Silence, In the VIP hospital ward there was pin-drop silence. There were two women, one with a hot slutlery body while the other cute alluring one standing in front of the mature seductive one.
The cute alluring woman was sweating buckets standing in the corner trying to make her presence as low as possible to escape the catalytic event that was about to unfold in this ward.
While another one with a hot, slutery body was standing in front of the mature seductive woman with a wide smile on her face unknown to the fact what was going to happen to her next as she was to be punished.
"Mother you didn't answer, Are you alright?....Also the price Alex said, How much is it? He said you should know this and asked me to ask this question to you."
Rose as dumb as she was, really has the guts to ask this question to Helen the moment she entered the ward. Of course it was not the first thing she asked, she was not that dumb.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: