
Protect Your Holes

[Years Ago]

"Cut it out Orihime! Stop killing our allies you crazy ho!" shouted Ichigo, his brow creased with concern as he stood on the bloody streets of the fake Karakura Town that Soul Society had lured Aizen and his minions too. Dead bodies littered the battlefield and the empty buildings were drenched in the deep crimson blood of ally and enemy alike.

"Fuck off, Ichigo! Aizen is using his illusion bullshit, he's gotta be one of these ass hats." shouted a blood-soaked Orihime as she lifted a beaten and battered Toshiro Hitsugaya over her head before bringing him down over her knee with a crushing backbreaker - the impact instant shattering the lad's spine. "If I just keep killing them, then I'll be sure to take him down at some point!"

"Yeah… but… they're our friends…" said Ichigo, tears welling up in his eyes as Orihime tore Hitsugaya's broken body in half with pure brute strength before tossing the bloody carcass aside like garbage.

"There are no friends on the battlefield you dumb pussy!" snarled Orihime, quoting the famous Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu before heading off to find her next victim. "Either grow up or go home!"

* * *

[Present Day]

"You're in deep shit now, ass-munch!" snarled Orihime, her primal bloodlust blazing around her like a crimson inferno as she rapidly sprinted towards the leering creature, her auburn hair trailing wildly behind her.

The Helping Hand gave a rumbling snort of contempt, its lurid purple aura dancing sexually in the gloom of the basement. Having just devoured the crusty dildo it had found sitting conspicuously on top of Chekhov's hot water heater, the warp-spawned creature had received a massive Slaaneshi power-up. Though it had come up short against its prey during their previous clash, the fiend was more than ready for round two.

"I don't think so, bitch," taunted Lefty before vanishing in a starburst of purple flame.

Orihime gasped, nearly vomiting as she was stopped dead in her tracks by a sharp blow to the midsection. Her body trembling, she looked down with wide bloodshot eyes to see the Helping Hand balled into a fist, grinning cruelly as it ground its hard knuckles into the smooth flesh of her bare abdomen.

Throwing off the pain with a cry of primal rage, Orihime brought her fists down in a crushing sledgehammer attack. However, the fiend was gone in the blink of an eye leaving the brutal strike to connect with nothing but air. Carried by her own momentum, the girl stumbled forward a step.

Sensing a flicker of movement behind her, Orihime spun and threw a slicing knife-hand chop, her hair long hair whipping about. Once again the attack cut only air as the creature gave a rumbling laugh and vanished in a spark of purple warp-fire.

Orihime brought her guard up and stood still for a moment, her senses heightened, and her bloodlust focused to a razor's edge as she channeled her warrior's instinct. Though her eyes still gleamed with murderous rage, she was just lucid enough to realize that the warp-spawned creature was using teleportation to avoid her attacks, not raw speed. The only way to counter this bullshit would be to…

Orihime's cried out, her back arching painfully as the Helping Hand viciously slammed into her right kidney. Choking on her own blood, the enraged girl spun and threw a sweeping roundhouse kick, but the fiend vanished in an instant, easily avoiding the blow.

Spitting a gob of blood onto the cold concrete floor, Orihime kept her guard up. She knew that her only chance at retaliation was to accurately predict the monster's next attack in advance and strike it the moment it appeared. Detect its pattern. Predict its movement. Strike. That would be the key to victory.

But the fiend didn't attack. It laughed.

Orihime gritted her teeth angrily as the warp-fiend teleported around the gloomy basement randomly, cackling like a total jerkass. Its bright purple aura left afterimages on her retina and screwed with her night vision by forcing her pupils to constantly readjust. She knew that the creature wasn't using strategy, it was just being a cocky wank-pheasant.

Growling with frustration Orihime's blood boiled with barely contained fury. She wanted more than anything to rush down the fiend and mindlessly attack it like a wild animal, but she suppressed her rage. Now was the time for strategy, not mindless bloodlust…

"SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!" roared Orihime, as she shot off in a mad dash towards the creature, any notion of strategy completely drowned out by her uncontrollable blood-crazed fury.

Knowing it had its prey right where it wanted, the warp-fiend gave a rumbling laugh before teleporting again. However, instead of moving to avoid the reckless charge, Lefty teleported right in front of the psychotic girl and struck her flush in the face with its hearty flick attack - the girl's own momentum carrying her directly into it.

Caught completely off guard, Orihime didn't even have time to cry out as the bone-crushing strike sent her flipping back end over end through the air like a broken doll before smashing into a pile of crates stacked against the far wall. Dust and wood exploded like dirty fireworks as the pile of debris came crashing down onto the rattled girl, burying he under its weight.

"Mhmmhmmmm… nice…" rumbled the warp-fiend, impressed with its handiwork. However, its cocky grin quickly morphed into a concerned scowl as its prey began pulling herself out from under the debris showing practically no signs of damage. "The whore is getting stronger…" Lefty thought, its earlier worries renewed.

"When I'm done with you… you're gonna wish… you'd never fucked with me… El Fucko…" growled Orihime breathing heavily as she pushed the last of the rubble off of her and pulled herself to her feet. A heavy trickle of blood streamed from her nose - literally the only sign that she had just been struck by a blow that would have caved in the skull of any ordinary person.

Its beady black eyes narrowing, Lefty took a moment to analyze its prey. Every time it thought it had gained a decisive advantage, the ho had somehow become even stronger. It was almost as if the more damage she took, the more powerful she got. A gift from the Blood God perhaps? Doesn't matter, the creature thought. There had to be a limit to this ability, there was no way the bitch was invincible.

In any case, the warp-fiend knew it couldn't afford to screw around anymore. If she were to grow even stronger, it could become a problem. It was time to get serious and end this fight.

The Helping Hand gave a hearty rumbling chuckle, its wicked aura dancing with amusement as it rekindled its mojo. "I'm done fartin' around you dumb ho," it taunted as its eyes hungrily traveled the smooth flesh of its prey. "I think it's about time I introduced you to my dingus, bitch."

"You don't even have a dingus, you dumb dickless jack-off!" snarled Orihime, her muscles tensing up for another attack.

"No slut, I have many," rumbled Lefty.

Ripping their way through the fabric of reality, a number of big green penis tentacles burst into the room from warp portals along the ceiling and walls. The vein-streaked meat poles twitched joyously and made cute giggling noises like furry woodland creatures excited for some hardcore Slaaneshi action.

Ignoring both her wounds and the withing dude-pistons, Orihime took off in a mad charge yet again, her aura of bloodlust blazing red hot as she rushed down the warp-fiend with intent to kill. Had she been more lucid, the blood-crazed girl might have assumed that killing the Helping Hand would end the threat of the dancing dangalangs, but truthfully, she just wanted to rip that smug little shit apart and paint the walls with its vile warp-blood.

Lefty showed no signs of concern as its prey rapidly closed in on it. Instead, it grinned with the confidence of a creature that had the situation completely under control. Its prey was dumber than dog shit, it thought, and after she stopped embarrassing herself with these futile struggles, the real fun would begin. The creature ran its forked tongue over its lips in anticipation.

With a deafening war cry that shook the entire building and sent cracks spreading through the basement's concrete walls, Orihime leaped into the air. Her bloody aura flared like a red sun as she hauled back to slug the leering monstrosity with a blow that carried the force of a billion exploding stars.

The sound of wet meat slapping echoed throughout the dingy basement as a thick green dangalang slammed into Orihime from the side like an oncoming car. The mighty blow stopped the girl's attack mid-strike and sent her crashing into the hot water heater, the hard metal crumpling on impact as she bounced off of it and fell to the floor in a heap.

The foul love muscles giggled gleefully as hot steam billowed from the top of the damaged water heater. With their prey stunned, the vile appendages quickly zipped in to take advantage, oh so eager to get a piece of dat ass before the human female could recover.

Shaking off the pain and quickly regaining her senses, Orihime jumped one sweeping tentacle, rolled to avoid another, and slipped a third that tried to punch straight into her mouth and down her throat. The vile appendages all wanted to be the first to sample her holes and were bashing and slamming against one another wildly as they fought to get close to her.

One particularly naughty tentacle snuck up beneath Orihime before rocketing straight up, desperate to get a taste of her well-maintained vagina. Unfortunately for the little shit, the very heat of its burning lust gave away its vile presence between her legs.

Reflexively throwing herself to the side to avoid forceful penetration, Orihime rolled to her feet and lashed out with a scything roundhouse kick. The powerful blow connected with the sound of slapping meat and sent the dirty little pecker slithering off whimpering like a puppy kicked by a drunken gigolo.

Growling angrily, Orihime kept her guard up and her senses sharp as the tentacles attacked one after another forcing her to jump, dodge, block, parry, and counterattack in rapid succession. There was no time to rest or recover as she found herself trapped in a violent sea of thrashing tally-whackers desperate to get their fuck on - each meat missile moving faster and more unpredictable than the last.

"LORENA BOBBITT GIVE ME STRENGTH!" cried Orihime in sheer desperation, throwing punches and kicks, knife hand chops, and hammer blows, anything she could think of to protect her holes. Nothing worked. The slick willies were meaty and flexible enough to absorb all of her attacks without taking significant damage as they continued their frenzied assault.

Despite the murderous battle-rage clouding her mind, Orihime had just enough sense to realize that she needed a cutting attack if she were to have any hope of survival. Quickly scanning the dreary basement, she spotted a pair of hedge clippers laying in a corner, their sharp blades gleaming with ill intent. With a cry of desperation, and a quick prayer of thanks to Ms. Bobbitt, Orihime dove for the gardening tool.


NEXT TIME on Bleach: Orihime Fisted - Assaulted on all sides by big green dangalangs hungry for her holes, Orihime discovers a weapon that may just give her the edge she needs. Can she Bobbittize the frenzied fuck-crazed flesh sticks? Or will they overwhelm her and enjoy the pleasures that only the tender flesh of a woman can give? Find out in the next exciting chapter of Bleach: Orihime Fisted!

Thanks for reading, mate! If ya liked that chapter, use the URL below to visit my website for more crazy content! Cheers, have a good one!


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