
A King and His Queen Part 8

Dawei POV

Even after all this time, the actual weight of my position of King has evaded. Honestly, I've simply used them as a tool for most of this time. A way to simply get back everything I had lost. It wasn't to say that I was as heartless as Mubong. I took the people he screwed him over and gave them a home and shelter beyond what Neo Nox, the World Government, and Balhea couldn't offer.

But more so, if it were to ever come down to it, I would stop at any sacrifice to save my friends. After all, it's not like I asked to be the King of Humans or Sage of the East. I'm just me at the end of the day, no matter what anyone says. However, since these talks with Xiaochen, I have become a lot less sacrificial and genuinely notice my teammates. Which is why I can tell something was wrong.

Tonight I was supposed to meet up with Xiaochen for our date, an undercover stroll throughout New Korea, but I haven't seen her all day. I hadn't seen most of the Nox agents I'm used to, which is rather strange given my "popularity." Luckily, my lousy feeling got rewarded as Peach coincidentally ran into my path.

It's good to see you Of course, thisKing. You're the only one who can stop Xiaochen. She's going to blow us all to smithereens if you don't. She's in the dining hall.

Taking total measures, I rocked it into the dining hall to see something that would be in my nightmares forever. Hundreds of Nox agents were at work, carrying crates full of flammable materials, heavy machinery, exquisite food, and other party decorations.

However, they didn't get about the development. They were all dead tired with sunken faces. Then, of course, at the epicenter of said madness was the Bishop that I was supposed to be meeting tonight, leading the charge with a crazed expression and her hair tied up into a bun with a baton. All while raving incessantly.

"Mush, faster all of you, not a thing must be out of place! It's only a matter of time before our King Daewi comes and -," she said, interrupted by my staredown.

"Oh hi, Daewi, are you ready for our date?"

After an hour of cleaning up, restoration, and formal apologies, I finally managed to properly leave things orderly enough to have a private talk with the woman who's had so much trouble this past week. Then, with the grimace of an angry parent, I decided to use my room as a kitchen for a makeshift stew.

While I let the brew stir, the two of us sat at a nearby table exchanging judgemental and guilty looks, respectively. However, even if I were mad, looking at her solemn face was worth any potential apology. So I looked back on our years of history, picking apart the purpose of this planned party.

For better or worse, though, she was always trying to do things in my best interest, no matter the intention. An angelic trait that I appreciate more by the day. So with these bubbly emotions rising like a geyser, I forgave her in the form of a solemn hug while saying the things she needed to hear. Xiaochen's body started to get hotter by the second.

"Look, I get why you may be nervous. I am too, I've never had anything like this before. All I know is that I don't want to let whatever we had to go. And that you don't need to please me with parties or gifts. I just need you," I said solemnly.

Words failed both of us at that point. Meaning that we let our actions speak for us. Little by little, our sense of the world and time faded away, leaving only us. In the starry night sky, Xiaochen looked so beautiful that I couldn't help myself. Before I knew it, both of our lips, signifying the second kiss I've had in my entire life.

A feat that was quickly followed by more as we peppered each other with more. Once that reached its peak, though, I found myself taking off my shirt. A trend that she seemed to partake in as well. Once we had gone fully bareback, I led her to my bedroom, hands held with enough pressure to make a diamond.

From there, we finally embraced each other fully all night, exploring the new selves we've made with each other. By the following day, I got drained in more ways than one. I doubt I could even stand up if I genuinely tried. Though that didn't matter, all that did was the partner who had seemed to stow away.

Xiaochen managed to rustle from the covers underneath the covers, looking embarrassed. At first, I wondered why she was scurrying cause she certainly didn't mind me seeing her naked body before. However, once I picked up the reason, I simply reassuringly said.

"You don't need to hide from me, Xiaochen. I want you to feel comfortable around me. It doesn't matter what you look like," I said compassionately.

The covers then started to rustle up even more, revealing only her light blue eyes while saying.

"Are you sure, ever since I used my Primeval borrowed power, my body hasn't looked the best," she said sheepishly?

I then proceeded to grab her submerged hand and say.

"Let me decide that for myself, okay?"

The quote was all Xioachen needed to make her way to the brave new world. The harsh sunlight turned most of her body into silhouette but left her face exposed enough to see her face. I've heard the effects of the Original Borrowed Power had, but in this case, I didn't care. Beneath the wrinkles, she was still the woman I chose to be with, the woman I love. So I promptly made my answer as I kissed her on the lips once again. I could feel Xiaochen's heart practically burst out of its chest when I said.

"Your beautiful Xiaochen, in every way," I said promptly.

Those six words were enough to melt away her fear as we both sank back to bed. We enjoyed this moment as long as humanly possible before it could get ripped away from us. Like it always does, like what happened not even a year later.

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