
CHAPTER 13 Reedit

Green eye cyclops:

"If you talking truth, then we are ready to serve you as our king." spoke the green eye cyclop

‛Ha, that is what I am waiting for.' 

So I reached out my hand and they took it in turn to shake it. "Will you be coming back with me to the camp?"

"We're going to work on blueprints of your brother's weapons you can go," Brontes said as Steropes pulled out a smooth wooden board and sheets of papyrus and a few bronze styli. I walked back to the tent to find everyone still asleep. I sit down meditate position next to Metis and closed my eyes.

I open my eyes up to the smell of bread being baked. I stand up and stretched.

"Oh, it looks like mister dramatic is finally awake." Hades, still in bed, rolled his eyes.

"How did I probably take the most damage and yet you wake up after six days later to me. Learn to take a hit." Boasted the little shit.(little shit = Hades)

"I'd prefer not to get hit at all, punching bag" Poseidon sneered over my shoulder.

Hades just shrugged. "I didn't think she'd be so powerful. Hey Zeus. Tell this woman to take off these wretched bandages. I can't move and I'm already fine!"

"I'm telling you! You need more time to heal." Hera protested. And I stood up. Hades craned his neck to look at me. "Thanks, this was getting annoying." I chuckled.

"No you stay in bed, doctor's orders. Where's Metis?"

Hera frowned."She's in the tent to the left." I nodded and left the tent.

It was already about three in the afternoon and somehow, the tent blocked out the banging. I turned to the right to see Brontes sitting on a rock while hammering a piece of red hot metal on the anvil. His large muscles bulged as he put two hundred percent of his body into shaping the metal.

Steropes tempered what was a trident. It was seven and a half foot long rod of what looked like silver with three prongs. The center shot straight up and ended at an arrow point. The side prongs first slanted down and out, forming a W, before going straight up and resting only a little under the center prong.

He is building what Atlanteans will call it Trident of Neptune weapon of Aquaman I don't think I will let it in the hands of a human.

And I don't even think I will let Aquaman born why. Well because he has a sexy mother that why.

Argus was busy polishing a pitch-black helmet that seemed to absorb light. It had the exact shape of a spartan helmet but instead of a red plume, it had a black plume that ended with a bit of a tail at the back. I smiled seeing them work on our gear. helm of darkness is a powerful weapon in hands of a right prison and that little shit has this helm for some time before I take it.

I looked past them and almost laughed. The Hecatoncheires were bench pressing multiple pine trees. To my left, Demeter was talking with Amalthea and Gida while walking through a small wheat field. I turned to the tent and walked in.

Inside, Metis was sitting in front of an oven, watching it.

 "Hey, I've awoken," I said while giving a wave. Metis almost fell out of her chair. She stood up and ran to me, giving me a big hug. I hugged her back. We stayed like that for a few minutes.

"My, my? Did you get bigger while lazing about in bed?" She asked eyeing my D playfully before getting on her toes to kiss me. I bent down to lock our lips. I did notice that when I woke up, I felt even stronger than before. Albeit only 2 to 3%. We parted and stared at each other.

Metis had her light blue/grey hair tied down into a ponytail. She had her hands on her wide hips and smiled up at me. Her soft lips had tasted sweet like sugar.

"I don't know. I'm special."I wink at Metis as I spoke.

"You are forgiven, but I did have many doubts about you beating Campe. Even Kronos was annoying fight with her. But I heard from everyone that you defeated her in single hand brutally." Metis spoke with stars in her eyes.

"She was playing around like an idiot. I had to finesse a bit." I think that she has some divinity but she didn't use it she was thinking i was weaker, and when she has time she was already dead from my plasma beam. I sat down and she sat on my lap, closing her blue eyes and resting her head on my chest.

"Do you like girls to be intimate" Metis spoke.

"Why do you ask?" I ask, not knowing where this is headed to.

"Because they always seem a little jealous when I'm around you. I just wanted to know if you share their feelings for them. Don't worry I won't get mad." Metis said making her stance clear.

 "I do actually." I spoke honestly "And they are not the only ones I like, and I will be liking many more."

"I figured. If you're to be king, it's only natural for you to have more women. If its true then I have a request for you." Metis spoke with a little worry in her voice.

"What is it?" I spoke in a reassuring voice.

She got up and took the bread rolls out of the oven before lathering butter on top. She sighed. "Make them Queen instead of me."

"Huh? What, why would you ask that?" I ask clearly surprise, although i was not planning to make her the only queen.

"I'm not like the rest of you. I'm a whole different species. The king and queen should both be Olympians." Metis spoke clearly hiding her desire for the greater good.

"Olympians? Where did you get that from." I grabbed one before tasting it. "That's what Poseidon voted to call you guys, and the others agreed." She shrugged and sighed.

"You don't have to worry about the queen staff I won't have a single queen, all wife's daughters will be queen in their rights." I firmly declared.

It took her some time to digest what I am talking to her. But after some time a big smile bloom on her face. and she gave me a loving kiss. After some, we parted I ask

"Why you think about queen staff suddenly. and why you ask now."

Metis rolled her eyes. "When have I ever tried to indirectly ask for something. I said what I mean. Yo-"


Loud explosions cut her off and She jumped out of the tent.

Brotes' hammer was overflowing with electricity as he hammered the weapon into completion. He and Arges took all three weapons and walked over to one of the Hecatoncheires, who promptly threw them to the top of the mountain. Steropes waved me over and poked his head into the tent with Hades, Poseidon, and Hera. Hades walked out after a moment. Finally free of his restraints and Poseidon followed, barely able to contain his excitement.

As I joined them we gave each other only a nod and followed the Cyclops up the mountain. After a few minutes of climbing and wondering when we were going to take the stairs, we reached a flat platform at the top to see Brontes and Arges waiting with the weapons of power covered in cloth. Steropes hurried over and took a weapon and they each got on a knee and held out the weapons.

"For Hades!" Arges said, his voice bellowing over the mountain. "Infused with the power of Erebus, it will make you undetectable! A shadow in the Night!"

Hades uncovered the helm and stood there for a few moments, admiring it. He finally put it on and immediately all the shadows on the mountain engulfed him, swirled around his body, and finally entered the helm. He turned to us and we couldn't see anything under the helm, just a black void. The helm was a matte black spartan helmet with diamond-shaped eyeholes. The nose guard fit perfectly on his pointy nose and ended in a leaf-shaped point. The side plates rode down, slanting down when it went past his nose guard, leaving only a small slit in between. It continued down and stopped at points at the top of his sternum. The plume was black and faded into grey mist at the top. He activated it and his entire body turned pitch black before disappearing. He took it off and reappeared giving us a smile and a wink with his now deep purple eyes.

Enjoy little shit before I take it from you & I know a goddess that helm will be useful for her more than you.

He held it under his arm as Steropes pushed forward his weapon. "For Poseidon! Infused with the power of Gaea, it will call upon powerful earthquakes that will split the land and create continents!"

Poseidon uncovered the trident and smiled. The moment he put it in his hand, the mountain began to shake and rumble, as if it was a volcano going to erupt. The trident was seven and a half feet tall. The rod was made of a silver metal that stopped at three spikes at the base of the prongs. The prongs were now golden and ended in leaf-shaped blades. On the center of the middle pronToo To silver rods slanted down and connected to the centers of the side prongs. He flipped it over and stabbed the trident into the ground, causing fractures to run down the mountain. He pulled out the trident, satisfied. He turned back to us, looking at us with now brown eyes. "Hell yeah! Can't wait to use this bad boy."

You can also enjoy it before I take it from you & I have two candidates for that trident: 1)Who is better than the queen of Atlanteans herself, Mera. 

2)Is Atlanna not be the mother of Aquaman. well, will be upgrading them before handing out that weapon.

Brontes presented his weapon. "For Zeus! Infused with the power of Ouranos, it will shatter the sky and call upon lightning and storms to smite those foolish enough to cross you!"

well I can already do that I don't need a weapon for doing it but it's not like I will use this weapon I will be building & collecting countless weapons from all fiction but I take it as starting point. for the gate of Babylon, I thought. 

Then I unwrapped my weapon. Immediately, thunder boomed, as dark clouds gathered. It was an eight-foot-long golden spear. Running up either side, were two silver zig zags that connected to the blade. The spearhead slanted down a bit before shooting back up to a dangerously sharp point. At the butt of the spear, the zig-zag faded into purple and made a lightning bolt. I smiled and shot my arm up, raising the spear into the air. The clouds flashed with thunder and a stream of lightning blasted down and onto the tip of the spear. The silver began to glow as the electricity flowing through it and into me. I never felt this much energy before! from a weapon, but what can I say this is my first time seeing a divinity weapon. It was, well, electrifying! My muscles bulged as I let the lighting course through my veins and into my very core.

I finally put the spear back down and the lightning stopped and the clouds disappeared, letting the sunshine again.

Well, it's not that strong but I can always upgrade it.

The Cyclopes got onto both knees and put their hands out in front of them.

"Hail the Olympus!"Cheer the cylopse

"Hail Lord Zeus!" The Olympians follow, not really but it would have been nice.



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8 power stone please please 

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