Give me one good reason."

"We love each other."

"You think what we feel could survive that level of public humiliation. You know I want to take over Daniel's role at the company, and my uncles tell me that I will be the better person to do so. I know that I need someone by my side, and yet…"

Sara started crying and between her sobs said, "Sebastian please listen to me."

"You have one more chance to give me a reason, otherwise we are over…"

Sara, quietly sobbed over the phone before saying "You know I have always wanted to be an actress?"

"You know my view on that. For people like us the entertainment industry is beneath us."

"I know. I heard about the television series and that the director always made stars out of his actresses and actors. Mummy always has liked his work, and convinced Daddy to invest in the project when she heard that he was filming a new television series. I thought because of that, if I was lucky enough to get a role, he would protect me from the bad side of the industry."

"Seriously you want me to believe that? You must be kidding."

Still sobbing, Sara said "Please let me finish. Mummy was able to talk to him, and he eventually agreed to meet me, after publicly rejecting me for the role. What Mummy told me from her discussions with him, is that he never explained to actors and actresses why they never got a role, as Mummy and Daddy had invested in the project and despite my failure to get a role did not pull their investment, he would take the time to explain to my why I did not get the role. I did not think anything was wrong with that."

"I still do not get what you are getting at. It just sounds like excuses."

"You played a part in what happened. I wanted you to come with me to the dance party the night this happened at the nightclub. I wanted you nearby in case something went wrong, but you refused me, wanting to go to the UFC fight with your friends. You told me it was a waste of time to go to that and refused to let me tell you why we needed to go. I had no option but to go on my own, as I wanted to understand why, not because I wanted to pursue a career in the industry, but I wanted to understand the failure to turn it into a positive for me in the future."

"You want to shift the blame to me!"

"No, No, No! I just want you to understand the context. I spent a couple of hours dancing at the party before I receive a message that he was waiting for me in a private room. I got a non-alcoholic drink from bar and drank that before I went to the room. It was only after I got into the room that I started to feel weird, and I do not remember what happened from thereon. Two days later the director contacted me because something happened with the actress who got the role initially and he offered me the role. I jumped at it, thinking nothing until the first day on set, when the director called me into his room and showed me photographs of what happened, and told me he would expose me. I did not know what to do as I remembered nothing, and could not prove what actually happened."

Sara paused and said "I need you to help me Sebastian. Can you get that taken down, and can you please help me get the truth out…"

Next chapter